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View Full Version : The Falling Star's First Day (Opening Post)

02-24-15, 03:22 AM
Awakening for what felt like the first time, or at least what the mind could perceive as the first time, the young fallen star rose to her feet among the dust and rocks. Standing in the middle of a large, circular pattern scorched into the very ground itself, she shook slightly. Though the ground around her was charred from what looked like flames, she felt her skin crawl as the open wind blew against her lone figure. The tattered clothes she wore offered little protection from the weather of the nighttime in this new land. But was it new? Had she not been here before? Maybe in a dream… or was this the dream she was having? Wondering about these questions, she looked around once again, subconsciously searching for something, yet what she didn’t quite know.

Finally, after she unknowingly got to her knees to start feeling around in the dark where her eyes betrayed her, she found it. She found that thing that she was looking for. But still, what was it?! Her mind screamed in frustration as she tried to contemplate what she had picked up. Wait, how did she know what she was? How frustrating… The young star looked down; the moonlight illuminating what she could only assume was her own body. Her skin was smooth, yet even in the view of the night, it looked as pale as the heavenly body that shone upon it. From what she could tell about her figure, she did appear to be a woman, well, a young one anyways… Rather pleased with how she looked, without real reason in her own mind, she continued to look over her body. It felt alien to her, yet so familiar. Even the little cracks that seemed to radiate from a large black spot in the crease of her elbow. A black spot? What’s that there for? Curious, she poked the spot, her finger dipping in much deeper than it should. Startled, the young star drew her hand back and shook her entire body violently in shock.

What just happened!? Why didn’t she feel anything!? She figured that if it was like any other part of her body that she’s already touched, she’d at least feel something. Her mind jutted away from these thoughts and back to the item she had been digging around for earlier. Her actions and thoughts so jumbled together that she wasn’t even sure what really came first. Once she found the object again, her hands turned this way and that as she looked it over. It was a solid metal object, shaped oddly like what her mind for some reason referred to as a “gun”. What that thought meant, she had no clue, but she liked what she held in her hand. It was the only thing that felt familiar to her in her entire time of… Existence? Yeah, existence. The object was cold, its metal chilled by the night. Though it was as ice, she didn’t mind its touch. Holding it to her chest, she smiled warmly. She felt better, not as if something was wrong in the first place, but as if she was completed by the “gun” being so close.
“Well, good to see you too, Holly. Having fun getting reacquainted?” The voice came from nowhere yet everywhere at the same time. Even though she couldn’t tell who, or even what, had spoken to her, she wasn’t startled in the slightest. She merely smiled another of her growing instinctual reflexes that she had no control of, holding the gun close. “Why, of course. What other reason would I have for keeping my smile?” She responded in a matter of fact manner, her eyes never leaving the gun she held.

“Well maybe waking up, finally. Or perhaps the fact that we’re somewhere new? Certainly it couldn’t be that your favorite clothes are ruined.” The voice in her head responded in a rather dry tone as she continued to exam the metallic object more. She didn’t know why she felt like it was the gun talking to her, nor did she really mind. “Now that you’re awake, Holly, why don’t we start finding some other people?”

“But Jacky, what’s with the big hole in my arm?” Holly had almost forgotten about the strange hole she couldn’t feel until she had noticed part of her other hand was inside the folded crook of the arm. “I can’t feel it, and it just seems to go on forever. I don’t know what’s going on and I. Don’t. Like. That!” She couldn’t help but shout at the gun, poor Jacky didn’t deserve it, but he was the only one there.

“Oh quiet down, Holly. You don’t expect me to believe that you don’t…. remember… what happened….. Oh dear.” Jacky’s voice was distraught as he came to some realization about what Holly was going through. “It looks like our trip took more out of you than ruining your clothes… Okay, Holly, we’ll figure out the problem with your arm later, but right now, we need to find others to learn where it is we are. I suggest we head towards where the stars seem to fade, that usually happens around civilization.”

Holly felt her hands tugged in the direction Jacky spoke of, noticing the gun seeming to be the source of the directional pull. It felt more like the gun was pulling her rather than something pulling the gun. Reluctantly, Holly started to walk in the direction the gun was pulling her, a frown crossing her face as she tried to mull over the problems she was facing. Her mind was having trouble dealing with this complex series of thoughts and the seemingly new sparks of sensation she felt at the occasional cool night breeze, or the rough, jagged stone beneath her bare feet. Holly figured she’d get over the rush of new sensations as she followed Jacky’s directions and merely walked onward, the pale light of the moon and her cold, metal gun as her only companions.

02-24-15, 04:59 PM
By the time the pale disk of the moon had reached the end of its journey and the golden rays of the sun started to shine, Holly had barely made it to the edge of the open, rocky plains of the Salvarian wilderness. The spares trees that marked the beginning of a forest were stark white, branches stripped of leaves as winter's harsh reign fell on the land. Her bare feet covered in scrapes, cuts and bruises, the young girl continued to walk on, the smile that had crossed her face in the prior night gone. Replaced by an expression of agony that was a bit too exaggerated as the girl felt pain for to some degree from a lack of footwear. As a sheer wind blew by, she shivered in her tattered clothes, the only items she had on her. Clasped in both her hands and held tight to her chest was the metal totem she had found on her awakening, its iron body somehow radiating heat in an otherwise frozen expanse.

Soon, the woods became thicker, still bare of growth, but more numerous. The ground beneath the girl's feet turned to a strange, fluffy powder. It was cold, yet soft and it eased some of the pains in her feet while causing her to feel like she was standing in... in... pure cold...?

"Jackey, what is this stuff I'm stepping in? Its so cold..." The girl would say out in the open, seemingly talking to thin air if watched from afar. "Its better than the last stuff I walked on, but now I feel even colder. I don't like it." She continued to grumble, shaking her head as she seemed to wait for someone to respond to her. Any other being would not have heard this awaited response, as soon a voice inside Holly's head began to speak.

"Calm down, Holly. Its just snow, you love snow. Albeit, you like it better when you have shoes on... And yes, it is better than those rocks you walked across." The voice was soothing to the girl, her lone companion on the trek she took towards the distance lights she saw in the previous night. To Holly, Jackey was all-knowing and all-doing in her mind, as he seemed to know more about herself than she did. "The lights we saw last night can't be too far from us now, so just keep walking. We'll find some place to warm up at once we get there." Not heeding Jackey's words too much, Holly continued to mumble and march her way through the woods.

Two hours go by, though to the young girl, it felt like forever as she braved onward through the snow-covered forest. Up ahead, through the edge of the forest where the trees thin in their dispersal, the first signs of civilization can be seen. The backs of wooden buildings, shingled roofs layered with snow, smoke coming from the chimneys. The hung clothes lines, forgotten garbs partially covered in what must have been last night's snowfall. Voices could be heard, mingled in with the sounds of carts moving across cobbled stone and the pounding of hammers on various surfaces as craftsman worked in the mid-morning light. "Wait..." Jackey called out in Holly's head. "Grab that blanket off the clothes line and cover yourself. We don't know what type of people we may come across."

Doing as she was told, Holly snatched the nearest blanket off the clothes line, shaking off the snow before wrapping it around herself. Walking slower through the snow, she finds herself in the middle of the town's market place. Stalls and booths set up along the side of the cobbled roads, store fronts busy with customers and craftsmen walking in and out with various goods and materials. A large and dominating structure took up the focal point of the market, its tall, stone towers and decorative glass an obvious expense compared to the humble wood buildings around it. Ornate glass windows depicted seemingly superhuman acts of heroism or terrifying evils. Those not shopping flocked to this building, mumbling the same phrases as they climbed its steps to enter in through the large wooden doors. Staring around with a rather surprised look on her face, Holly takes in the rest of the scene for a seemingly long time as she watches while knelt behind some snow covered crates.

02-25-15, 12:31 AM
Atrina had been walking through the marketplace to pick through a few things. She typically only needed to trade a few things here or there, a few medicinal herbs would barter for some cooking spices or a skin of milk, fresh pelts from animals killed by other animals could purchase more snow-ready clothing. Atrina's arm was marked with crossed out items from her list of necessities, and she happily bounced towards the edge of the village where she might return to the icy home she had made for herself in the woods. She forgot why she had come up this far into the snowy region, but it made no difference to a traveling druid with nowhere to be.

The citizens around this place seemed to take a keen interest in one particular building. It was a tough time making her way through the crowd, and Fen of course tried her very best not to trip anyone up, though failed terribly a few times. Once out of the crowd of would-be church goers, Atrina spotted a bit of a silly sight. Someone wrapped up in a blanket, spying on the crowd from behind some crates? Now that just seemed out of place. Atrina made her way a little closer to the person's hiding place. Not wanting to scare them off, she crouched down to try and get a better look.

"Hi there! Are you ok? You look cold!"

Fen walked a bit further forward, sniffing around. Something certainly smelled weird. Not bad weird, but not really good weird. Just... unknown.

"It's okay Fen, don't go scaring them off now," Atrina whispered to her little fox companion, making sure she wouldn't bolt after the first hint of a new scent to whiff up close.

02-25-15, 01:22 AM
“Hey, Holly. Quit poking around, we’ve already got someone’s attention.” Jackey’s voice resounded in Holly’s head like the bells at the top of the church’s steeples. She jerked back from her observing, and without grace, fell back on her ass as she was addressed by the first person to notice her. Holly’s unnatural eyes blinked once, twice, and three times as she took in the look of the woman addressing her, and the strange, furry… dog? Yeah, sure, dog seemed to be appropriate.

Offering an awkward smile, Holly spoke up. “Snow is fun… I think… I’m not too sure on that, and yes! I am alright. Though my arms have these weird hole things… oh, and the feet!” She lifts her legs up a bit, her tattered pants hanging like loose vines from the knees down as she showed off her battered feet. “Not sure what’s with them, but they aren’t alright.”

Holly hopped up to stand and in doing so, accidentally let the blanket fall off to reveal her rather tattered appearance. Jackey’s totemic form clutched tightly to her chest with one hand, the other outstretched in a rather mock gesture of a hand shake as she turned away briefly to watch and imitate a vendor talking to his customer. “And good day, sir!” She shouted towards the woman in front of her, offering again a very uncomfortable expression of joy.

02-25-15, 02:35 AM
Atrina's eyes went out of focus for a few seconds, long enough to witness the blanketed, and now more apparently female, person show off her feet. Atrina looked down at her arm, but everything was crossed off. Why was she at a stall? Why did the girl behind it call her a sir? None of it made any sense, so best to just go with it! Atrina walked a bit closer to the girl, as she seemed a bit less than scared, personable even.

"Well, I'm not really looking to buy anything right now, but you certainly aren't dressed for the weather. I have some extra though, and I certainly would like to take a closer look at those feet." Atrina's healer instincts were kicking in, the druidic training deeply ingrained in her mind telling her to care more than most others might. Fen was right, something here was new, and Atrina was starting to feel it too. She wasn't totally sure what she felt, however, and was compelled to learn more.

Fen was sniffing around a bit, getting closer to the girl, even going so far as to circle around her and sniff the fallen blanket. "That's Fen by the way," Atrina added in. "She's harmless, I promise. But she really likes to meet people."

By now, Atrina could feel the slip in her mind. She really could only feel them coming on when she really needed to care about something important, and now seemed like one of those times. She quickly pulled a bit of crushed indigo out of her bag and rubbed it on her arm. It spelled out 'girl' in sloppy hand writing. Just as she dropped the crude writing utensil back in her bag, her head lolled to the side a bit. She came back a second later and looked around. She was standing near a.. makeshift market stall? Why was Fen sniffing a blanket? Atrina blinked a few times, and looked down at her arm to see everything but 'girl' crossed out. Why would that be?

"Umm, hi. I'm Atrina, it's nice to meet you. The fox sniffing your blanket is Fen, she's not a biter though, just likes new people. I'm sorry, can I help you?" Atrina looked confused, and rightly so. There was a strange feeling around here, like something felt out of place. She finally noticed the girl's tattered clothing and lack of foot coverings, maybe that's why she was here? There was a nagging feeling in the back of her head, like there was something Atrina was supposed to do. She hoped this girl would know, at the very least.

02-25-15, 03:04 AM
“I like your dog. Also, here, foot.” Holly spouted her words quickly, not quite mumbling them or stuttering, but her speech was rather quick in an unnatural way. Up came her foot, dirt, snow, bruises, blisters, cuts and all. The miles of walking across Salvar’s open wilderness without protection were definitely not fine to her feet as the healer could easily see.

Not knowing for how long the woman wanted to see her feet, Holly hobbled around a bit, only putting her foot down and dawning a new, more curious look on her face as the friendly person seemed to lose focus on what was going on and rub herself with some strange thing from her bag.

Holding Jakey up close to her face as if to whisper to it, which she indeed did, she asks the obvious question. “Is everything alright with this one? She likes rubbing herself with things…..” As she spoke, she eyed the rather properly dressed woman up and down, then briefly followed the dog? as it circled around her.

Though the animal didn’t make her neccisarily uncomfortable, Holly did shake a foot at it as if testing the waters between her and Fen. As she did this, she noticed the girl reintroduced herself to her, going on about the dog again before asking if she could help. Help...? Help!

“Yes, yes you can! Holes! In my arms, weird, deep, holes! Oh, and feet! Stinging, cold, tired feet!” She frantically waved and pointed as she spoke, showing off one of the gaps in her arms briefly before raising up a foot to point at it again.

“Holly, stop! Put the blanket back on and keep your arms hidden. We don’t know anything about them or these people, it’s not safe!” Jackey’s voice practically shouted out in her head this time, hammering in its message. Cringing at his shouting, Holly merely glared at Jackey and shushed his physical being in her hands before turning back and smiling awkwardly at the woman before her.

02-25-15, 03:35 AM
Atrina didn't think anything of the girl's odd behavior. After seeing the way birds acted sometimes, she could have been ready for anything, except perhaps the holes in the arms thing. That struck her as a bit odd, but there would be time to worry about that later. The look of her feet wasn't great though, and Atrina wasn't sure how much she would be able to heal on her own.

"Hmmm," Atrina thought out loud. She didn't have much shelter nearby, and everyone was gone off somewhere. If there was a place to work, it'd be here. She grabbed the blanket and spread it out, giving her just enough room to sit them both down.

"Here, sit," she said, nearly pushing the girl over, though grabbing one of her arms to simply let her fall gently. Strange or not, she needed tending to, and Atrina was going to make it happen. She pulled off her winter-weather jacket, layered with fur both inside and out. If anything would be warm enough, it would be that. "Put this on while I start on your feet, ok? I'll find you some boots once I'm done."

Simultaneously, Atrina felt the gears in her head going out of sync, and the healing magic flowing through her arms. She'd only be able to solve a few of the smaller issues. She started with the blisters before she let her magic take over, poking through the skin and letting them drain, then removing the irritation with magic. The cuts on the bottoms of her feet weren't bad, and had stopped bleeding thanks to the cold. She had just got onto closing up the worst of them when her eyes went wide and empty.

There was a surge of magic in her body, which was strange. Why would she need magic? Wait, there's a pair of feet in her lap, and her hands were running over them. That made more sense. Atrina looked up at her patient's face, and saw that she was putting on.. her jacket? Now that was really strange. Not much stranger than a few things birds will do for seeds, though.

"Oh hi, sorry about this. I'm Atrina. Have we met yet? I feel like we met, but I don't know why. Are you ok?" Atrina looked at her with care in her eyes, wishing she knew why she was in this situation. It certainly felt important though, and she guessed that was what mattered. It was a druid's call to help every living thing complete the cycle with little discomfort. Humans, elves, orcs; wolves, foxes, deer. They all would die, but pain is a thing Atrina considered unnecessary.

02-25-15, 04:03 AM
Not really having much choice in the matter, Holly “sat down” more or less. She didn’t right know what to do with Jackey and the woman’s jacket at the same time, so she tried to compromise by sneaking the arm with Jackey in hand through one sleeve, then trying to fumble into the other. Though she had no clue what was going on, she did know her feet were feeling better. Much better actually, as the healer ran her hands over Holly’s feet. Toes wiggling, Holly smiled as she felt much better, and warmer after the jacket was rightly on her.

Noticing the woman zone out again, and of course introduce herself again, she figured that something must be wrong with her new acquaintance. Feeling bad for some reason, she smiles wide and says with as cheery a voice as she can muster, “Hello, Atrina. My name’s Sar-… Holly, my name is Holly. And yes, we met just right now. Thank you for making my feet better.” A giggle followed her words as Atrina hit a rather ticklish spot on the palm of her heel while she was tending to her wounds.

Jackey didn’t say much this time, well nothing audible as mumbles were heard in Holly’s head. With all this being so new, Holly didn’t really know what to make of Jackey’s mood, which was usually so clear to her. Instead, she glanced around anxiously as she was tended. In doing so, she noticed a few of the passers-by whispering hush words and stealing judgmental glances at the two sitting on the blanket next to a stall. Holly would wave and smile at each person who looked, but this seemed to just make it worse as those who caught her gestures hurried off even quicker.

“So, Atrina, what’re you doing here? Well, I mean, you’re doing something, because my feet are feeling better. But I mean, here here. You don’t act like any of these people. Then again, I don’t know any of these people…” Holly asked the healer, not quite questioning her, more of making ideal chatter.

02-25-15, 04:31 AM
The healer was diligent in her task, closing up the skin before reducing what minor swelling there was. A bit of ache is much less to worry about than gangrene, of course, and Atrina felt on point. She paid no mind to the passersby, and let the girl act as she please. As long as she didn't try to get up or move too much while Atrina was working, she could do whatever she felt like.

Atrina focused more of her energy on a particularly deep bruise in the girl's foot as she responded. She was getting a bit tired, the essence of her magic being literally pulled from her like a form of energy. She could do a bit more to make walking comfortable, but that would be about it. "You're welcome Holly, it's my job. I mostly come to places like this for things I need, and I go where I'm needed to help where I can. People, animals, sometimes entire forests."

"I'm really forgetful so.." Atrina trailed off, but closed her eyes tight to hold on. "So I go wherever the trees want me to. I needed to come by this place because they make really warm clothes for the mountains I was in."

Atrina rubbed through another cut, concentrating on preserving her energy by not trying to heal perfectly good skin or muscle. The strain on her mind was getting a bit had to bear, but she might be able to make at least one of them a little bit less confused. She gasped in a deep breath, and nearly shouted, "I forget basically everything sometimes I know it's weird so sorry if I forget your name right now!"

She managed to stumble the words out all at once before everything went a bit grey again. Atrina's head hurt a bit, and she was really feeling weak. She was.. healing a girl, she could remember that much, but not a whole lot else. She must have been going for some time now, as the girl's feet were looking better than the rest of her legs did.

"Umm.. I know we've met, I'm sorry. I'm Atrina. Are you doing ok?" Atrina felt a bit awkward. Normally when this happened, it was with animals who couldn't care less about introductions. At least she could tell she was forgetting, anyway. Not like long ago when she would simply forget that she had forgotten.

More and more of her energy was being siphoned out now, and even the barest of bruises on Holly's feet should have felt much better. Atrina let the flow of magic slow, and finally cede completely. She felt as though she might have been able to heal another scratch or two, but that might push her to blacking out. "I'm sorry if that took too long. If you have anywhere else that hurts, I have some herbs I can use to make them feel better. Do you feel ok?"

Zack Blaze
02-27-15, 11:16 AM
Zack Blaze heard tell that the best healers often hailed from Salvar. Most monks in the Citadel often started as youths working to heal the physical wounds that the snow country took upon its people. The Ai'Borne would recall times during the especially harsh Salvarian winters where many would have died of frostbite if not for them. The majority of the monks usually stemmed from the first hand experience they received while there. Of course, it also helped them develop a sense of empathy towards people, which is typically took them to Corones epicenter for fights.

Of course, Zack Blaze could have cared less about caring for others. The Three Stock needed some healers.

His warriors would come to him with their injuries and status only for the street fighter to direct them towards the Ai'borne and their ilk. Of course, the journey to an Aleran hospital that respected the members of the fight club were few and far between and the trip to Corone took almost a week to reach. The brawler could ill afford his people on long leaves of absence, not when they had money to make him, so the entrepreneur made his way to the tundra of Salvar. If could snatch one of the trainee healers while still green in the gills, he could slowly start creating his own way to stabilize his soldiers, and keep his profits coming.

He strolled through the market in hopes that something horrible would come his way. The Church was gaining prominence once more, and laying siege to 'unbelievers' with a fury almost unseen since Denebriel's rise to power. He thought that perhaps some wayward priests would make their way through the blizzard like bazaar and injure a few unsuspecting victims. He sighed as he saw that no such unfortunate occurrence seemed likely today. Though there was a good foot of snow below his feet, he could feel his skin burn from the rays of the sun, the reflected light upon the white soon to be responsible for a snow induced sunburn.

His eyes shifted around until he caught sight of a girl who seemed to be giving another woman shelter. every so often, the mender would pause, and begin a conversation anew with her patient, but the bandages and caring nature about her lead Zack to believe that, indeed, he had discovered a healer. A smile crept across his face as he blended into the crowd and grabbed his right index finger into his left hand.

"This is gonna hurt..." he mutter and he snapped the finger back with a decent amount of applied force. He could her the bone snap as he let out a brief yelp of pain. A few faces turned to look at him as he now gripped the finger to try and keep it from flopping about as he walked. "I hate being right..."

He walked over to the two women in conversation, finger still held tightly, and began to speak. "Excuse me, I hate to interrupt, but are you by chance a doctor, Ma'm? I could use your assistance. You see, I was holding my finger here, just findgeting, and hit the side of a booth a little too hard. I think it may be broken but I need a second opinion. When you're done with her, would you perhaps mind giving me a look-see?"

03-27-15, 06:57 PM
“Pain seems to be the going flare in this town. No wonder this healer seems to not ask too many questions.” Jackey’s voice resounded in Holly’s mind in a rather irritated tone. A hint of worry laced his tone as he watched on from his spot hidden among Holly’s torn garments.

Holly herself merely watched on, her attention torn between the woman treating her and the odd man who had come up cradling his thumb. “Did you fall from the sky too?” She would ask him, her head turned to the side and a smile on her face that portrayed the innocent yet ignorant mind that was Holly. “I’m not sure if falling really hurts or not, but walking sure does…” Grumbling as her smile contorted into a pout, eyes wandering back to the healer who was tending to her wounds.

As she huffed from the reminder of her long walk to find this small town, she threw her arms to the side like a bored child exasperated by the lack of stimulation. With the blanket that had previously concealed her figure being used to support her seating, the black gaps in her arms, the cracks leading out from them, and the tattered nature of her foreign clothes had drawn a small crowd now and again, some of them rushing off to the dominating church in a slight panic. Yet, Holly merely watched the crowd between the healer’s lapses in memory and the new man’s own babbling about needing healing for a simply broken finger.

“Holly, we need to cover up again… The townspeople are getting worked up…” The ever correct and present voice of Jackey would pipe in Holly’s mind between the market chatter and that of those close to her. His words unheeded, Jackey continued to repeat the fact that being so exposed was a bad idea, but Holly couldn’t seem to care less or understand his concern. “So what if they can see me? I’m just like everyone else here, aren’t I? I fell from the sky, I look miserable, and I am in pain. Why would they panic?”

04-04-15, 06:47 PM
Atrina silently continued applying different herbs and agents to the girl, looking about her carefully. There wasn't what many would call a crowd, but by Atrina's standards it felt as if she were in an auditorium. She could barely keep her mind straight, there was a girl perhaps even worse off than herself, and now a man who had gone and broken his finger.

"I can try to mend it, but I think I've used everything I have today.."

Atrina stood took Zack's hand carefully as to not upset the bones, but with a grip that meant business. The bone was almost certainly fractured, and didn't seem to splintered. She let a small amount of magic seep into the thumb, but it was clear she wasn't going to be able to do much, if anything. "It's definitely broken, I can tell you that. I'll be able to set it and bandage it for you, but..."

Atrina's mind went blank again, and her eyes drooped a little. She came to with a crowd of onlookers, a girl with healed feet, and a broken thumb cradled in her hand. Confusion was rampant and she did her best to piece the situation together, but it was getting clear that anxiety was becoming an issue. "Sorry umm.. I think your finger is broken. I don't think I have anything left in me to heal it at all."

She looked around, a little scared by the amount of people in the area. "Maybe um.. Maybe we can leave?"

Zack Blaze
04-06-15, 11:15 PM
I may have made a terrible mistake.

Zack almost immediately regretted the decision to break his own thumb in order to test the clerics skills. The girl not only did not posses as much talent in the healing arts as the mastermind originally thought, but she also suffered one too many bumps to the head. Not once, but twice did she bring attention to the hurt hand of the Eiskalt mastermind. The street fighter maintained a smile and nodded calmly, though internally he wanted to beat a puppy with a sack full of window panes.

"I think it would indeed be the best for all of us if we relocated somewhere else. Prying eyes and what have you," Zack motioned to all the people that instantly began to gather around the spectacle. The fact that the brawler made no intention of hiding his identity to the masses at this point did not help with the whispers and murmurs of the crowd. He turned his head back to the two women in his presence and continued his forced smile.

"If the two of you do not mind, I think I know just the place." Zack grabbed the hands of the other girl with his free hand and in an instant, the three vanished into nothingness only to reappear in an abandoned factory. The chill of Salvar swept through the building in no small part thanks to the broken windows roughly fifteen feet over their heads. A single barrel stood in the middle of the dilapidate factory, ashes and remnants from a fire the night before were the only indications any other human being stayed in this are. "This is where I'm currently making camp."

He did not even give the girls time for their awe at his prowess before he began introductions. "My name is Zack, Zack Blaze, and you two are...?"

05-04-15, 07:20 PM
“I’m Sar- … Holly, Holly Wood. And this is Jakey.” The young woman would say as she produced Jakey from his not to subtle hiding spot in her shirt, waving him around by the handle-like base of his current form. Her look was rather cheery, though her outfit was still in shreds. She didn’t seem to notice the change in scenery or temperature at first, or the fact at how quick it all happened. Blinking a few times as she finally took in her surroundings, Holly left her mouth agape and Jakey hung loose in her hands as she realized that she had just been relocated.

“Holly, try and stay calm. I don’t know what just happened, but I don’t think panicking will do us any good here…” Jakey’s voice carried the wait of his unease as he cautioned her, his words an attempt to get Holly to focus were almost lost. If it were not for her naiveté, Holly might as well have lost it, however she merely marveled at her new surroundings and began to wander around on her newly healed feet.

The surroundings felt slightly familiar, although a lot colder than what she was used to, not to mention dirty, as the factory hadn’t seemed to have been touched save for the small area they stood in now. Holly couldn’t quite give any reason as to why it felt familiar, but she felt a bit at home when she slowly broke into a little dance subconsciously, leaning forward on her feet as she did such.

In mid stride she blinked rapidly again, blushing as she noticed she wasn’t ‘acting normal’ as she heard Jakey’s voice come to the forefront of her mind once more. “Holly, Holly! Stop dancing, this isn’t the time. Besides, you’re being rude to your hosts.” The ever present voice chided her like a small child, making her pout in discomfort at being scolded, but none the less drew her attention back to the others in the room. “Sorry, I got a little carried away…” She offered an awkward smile and rubbed the back of her head nervously.

Tobias Stalt
02-04-16, 12:42 AM
Workshop is posted, and you all receive the following rewards:

Chaplain: 600 Exp and 80 Gold

Atrina: 500 Exp and 40 Gold

Zack Blaze: 250 Exp and 20 Gold

Your spoils request, "a leather 'holster' crafted to hold Jackey in," has been granted.


02-08-16, 10:30 AM
EXP & GP Added.