View Full Version : Hidden in Darkness

Shadow killers protecter
10-18-06, 07:05 PM
There are several things hidden in Lietra, and Hytra. But none were as bad as the agnawarriors that stayed alot in the shadows or in human form during the day. Alot of people always wondered how these strange creatures came to be; honestly, they're known at the illegals.

How the illegals recived their name was from two different villages. The human village and then the shapeshifter village. the two races knew of the laws, they were to never mix together, never to create a dangerous breed. But still yet there were a few of them who did it any how, knowing the troubles they could have caused. By laws, the human race would hunt down the mother and the father and kill them both as well as the child they had produced; even if it was a family member.

That is how legend has it. But there is now a new legend to the race. They say that there is a ten- thousand foot wall to keep the humans or anything else out, even if it was their own child, they should not leave the village or they will be exiled and killed on the spot if found. unfourtionatly they all have begun to come out of the wall just to findone of the pups that had fallen from the wall so long ago and of what the humans have missed.

The warriors have done their studies and have been hiding in the human villages for over 1000 years now looking for just one of the illegals, taking anyone who stands in their way.

Shadow killers protecter
10-18-06, 09:21 PM
A strange man walked through out the twon in the dawning light of the morning sun putting up fliers of a myterious woman that looked almost like a goddess with a purple lily behind her right ear. He walked away, leaving the poster behind to let people read it; it being a wanted poster.

06-13-09, 02:04 PM
This thread has been sitting for a full year. Since no response has been made to create activity I am going to be moving this. If you would like it to be reopened please feel free to PM myself or another admin and they will be able to move it for you back to Scara Brae.