View Full Version : Berevar At A Glance

Max Dirks
02-23-15, 11:56 AM
(Written by Christoph.)

Berevar at a Glance


North of Salvar, across the vast Frozen Seas, lies Berevar. This arctic wasteland stretches beyond the map, a bleak expanse where even mighty pine trees give way to glaciers and treacherous cliffs. Only the hardiest and most stubborn thrive here, enduring the cold wind, hunting legendary beasts, and taking shelter in the ruins of impossibly ancient, long lost civilizations. Tread carefully, adventurers, for nearly everything in Berevar will be trying to kill you.

Things to remember when role-playing in Berevar: Frozen Wasteland -- Do not expect to find roads or warn inns here. Even the most prepared travelers face severe risks, both from the extreme cold weather and the dangerous inhabitants. If the icy winds spare you, the orcs or trolls or worse likely won't.

Core themes

These are the most notable and distinct storytelling elements present in Berevar. Note that this is far from an exhaustive list, and the themes below are not exclusive to this region. Rather, they are merely the themes most strongly present, the ones that truly define Berevar.

Off the Map -- An uncharted wasteland, few have braved the peril to explore Berevar. As such, little of the land is known to the more civilized world. When trying to find it on a map, simply search for the words, 'Here Be Monsters.'

Heart of Magic -- Some believe the Tap was originally created somewhere in Berevar, though others dispute this claim. None can deny that magic hangs thicker in the air here, even breaking down reality in places. A brave wizard might find his spells more potent, and unpredictable, in these northern wastes.



Sulgoran's Axe -- This narrow pass within the jagged Gorum Mountains is the primary land bridge between Salvar and Berevar. Salvic border lords battle orc chiefs constantly for control of this vital location.

Icehenge -- The heart of the Thayne Jomil's power is believed by many to be somewhere in Berevar. Its exact location is unknown, but neither that nor the extreme danger stops the brave and foolish from making pilgrimages into Berevar to find it. Surviving texts speak of great spires of ice and deadly trials that await.

Elders' Rock -- Ever year after raiding season, the chiefs of the great orc clans return to this place to make offerings to the Old Gods. Here, shamans are taught traditional magic and rituals and aging chiefs meet their final deaths against deadly monsters in spectacle fights.


Local creatures

Orcs -- Forming ten great clans, the proud and warlike race of Orcs form the closest thing to a civilization in the unforgiving north. Their influence once stretched across half of Salvar, but centuries of human expansion has pushed them further north, so that now only a paltry few clans are able to maintain strongholds within Salvar.

Minotaurs -- Ten feet tall, head and hooves of a bull and the body of a man, these mighty beasts roam the land in family groups. They are respected by the orcs as mortal avatars of the old gods of War and Wisdom.

Ice Trolls -- Fifteen feet tall, covered in thick fat and white fur, and possessing iron-hard claws, these solitary beasts hunt mammoths, orcs, and anything or anyone else they can find. When food grows scarce, trolls will hibernate under the snow. Be warned, for they are notoriously light sleepers and can smell flesh.

Many other creatures prowl the frozen unknown of Berevar, as of yet unrecorded.