View Full Version : Time to gear up!

04-04-15, 08:28 PM
Percy is upgrading from fugitive to bounty hunter.

Could I have one of these, leather please? http://www.thevikingstore.co.uk/ekmps/shops/thevikingstore1/images/larp-women-elven-warrior-armour-%5B3%5D-9183-p.jpg

And I'd like a price check on:
- Leather, fingerless gauntlets that run from the knuckles to the elbows. The arms are plated iron or steel plates. The gauntlets are enhanced to where they are light to the person wearing them, but they actually have a powerful crushing/ punching force capable of throwing someone back. Basically they're good for a smack down (TFK reference!) or any cases of unarmed combat.

Thank you,
~ Ashla.

04-06-15, 12:05 PM
Okay, leather torso armor - 75 GP

Leather/damascus (Must be at least Damascus to enchant) glove/bracers with lightweight and impact enchants - 378 GP per glove (756GP per pair)

If you want the whole package, it is 831 GP to "gear up". :)

04-06-15, 12:16 PM
I always have to save up for the good stuff... I'll have a good start by paying for the armor right now xD

If I may ask, why damascus for the gauntlets? Why not iron or steel? Curious.

04-06-15, 01:07 PM
Damascus is the first tier of metal that has any magical affinity. Merchants in the bazaar can easily enchant and work magic into the metal. Steel is less capable, same as iron. Though you can find those metals with enchants, they are less common and typically quested for as a pre-existing item by unknown or renown origin.

04-06-15, 01:53 PM
I'll buy the leather vest please. Thanks for the info! :)

04-06-15, 02:00 PM
75 GP to be deducted. Transaction complete. Please link this thread where applicable for proof of purchase and previous pricing.

04-06-15, 02:01 PM
GP Deducted.