View Full Version : Leaving for a better purpose...

Falcon Darkflight
10-17-06, 03:18 PM
I've decided to dedicate my time entirely to writing, rewriting and mastering Canen's character completely so I can work on a long awaited solo project of mine. I feel I have played around with a few styles and Althanas has helped greatly with my improvements over the past years. I'm going be looking into proper creative writing tuition in order to hone these skills and, hopefully, good will come of it.

Too many inconsistancies have plagued him and his backstory for too long and its been doing my head in for ages.

I'll be sure that all of the infuences that made Canen what he is today are given a mention (Althanas, all of the guys from AllRPG who helped set the poor Nocturn on his path and many of the characters who roleplayed and contributed so much to his development) and i'm hoping to come back and present something to Althanas to show for my work.

When I have done this project, i'll be back, and so will Canen.

Thanks to everyone who helped me realise I have potential and to those who are good enough friends to help me out with constructive criticism, friendly advice and even personal issues.

Long live Althanas. This one is for you.


Ayithe Solete
10-19-06, 04:41 AM
Yeah, your not going anywhere. That concussion has gone to your head, stay and rp with me, i'm sure Kaiser etc would prefer you to stay as well. Besides, i can just attack you in real life if you fail to respond to this thread...:P

10-19-06, 11:54 AM
Good to know you're inspired. ^_^ See ya soon!