View Full Version : Dueling Personalities (Closed)

03-28-15, 12:21 AM
The night air was refreshing just as the setting of Salem's mind was in high state of playfulness. Which of course was fairly easy for to get that way. After so long of "Trying to figure out" or waste of time,really. Salem had long after his most recent trip to the citadel. He ultimately just figured out he like being old fashioned by learning how other drow live. His new opponent would be he hoped was just happy about sparring as he felt. With a grin stretching across his face he made his way to the monk.

"A sparring room please.", Salem spoke in a excited tone. Looking at the monk as he extended his arm and hand to lead the way. With a smile, he followed the man to the glowing portal that they had arrived to not even five minutes of walking. He jumped through the bright lite circle.

"Thump", the sound almost sounded light more than a harsh. Landing a arena of gravel and sand. The portal way in the center of the fifty foot arena. The lighting from up having nine hanging fixtures. Each small fire lite fixture was hanging in a tic tak toe pattern.Three spaced out from left to right and up to down. The fixtures were all mid sized and made of gold; having a small opening of a circle in the ceiling over each in diameter of five to six inches. The walls were a dark bland stone with a few windows. Each window bestowing a very dark stained glass; although Salem could not tell what or if there was picture in the glass.

Salem walked to the fair end to await for his opponent. Taking a seat on the dirt he was amazed to what happened next. A flooring would raise from the dirty graveled arena. The table only twenty feet in diameter and was spinning. Slowly of course the spin only moved slightly every other second. yet at a constant speed none the less. He was confused,amazed and even conflicted to how such could happy.

His first thought about the wooden spinning contraption would be the death of him. Yet Salem stood tall so to speak because he only sitting. He knew his opponent would pop sooner or later.

Looking up slightly from a rested and seated position he reached for his two steel dagger that hung from his back. Each hilt facing out, he toyed with the hands for a feel good type mental setting of ease. Noticing the portal was turning green and shining brightly like he had seen it do before he entered from the opposite side of said portal.

Would Salem walk out a victor, only time would tell.

03-28-15, 12:56 AM
Even though most of Joseph’s knifework was in the shadows, he knew the value of skill against opponents in the open. He visited the arena regularly when he was in the area, making sure to test his skill against more than unsuspecting contracts. The cool of evening was setting in when He approached an old man in a robe, greeting him kindly and exchanging small talk easily as he led Joseph to a portal. He informed Joseph that his opponent was waiting inside, and the monk turned away, returning to guide more combatants.

He walked through the portal with his hand on his daggers, crossing into a large room. He felt gravel underfoot as he looked to see his opponent, a dark elf with dark hair. He was young, maybe twenty years of age. He took in the arena as the elf stood. Joseph pulled both his daggers out, holding one of them backhand as he greeted his opponent.

“Hello there, friend!” he said smoothly, “Let’s not get too carried away, eh? Just looking to polish my skills with the blade.” He settled into a wider stance, pushing up on the balls of his feet.

03-28-15, 01:16 AM
Standing up and sprinting the stage like arena lifted from the ground only waist high. He rolled onto the wooden surface and maneuver onto fairly easily. His sliver hair flailed about as he wrapped the long strands in a string around his wrist. He grinned at his newly arrived opponent. The young male seemed at first glance similar to him in a few ways yet it was hard to truly tell if that was just a first impression that he could be wrong about.

Just as he went to speak he felt the light jerk of the wooden structure spin only a few inches and Salem fixed his foot placement to such motion. Facing the male, “The name is Salem”. He still grinned as he did not pull a weapon at this point. Taking a quick glance around to light that shined a above. The humming of the flame called to him.

With quick jolt he would sprint to his opponent in short distance would end up ducking into a roll while covering his hands in the center of his stomach hiding the spark of his flame. Pulling his hand apart as he would begin to rise from his feet only a few foot away and push out the growing fire ball. The flame would grow to be just under the size of a basketball.

He planned to start this battle with a good scorching for his opponent. He end back on his feet once again. He would be only a two foot or so if his opponent did not move from the attack aimed at his opponent’s center mass. He grinned wondering what surprise this match may hold. His bright yellow eyes piercing the open air. He was ready for this test of strength.

04-17-15, 08:24 AM
Joseph wondered for a moment why the young elf didn’t pull a weapon out from the folds of his attire; fucking magic users he thought as he realized the likely reason why. His eyes narrowed as Salem leapt on top of the wooden platform, fiddling with his hair. Joseph briefly thought about tossing a knife in his direction, but a fat lot of good that would do while he didn’t know what his opponent was capable of.

Salem jumped forward off of the large turning platform, ducking into a roll. Joseph reacted instinctually, bending a knee and jumping backwards, only he didn’t go backwards as intended. His foot dug into the loose gravel and slipped, sending the tiny rocks flying to the side as Salem came out of his roll sporting a large ball of fire. Salem let the ball fly as Joseph fell under it, feeling the heat flash across him, the brightness of it blinding him for a moment. He swung a leg around, feeling it connect with the elf’s shins, and as he fell, Joseph rolled to the side and jumped up, holding his daggers out defensively as his vision recovered.

04-22-15, 03:25 PM
( I ask that you please refrain from this "He swung a leg around, feeling it connect with the elf’s shins" Please use words such as aimed for, hoped to connect and etc. Saying that you simply hit my character is an auto hit. If you have questions on this fell free to pm myself or a senior of the site to explain better than I may be able to.)

The events would have taken by surprise but he was not sure if the drop was on purpose or accident but it was no issue. Salem grinned as his shot missed and his opponent fell back then proceeded to kick or trip him, maybe. The idea was clear that it was however meant to connect with his lower legs none the less.

As Salem was coming back to his standing position his opponent would drop into the maneuver once again the how to him did not matter, only the kick did. Raising his foot and stepping just where he knew and believe his opponent would be aiming for. USing his full body weight land just past the ankle. Using the slight forward step and a stomp like motion. He would aim to break the leg of his opponent.

Salem laughed "Really?" he spoke as he took a step or as back after the spoken word. The steps of his movements were slow and precise to keep his complete balance, in the transition. The male would not easily away his opponent to defeat him nor end the fight so quickly it took the fun out of such things as this.