View Full Version : Can you hear me now? Good!

Alyssa Snow
03-23-15, 12:22 PM
I need a price on an ear cuff. It can be made of whatever material deemed appropriate for the following enchantment. (Most likely Glass? Maybe a special metal?):

This ear cuff can relay the thoughts of the owner to any person the owner chooses and vice versa. In order to do this, the owner must picture the intended contact's face. When a connection is made, the object will make a soft chime to the owner and recipient. The owner can then "send" words, sights seen, thoughts, anything the imagination can conjure up and the recipient can do the same in return. (Think of it like a Skype call directly through the mind.) This device can connect with up to three people at any one time (four total including owner) but can sever a link to connect to others if needed. This connection can work over any distance, but has issues passing through lead and Gorian'Fel hide. Bad thunderstorms can also pose interference.

Price please?

Cards of Fate
03-23-15, 07:48 PM
The gods that be declare this item to be worth 520 Gp! While you're a little short, if I have gold left over from helping Ioder buy his shashy thing I'll help you foot the rest of this.

Alyssa Snow
03-23-15, 10:03 PM
Well... I guess I can't afford it...

03-23-15, 10:04 PM
She can take the gold from me.

Hey, I just met you. And this is crazy... but here's my number:

Call me maybe?

Alyssa Snow
03-23-15, 10:05 PM
Ugh... gross... Just let me take his gold and call it a day.

Ew. Never. No. Nope.

Go kill yourself.

Cards of Fate
03-23-15, 10:26 PM
~Transaction Complete~

387 From Alyssa Snow, and 143 from Lye

Link here as proof of purchase you...weirdo who likes to RP oocly with himself...

03-24-15, 09:04 AM
Gold deducted.