View Full Version : 2015 Serenti Invitational Rules and Regulations

Silence Sei
04-09-15, 10:45 PM
The Serenti Invitational is the oldest tournament in Althanas' known history. Dating as far back as Greythanas, Crashthanas, Tanthanas, and even the AllRPG forums, the Serenti has a knack for inspiring activity and making legends of its Champions. It is the original and only traditional one-on-one tournament that is part of the Lornian Battle Tour.

I. Registration
Registration for the Serenti is probably the simplest out of all the tournaments. Just post a reply in the registration thread with the word “Registered” included in it somewhere. The registration for the Serenti will last for 2 weeks and multiple characters are allowed in the tournament. There is a 16 player maximum.

II. Rules
a) Only registered players will be allowed to participate in this tournament. If your character has not been approved you will not be allowed to join.
b) The battles will run exactly like a Citadel battle where each fighter will be completely healed afterwards. Between each round there will be a 5-7 day rest period for judgments and updates to be posted around Althanas.
c) The first person to post will establish the setting for the battle.
d) The standard rules of battle of Althanas also apply for the duration of this tournament. This means no power gaming will be tolerated and OOC should be kept to a minimum.
e) Players who do not post in their battle will be disqualified from the tournament. EXP and Gold will only be awarded to those battles that reach 10 posts of actual RP.

III. Judgments
a) All threads will be judged as battles. The player with the highest score will advance to the next round. All judgments are FINAL.
b) Any time a player takes more than 48 hours to respond to their opponent's last post they will have 1 point deducted from their Wildcard score.
c) Round will last Exactly two weeks.

IV. Rewards
The Rewards for the Serenti are basic, but substantial. In every round other than the first and last, all battles over 10 posts will be awarded a 5% boost to their EXP gain. The winner of the tournament will receive 5000 EXP and 2,000 GP, the second place winner will receive 2500 EXP and 1,000 GP and the third place winner will receive 2000 EXP and 500 GP.