View Full Version : The Order of the Golden Dawn

Zook Murnig
03-10-15, 01:24 AM
The Order of the Golden Dawn

Description: The Golden Dawn exists half in light, half in darkness. In order for the light to rise, it must first go through darkness. Such is the way of the world. The Order of the Golden Dawn actively seeks the dark mysteries of Althanas’ past, not in any bid for power or destruction, but for the protection of the present and future of Althanas.

Membership: The Order is divided into three Circles, dividing the work of the organization according to the skills required, though the work of each Circle often puts its members in contact with members of the other two. The Circles are as follow:

Argenteum Astrum
The Silver Star, led by the Chief Ceidon Loré, specializes in exploration and procurement of artifacts. Members of this Circle are survivalists and archaeologists. They are called upon to plumb the depths of ancient ruins, traverse wilderness, and contest openly with rival organizations. Grit and combat capability are helpful in this role, but not required if other qualifications are presented.

Current Roster:
Ceidon Loré (Ceidon) - Chief
Erirag the Poet - Initiate
Madison Freebird (BlackandBlueEyes) - Initiate
Farragise Omosan (Bunneh) - Initiate

Stella Matutina
The Morning Star, led by the Chief Alma Waterstone, specializes in subterfuge, theft, and diplomacy, as well as field research. Members of this Circle are spies, diplomats, and learned field agents. They are called upon to wrest artifacts from unscrupulous third parties, steal secrets from rival organizations, negotiate with governments and allies, and provide field assessments of phenomena. Charisma and quick wits are helpful in this role, and magical ability or knowledge is helpful.

Current Roster:
Alma Waterstone (Zook Murnig) - Chief
Logan McCloud (Logan) - Initiate
Rachel Wessen (Red Ruby) - Initiate

Templi Orientis
The Eastern Temple, led by the Grand Chief Cohen Ephraim, is as much a Circle as the home base and sanctuary of the Order. The Templi Orientis specializes in the most vital role in the Order: containment. Researchers, librarians, and cloistered mages work in the vaults of the Temple, found deep in the Q’Dosh jungle of eastern Dheathain. Studiousness, patience, and caution are essential to members of Templi Orientis, and any capability in binding, containment, and security is helpful. These members are not confined to the Temple, however, and are often employed in transport of artifacts to the vaults, either alone or in the company of another Circle.

Current Roster:
Cohen Ephraim (NPC) - Chief and Grand Chief of the Order
Philomel van der Aart (Philomel) - Initiate
Virgil De La Lori (Herbz Man) - Initiate

Goals: The Order of the Golden Dawn serves one major purpose: to control and safeguard the powers and artifacts of past generations against the abuses of powerful organizations, governments, and individuals. To that end, we seek to claim, study, and protect the secrets of Althanas’ past.

With that power comes responsibility, however, and the Order takes on that responsibility wholeheartedly: to safeguard mortal civilization against the monsters of Althanas’ past. Whether the curse of the Red Forest, the walking dead left in the wake of the Corpse War, or demons lurking in Concordia, the Order stands ready to meet these threats with ancient knowledge and steadfast determination.

Rules: The Order of the Golden Dawn is a very secretive organization. The things they study are usually things that should not be exposed publicly. Even the names of the Circles are secret, as well as the structure of the organization. Despite its status as a secret society, the name of the Order is not unknown in the world, though their purpose is shrouded in mystery. The mysteries of the Golden Dawn are to be protected at all costs. This includes the existence, purpose, or capabilities of dangerous artifacts, past and ongoing missions, the identity of other initiates, and the location and defenses of the Eastern Temple.

Intentional divulgence of Order secrets is grounds for expulsion, and revocation of access to the Temple. If further transgression is discovered, the Order will eliminate the threat. Expulsion may be appealed, and if extenuating circumstances are discovered, they will remain on probation and regain limited access to the Temple.

Accidental divulgence of Order secrets, or acting knowingly against the interests of the Order, will result in probation. Probationary members are treated as associates to the Order, but no longer full initiates with access, even restricted access, to the vaults. Further violations will lead to disassociation and expulsion. Probation can be appealed with the chief of the member’s Circle.

Members of the Order who have been fully initiated into the mysteries may, at the leave of their Chief, make use of artifacts from the vaults in relevant missions or in defense of the Order and its mysteries. Artifacts used in this way are to be immediately returned to the Eastern Temple’s vaults following mission completion, and cannot be claimed as personal spoils. If an artifact is lost unintentionally in the course of a mission, but not destroyed, the member responsible is placed on probation. If an artifact is lost, but destroyed before falling into the hands of the uninitiated, the member is disallowed from further loans until they have proven themselves once more in service to the Order, but no further punishment will be levied. If an artifact is intentionally lost, stolen, or given into the hands of the uninitiated, the member responsible will be expelled, and may face attempts at elimination dependent on the assessed threat level.

03-10-15, 03:12 AM

From your first discussion of this Power Group I became interested.
I can offer you all my characters, really, although you may wish for Philomel. Use: smuggling artifacts to and from places in her ship.

Leaf, however, is something of a budding scholar eager to learn about the world. As is Bunneh. Actually Bunneh is something of a laid back expert in all things magical, old, etc.

03-10-15, 11:49 AM
As confirmation ... I will be interested in the Argenteum Astrum.
Reason: I am a scholar. Yeah, a rabbit-form scholar. Deal with it.

03-10-15, 03:27 PM
Bunneh would be a perfect addition! Give me a few days to put something together and we can start an initiation thread with Ceidon and Farragise. Two genius scholars together will lead to some Big Bang Theoryesque fun!

Red Ruby
03-10-15, 03:44 PM
Did someone say acquiring artifacts through morally grey methods? I may or may not know a thing or two...

Granted it's worth my while, which we can discuss.

Zook Murnig
03-10-15, 03:58 PM
Philomel, following our discussion in chat, will be initiated into Templi Orientis following Erirag's initiation thread. Bunneh will be initiated into Argenteum Astrum by Ceidon. Ruby, did you have a particular Circle in mind? Based on your profile, it looks like you could fit in with Argenteum Astrum or Stella Matutina equally well, depending on how you apply your skills. Keep in mind that your Circle, at this juncture, only defines your primary focus within the group. Missions go awry, and agents are sometimes tasked with group missions alongside members of other Circles.

Zook Murnig
03-10-15, 04:32 PM
Herbz Man has expressed interest in joining under Templi Orientis, via chat. Initiation to be taken up as available.

Red Ruby
03-10-15, 04:43 PM
Stella would be great. I prefer to avoid monsters, crumbling ruins, deadly traps, and the like whenever possible. Tends to shorten life expectancy more so than slipping past meatheads in tin suits. Not to say I won't do it, but I do have preferences.

03-11-15, 07:25 PM
Oh, what the heck! I'd like to join the Argenteum Astrum please?

04-12-15, 06:51 PM
I would like to join The Order of The Golden Dawn, How Do I particpate in this PG?

04-12-15, 10:55 PM
I also wish to join this PG what are the requirements?

04-13-15, 02:35 AM
Looks like we are becoming more popular :P

Zook Murnig
04-13-15, 05:09 PM
Welcome, all! I've been sick recently, so I'm sorry for the delay in response. The participation in this PG is largely quest-based, focused on locating and procuring ancient artifacts (they can be based in official canon lore, or even in your own personal lore), and compiling historical and magical knowledge for further study.

As stated in the initial post, there are three groups within the Order, each with their own focus. Consider carefully which is most suited to your characters, their abilities, and their goals. As of right now, only Ceidon and I are able to initiate anyone, but as people complete their initiation, they will be available to perform initiations themselves.

Zook Murnig
04-28-15, 09:24 PM
As the leadership is currently unable to complete initiations in a timely manner, I'm establishing all probators who have chosen a Circle as full initiates. Applicants who have yet to choose a Circle, post here or contact me otherwise with your choice, and I will add you.