View Full Version : Expanding on the weapon front ...

03-17-15, 06:32 PM
I realised Philomel should probably have a type of weapon, and that is a whip.

Realistically I am looking for a quote for a riding crop. This is the type used by Sherlock Holmes in some novels as a weapon.

It would be leather, but can I get a quote also in Magim Beast leather and arctic leather please. The crop looks like this link here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whip#/media/File:Riding_crop.jpeg) and is as long as an average sword. I would also be looking for glass to be laced carefully into the keeper at the end of it, shards of glass that are small and will not cause much harm if touched but will scratch painfully when a persn is beaten with this.

Cilli glass would be fine here. Failing this, if you do not think the shards would work, then we could go with steel metal, or an enchantment that causes a similar effect. Though glass would be the most fun.

Following on from this, it would be awesome if the whole thing was a deep purple, almost black.

04-03-15, 07:09 AM
Thats one hell of a weapon. Not terribly damaging, but damn it would hurt.

Leather with cali glass infused tip: 100

Magim Beast with cali glass infused tip: 150

Magim Beast with Enchantment for extra pain: 150

Magim Beast with tiny iron spikes: 150

I think you can see the trend :p

04-05-15, 02:24 AM
Thank you my dear Hysteria.

I am thinking the calli glass is the most attractive ... in terms for now.

I think Magim beast leather should be fine too.

So yes, I think here that we can go for 150 gold to be subtracted from my lot, if this pleases you. It pleases me.

any advice, further, though, on the glass? Like - will I need to come back to implant some more in after a while?

04-05-15, 05:38 AM
"M'lady, the weapon should’na be any 'arder to maintain than a sword or axe's edge. Ya might do well to 'ave the glass refreshed every once in a while, but would'na cost 'nemore than a goof sword sharp'n.”

The merchant ran a hand over his course 5o'clock shadow, impressive given it was 10am.

"I could do ya a few vials of glass powder wid a bit o' troll fat to make it stick. None of that cheap stuff mind, no smell on this. You could coat 'ne other weapons for a rather painful touch. Like a cheese grater as they say. 10 gold per vial, each good for one coat and a few strikes. Hell of a deal ma’m. Whadda say?"

No need to do anything with your weapon unless you decide to hit a brick wall over and over. The vials could be used to coat your sword, daggers or anything.

04-05-15, 01:39 PM
As the trader said it, a dark smile began to take over her face. Eyes became shadowed, eyebrows arched slightly like upraised wings as she considered.

"Hmmm," she murmured, "Indeed, this seems a good idea."

Her pale fingers counted on themselves.

"Give me three of those, my dear one. I think this may be a promising relationship."

Yes to the fat and the glass dust. I will take three "back up" and might use them on a dagger. Thank you :)

04-05-15, 07:03 PM
"Do do me a kindness m'am."

Gold deducted, plus a bonus 10xp :p Please link to this thread as proof of purchase.

Riding Crop:
Magim Beast leather with cali glass infused tip to cause excruciating pain on contact.

3x Calli Coating Powder:
Small vials of Calli powder that have been ground into a fine power and mixed with treated (oderless) troll fat as a sticking agent. When applied to a weapon they cause any cuts or broken skin to be extremely painful. Each vial is single use, good for a few cuts.

150 + 30 = 180 deducted.