View Full Version : Describing poses

03-25-15, 01:04 PM
Ever had trouble describing a pose your character does? I know I do in fact here is one that I need right now

03-25-15, 01:18 PM
Easiest way I've found to describe difficult transitions that you can't picture in your mind is to actually act it out. Stand up, and act out what your character is going to do. (Make sure no one's around to laugh first, though, unless you don't care.) Visualization can sometimes help your mind come up with the gaps it's missing. Hope it helps!

03-25-15, 04:06 PM
I struggle with this to no end. My instinct is to describe it completely:

"Talen lifted the sword gripped firmly in his right hand above his head with the point aimed at his opponent and the edge of the blade towards the sky. His shield was held in front of him ready to block the inevitable attack."

It's kinda boring though. So instead I try and use imagery instead.

"Talen lifted his sword above his head and held the point towards his opponent like a scorpion ready to strike. His shield was braced in front of him, and like the creature he imitated he advanced slowly on his prey."

to be honest, I think people normally don't use shields because they can get in the way writing. Still very useful but just annoying to write.

03-25-15, 04:57 PM
I'm not the only one struggling with describing posses?? Wow!