View Full Version : Picking up a little something

03-30-15, 09:29 AM
I have a pre-existing quote for a bracelet with a teleportation stone set in it for 2,000 GP here. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27766-(Boom)Sticks-and-Stones&highlight=)

For convenience purposes, here are the details:

A small teleportation stone that would be set within simple silver bracelet that can be worn around Madison's wrist. The bracelet's magic could only be activated once before needing a 24-hour recharge, and a level of concentration and time to activate that scales upwards depending on how far away the wearer wishes to teleport.

- Anywhere within ten feet: Instantaeous as soon as the thought enters the wearer's head
- Up to 10 miles away: Up to one minute's worth of concentration
- 10 miles to 100 miles: One hour
- 100 miles to 1,000 miles: Two hours
- 1,000 miles on up: Four hours

I would like to explicitly state that the bracelet will work for whoever may be wearing it at the time, as the magic is tied to the stone embedded in it.

I would like to purchase the bracelet at this time, plznthnx

04-03-15, 07:17 AM

Your gold is mine!

Please link to this thread as proof of purchase. Gold has been taken.