View Full Version : Roman Reynolds, the Magician

04-07-15, 04:40 PM
Name: Roman Reynolds
Nickname/Alias: The Magician
Age: 23
Race: Human
Height: 6'0
Weight: 140
Occupation: Magician/Thief

Personality: To describe Roman in one word, or even a short sentence, would be a tremendous task. As is the case with most anyone, Roman is blessed with many positive qualities, and cursed with some that are less attractive. First and foremost, Roman is a "people person." He does an excellent job of working a crowd, and can charm just about anyone he meets. With such trait comes a tendency to manipulate others, and an ability to lie without a second thought. In fact, it is often Roman's web of lies that end up exposing his true nature, and putting him in quite a bit of trouble. Next, he is an exceptionally resourceful person. He can bend just about any situation to his liking with his sharp tongue and his quick reflexes. Years on his own have served Roman well, and he does a decent job of holding his own. Unfortunately, even having plans A through Z will not guarantee a perfect record. Roman has quite a rapport with enforcement officers in a variety of different cities, and he has spent his fair share of evenings in a jail cell.

History: Roman's childhood was nothing noteworthy. He was raised by two parents, and though they were already in their late forties when he was born, he was surrounded by love and support. What the boy lacked, however, was adventure. The pair coddled their only child, and the family spent much of their time at home in Corone. Andrew Reynolds worked from home, while his wife, Margaret, worked at a shop only a short walk away. There was little opportunity for the young Roman to explore, and he quickly found himself starved of attention from anyone other than his parents.

It was during a seemingly normal school day that the boy learned of the unique powers he possessed. At the age of twelve, he began incorporating his abilities into innocent magic tricks; he had always been intrigued by the magician who visited their school’s year-end fair, and his performances earned him the attention he so desperately craved. After that, everything happened very quickly. Upon completion of his schooling, Roman forwent higher education to pursue his career as a magician. He has spent the last five years wandering Althanas, using petty crime to finance his undertakings. He desires to learn more tricks, and grow more powerful, so that he might reach a wider audience.

Appearance: Margaret Reynolds formerly referred to her son as “string bean,” and for obvious reasons. He towers at just a touch over six foot tall, and weighs in at a measly one hundred and forty pounds. He has no extra muscle to speak of, and his lanky frame is outlined by sharp, jagged edges. Long, shaggy black hair hangs over his ears, to the base of his neck, and in his bright blue eyes. His skin is pale, as he spends much of the day inside, sleeping. His attire of choice consists of simple black pants and a crisp white shirt. He is generally spotted wearing a black robe, which he stole off of a patron many years ago. He believes it adds to his appearance as a magician.


Adventurer: Years of travel have showed Roman all over Althanas. Though he certainly has some corners that remain a mystery to him, he knows quite a bit about the big cities in the world’s many nations.

Resourceful: After living on his own for quite some time, Roman has learned the tricks to being a successful con artist. He is quick on his feet, and can make snap judgments easily.

Charmer: Roman is a man who knows exactly what to say to get what he wants. He can put on any mask, or play any role, to make himself appear more trustworthy.

Skilled Dagger: During his many travels, Roman has come to depend on his dagger for protection. Though he has never killed anyone, he has dealt just enough damage to make a hasty exit on more than one occasion.


Now You See It: Roman is able to teleport items a very short distance. He must be physically touching the item he wishes to move with his hands. The item will disappear, and reappear immediately somewhere else within a ten foot diameter of him. The item must be smaller than a basketball, and weigh no more than ten pounds. Performing this trick takes no physical toll on Roman, though he can only do it three times per day.

Disappearing Act: Roman possess the ability to turn invisible. He must have complete concentration for the entire ten second duration of the trick, or his invisibility will be partial or spotty. Heightened emotions, such as fear and anger, will break this concentration. He still makes noise while invisible, and he is still vulnerable to attacks. Contact with another person, either directly or indirectly, will result in complete loss of invisibility until the connection is broken. For this reason, he cannot remain hidden while attacking or be attacked. However, he will not lose invisibility by coming in contact with inanimate objects alone (knocking over a stool, opening a door). Roman may do this trick once per day. A perfect ten second duration will leave him with no negative side effects. If he encounters problems, such as being revealed by physical contact, or losing invisibility due to emotional distress, he will be left feeling light-headed for approximately one hour.

Smoke and Mirrors: Once a day, Roman can fill the room that he is in with smoke. Those in the room experience no health issues while surrounded by smoke. Rather, all people, including Roman, are simply unable to see through it. The smoke begins to fade immediately after being cast, and it is completely gone after approximately thirty seconds. This magic has no effect on Roman’s health.

Equipment/Weapons: Roman carries with him a worn iron dagger. He also totes a large, black cloth bag for use in some of his magic tricks. Within his bag, one would find a deck of playing cards and a small rubber ball.

04-07-15, 05:16 PM