View Full Version : Here there be Kaiser

10-16-06, 04:56 PM
((I have not disappeared … just playing MMORPGS! … I need to get back into a little swing of Althanas … its an open Character being lazy thread))

“I am not the one who usually complains about stuff, hell I kinda welcome this change of pace. For once in my life I am at peace, no one wants me to go on some absurd quest for a lost item, a mission from the country to fix there problems, or even do a job like picking weeds. Sure the winnings I earned in Scara Brae will last me a while, so long as I only get food and don’t splash out on some weapon I don’t really need, unlike back in the day. It kinda reminds me of when I was raising my kid, except this time around I am on my own, it’s very peaceful. And dear god I am bored!

The past few weeks had gone slow, with nothing really going on the silvet had taken up a few hour long sessions training him in the Corone countryside. There wasn’t much there to describe, long open plains of never ending grass, a view that was all too easily forgotten too treasure. Kai thought he saw an interesting rock back on the pathway that led up to a couple of tree’s, which formed a triangle around a bench, which marked an unorthodox grave. It was to honour a carpenter by the name of Nathan Lowe. Kai didn’t know him, nor actually heard of anything other than what he had read on the metal plate with his name engraved.

Still it was a nice place to train, not actually to get stronger, but rather at the sole purpose of not losing what he had currently gained. He could feel strength building inside him, like all he had done was waiting for just a little bit more, and then it could be released, making him stronger and a better person. Philosophical nonsense aside, the purpose of kai actually being here was actually currently just beating to hell out of the trunk of that really old tree. He was sure someone would object, saying that the tree was important to everyone and not for his personal training, but still he swung his leg away whacking the trunk, then resetting his position to do it all over again, and again.

Kai stopped for a moment, as if something had just crossed his mind or that mindlessly kicking a tree had just became as pointless as it sounded. His attention drifted over towards the view, Radasanth stood proud in the distance, but he just seemed to look beyond it. The Truth was, he was getting worried, kai had been here for weeks, and not once had he heard head or tail (literally) of his wayward daughter. While under the assumption that she could very well take care of herself, possibly better than kai himself, it was just his sense as a father was haunting him. He ended his worry with a deep breath, returning himself to what he was doing before realising that the sun would soon be setting soon.

“I haven’t slept under the stars in a while … sounds … pointless yet fun”

Kai pondered, there was no harm about it, there was nothing that could really come after him out here, and if worse come to worse he was sure he could run faster than them. Kai walked over to one of the tree’s and seemingly hoped up into it, using a natural monkey like agility to plant him self on the leafless tree’s and just sit there, learning to appreciate the view once more.

“ … Be warned all creatures big and small … here there be a kai”