View Full Version : Son of Winter

03-04-15, 10:12 PM
Name: Garron Ivari Cadeyrn

Nickname/Alias: Son of Winter

Age: 20

Race: Human

Height: 7'0"

Weight: 270 lbs

Occupation: Mercenary

Personality: Energetic, restless and closed off, Garron never confides in anyone outside of Medeia and will mostly keep to himself unless someone doesn't prove to be ridiculous. He lives by a self-important code of honor and respect, and can be a good friend to those that follow a similar path. He is approachable, and his attitude is usually level, unless he feels threatened, or if he feels his lady love is threatened or disrespected.

History: (Brief overview) Nuana devoted many a decade forging a name and respectable reputation for herself within the ranks of the infamous Rangers of Corone. Her talents and accolades were noted and superiors entrusted her with expeditions and protection assignments of escorting nobles, merchants and governing officials to all corners of Althanas. During one of these trips of honor to Salvar, Nuana found herself in Archen and met a handsome man of the North by chance, Kedar. He took her breath away that day. Many times did she travel to Archen for duty after that day, and Kedar made it a point to be in the Gateway to the North when her party arrived. Each waking moment off-duty, Nuana spent with Kedar. Several months clicked by and a noticeable swell developed in her belly. Trips abroad had to cease. She was pregnant with Garron and thought it best to settle down in Tylmerande to raise her son; keeping her close to her beloved Concordia and living within the country she adored. She never returned to Salvar, for when she birthed, Kedar's bloodline secret that carries through the male chromosome shown blatantly upon the wrist of her son.

Childhood had been full of trials and training regiments fit for a man. Nuana did all she could to trim Garron into following solely in her footsteps within the Rangers, and she made it a point to voice this excessively to him. But he didn't want to hear it. He desired a different path of his own choosing. The ray of sunshine to tear through the black clouds and brightened his dark days was when a spunky little girl around his age came skipping into his life during an outing with his mother. Little Medeia was everything he wasn't, and the two children became quick friends. She was known to steal away from time to time, disregarding her chore duties for the clank of playing daggers with Garron, among stumbling into other childhood trouble the inseparable two could fall into. The years had passed and the two best friends found a love so deep and rare, most could only hope to experience in a lifetime for themselves. Together, the couple have yet to stay in one place for too long within Tylmerande, but both Medeia and Garron have plans and personal goals to set blazing into motion.

Appearance: Ultimately Garron is described bodily as a hulk of a man. Alpine in height, he stands tall with a T-framed posture and thickly blessed herculean in mass. Deeply aware almond-shaped eyes set emblazoned in wild maelstroms of what can be perceived as wicked cauldrons molten with emerald and sapphire. Cascading abundance of chestnut laded hair flow to brush teasingly the top portions of wide shoulders, framing a strong unforgettable face rich with defined cheekbones, and a slight pout of wind-torn lips normally drenched with thought and caution. Choice of garb usually preferred regularly consists of a form-fitting boiled leather tunic and intricately woven black breetches with a tanned double strapped leather belt connecting a molded shoulder-strap arching over his right shoulder. Simply crafted tattered black leather field boots protect his feet from the harsh terrain so chosen to tread over. A curious mark graces his inner right wrist; rhomboid in appearance, it is yet to be known to Garron what this may consist of.


Master Survivalist/Tracker- Due to his mother's keen intentions to turn Garron on the path she herself had chosen as a career and lifestyle, he underwent vigorous training in ways of a seasoned Ranger since a young age. Two skills he honed were those of survival and tracking. Never has there been a person or creature that Garron couldn't track through the thickest of forest, or over wind-swept stone. He seems to have a sixth sense when it comes to seeing things a normal eye may disregard.

Adept Targeting- Garron's childhood training also consisted of weapon control and battlefield preparation. He became relentlessly dangerous with axe and dagger throwing (after many moons of frustration and immeasurable amounts of obnoxious cursing while the young Medeia provoked and giggled at him during their youth), but his personal favorite of the two is the axe. His aim and ambidextrous arm strength is unfathomable. With a clear pathway, he could split the trunk of a five inch tree from thirty feet away. Even the best of talents waver from targets the further out they become, as so does Garron.

Adept Polearmsman- Although trained moderately in bladed weapons, Garron has always felt more comfortable with the heavy mass of a warhammer gracing his palms. He took quickly to polearms, and continues to hone his ability to improve skill, control and strength.


Raging Vehemence- Garron has the ability to tap into and control his rage; focusing it into periods of controlled adrenaline levels, testosterone levels, speed and strength. During this short allowance of use, capability lies into self envisioned areas of heightened puppeteering throughout his body. (As an example: focusing his focused energy into a punch, kick, or force behind an object of throwing.) However, using this ability will leave his energy levels near spent, and recovery will be needed in terms of his expenditure thereafter, depending on the level of energy focused at the time. (Top tier focusing will take at least a day for full recovery, and smaller focusing ventures can take a matter of hours)

*Note: This ability in its level one capability, Garron hasn't the knowledge to collect energy from outside sources such as one could by using something like ki, nor can he increase his base size. He can only focus his self-strength, inner energy and emotional spikes into one single maneuver or strike at this level. The focused appendage or maneuver will tap out at a value of double the integrity of his normality before he becomes too exhausted to even stand. Listed below are his normal bodily capabilities to help calculate what this ability is capable of.

~*Body Integrity Information*~

Running Speed;~ 18 M.P.H.
Visionary Limitations;~ 15' "Midst Close Counter Battle"
Jumping Limitations;~ 3' Vertical 10' Horizontal "Midst Running"
Reaction Time;~ 1.2 Seconds
Punch Register;~ 2500 Pounds Of Force
Kick Register;~ 2700 Pounds Of Force

Mental Fortification- Believed to be a gift of bloodline, Garron could block out the excessive babbling or mind tainting intrusions of even the worst of gossips and telemanipulators. His mother called it having the thick skull of a man, but his latent use of the ability has been with him since birth. (This ability is still in its early stages and will be developed more-so, as will other evolutionary developing of character during his time within Althanas.)


Warhammer (Iron)
Set of two double bit throwing axes (Iron)

03-06-15, 11:57 AM
Okay.... Seems the dawn of my needing to say something has arrived. I've been floating around this site since the 27th of February, and I've been peeking into the former character submissions that have come before me, and they've been mostly tended to within 24 hours. My character submission is floating on days for any sort of possible notification from the multiple members of the staff. Many have been here the last two days I'll point out. When I decided to leave the ridiculousness of what the site had become of that I've been writing creatively on since '06, I was hoping to find a site that had a level of maturity and didn't ride on a play-by-popularity basis. I was hoping Althanas could be that for myself and my lady, but maybe we put hope into something possibly nonexistent. People shouldn't have to go into chat for any sort of recognition, or what's the point of having a forum-based format? I do hope something I say here sinks in with the staff, for you all have no idea of what sort of writer you could be blowing off. You could be blowing off someone talented that could help you guys take this site to a new level with not only creative contributions and teaching of newer writers that are coming into the scene, but with bringing other experienced and talented writers into Althanas that they've been collaborating with for years. I wish well the newcomers that wander to this site in the future, and I hope members of the staff decide to treat them with a little more respect and consideration. Anyhow, I need to get back to work.

Good day to you all. -Drake

Cards of Fate
03-06-15, 12:20 PM
A majority of the RoG staff are either in training or have school/work to attend to. We are sorry about slow replies but
but many of us have also been juggling a tourney as well. If you are still here expect an actual response within twelve hours.

Thank you

03-06-15, 12:32 PM
I spoke with your lady in chat to help expedite this process.

Your first ability needs to be a wee bit more clear. I read it as he is able to hulk out for a set period of time and gain super speed, super strength, and super endurance. If that's correct, I need you to quantify how long this lasts and how much better he becomes. For example, he can run at 30 mph, lift twice his weight, and survive a fatal wound without losing consciousness. If this is correct, your second skill puts you at a technical 4 abilities: increased strength, increased speed, increased durability, and increased will. With that, you need to drop one to meet the 3 ability max of a level one character.

Now, your lady described it more like a one hit KO attack where you pool all your rage and energy into on massive blow. If that is true, you need to reword it more toward those lines and describe what the attack is capable of. For example, it would be like getting kicked by a stallion or bull, hit by a train, etc. Maybe describe what it would do if it connected to an average person. If this is correct, you would have 2 abilities and be within limit.

Once you clarify, I will gauge to make sure the skills aren't too strong for a level one and either approve you or move you forward with more suggestions.

My apologies for the delay as I have not been well and many others have been preoccupied with other priorities. I will reiterate to our designated staff that no one profile should be ignored to handle another.

Thank you for your patience,


03-06-15, 08:55 PM
I thank you two for the replies, and I completely understand real world obligations are a top priority, but there are several members in leadership roles to help with oversight. It may just be my opinion, but site events like tournaments, workshops, competitions, and any other events that may fall into these categories should be a second priority compared to all current members and newcomers. Yes, events are an important facility and caters to a few, but it only focuses on a small portion of targeted members at that given time. Both can be given attention. If they can't, then I'm sure you guys have some talented contributors here to add to the staff and help ease the stacking some. All current members and newcomers are the life-blood of any creative writing groups such as this, and it isn't the best option for the healthy growth of Althanas to ignore what make this site prosper. To help with what I'm trying to say, I'm going to put it in a goofy analogy: Althanas as a whole is the toast, leading members are the temperature of that toast, and current members and newcomers are the butter. If the temperature of that toast isn't warm enough, the butter fails to adhere and soak into the toast to contribute to it's worth.

Now, I've done a lot of reading into the lore of Althanas and I admire the ideas and efforts put into it. It'd be a shame to see it all fall to the same avoidable extremes that I've seen other groups grow stagnant to and then eventually fizzle out due to those extremes. I'd enjoy seeing Althanas and everyone involved in it flourish amazingly. I don't mean to be difficult, nor do I want to come off as irritable; I'm just trying to share a tidbit of the experience I've accumulated over these many years in both leadership roles and that of a common member in the groups I've been part of. I wouldn't speak out if I didn't care about Althanas on some level.

Thank you for your thoughts and help to improve this character sheet for people to better understand it, Lye. I appreciate it, and I hope the edited version of the ability in question helps to put it where it needs to be.

03-07-15, 02:20 AM
Well I appreciate the feedback and agree. I am usually timely with the newer members.

Also, thanks for the edits. You are approved.

I look forward to your contributions.