View Full Version : The Begining of the Dreams (solo)

Star Strike
04-24-15, 04:17 AM
"Welcome to Nolite Flere."

"Huh?" I open my eyes slowly, “Where… where am I?”

“My apologies but I cannot answer your question at this time.” A person twice my size stands before me. I believe they are male but I am unsure. They are tall and thin with large broad shoulders and black hair that covers half his face.

“Miss if you do not mind I would appreciate it if you would follow me.” His hand extends out toward me but before I could pull back and explain myself he retracts his offer of taking my hand. “That is right you do like to be touched. My apologies.”

How, how does he know this? I do not wish to follow him. His eyes stare at me with the white light of Vega and his hair reminds me of dying grass.

“I assure you I, Quin, am your friend Ms. Stern. As a sign of my sincerity I will make you a sugary drink and snack would you like it?”
Sugar would be nice but wait… “How are we taking right now? I barely know common and yet it appears I understand everything you are saying.”

“If you would please follow me Ms. Stern I would be more than happy to explain over drinks and snacks.”
Nodding I step out of the box and panels slide out closing a box behind me. I follow him through a grey hallway into a larger room of the same strange shade, accented with a lighter hue. In front of me against the wall is a rosewood counter with velvet cushioned stools. Behind the counter stars shelves of bottles and a stain glass mural of a young blond haired crying, tears filling two cups in the bottom corners and three more arcing over her head turned upside down.

“Again I welcome you to Nolite Flere.”
“Ah… It’s nice.”

Quin walks behind the counter, looks me over, and starts pulling bottles off the shelves. The seats are a bit too tall but gratefully there are rods of wood connected the legs of the stool for which to help me climb up the seat.

“Forgive my rudeness.” Quin looks up from his handy work but his eyes seem to look past me. “But I must ask you a question as it is custom here.”

I nod, hesitant about what words will leave his mouth. “Quid pro quo.”

“As you wish.” He bows. “Do you remember how you arrived here?”

Now that he mentioned it, did I? Vincent was helping me read some ‘fairy tales’ and left for a moment. I assume he fell asleep in some corner of the library if not his desk but… “No.”

“Very well. Thank you.” He reaches under the counter and gently places a tray of rose colored squares covered in powdered sugar in front of me. While not solid or liquid, they did look inviting. Must resist the urge eat too many but sugar really is the best. Taking one carefully between my fingers, I place it in my mouth. As the sugar dissolves the taste of bittersweet petals wash over my tongue as I chew the treat. I cannot help but grin as the treat goes down my throat and I pop another one into my mouth.

“You stated you would like to ask me something.”

Swallowing, I nod.

“Here.” Handing me a napkin the fact I have sugar all over my face. What should I ask him? Well now I really wanted to know what these treats were so I could ask Vincent to make them. But… I really didn’t know where I was or how I got here. Who was this Quin and where was the Tarot?

“May I return to the Tarot?” I whisper.

“I’m afraid you cannot leave until you play my game.”


The mural behind him begins to glow and the sliding metal sound of the doors sound again.

“It appears our other player has finally arrived.”

A young man masked in shadow walks toward the counter from the metal box. He looks like Vincent’s age but he felt more like Ioder.

“Sorry I’m late Quin.”

“It is alright I was just starting to explain the game to our guest, Ms. Stern. Ms. Stern allow me to introduce you your opponent and counterpart, Mr. Leere.”

How is a name going to help when I cannot even see him? Huh maybe to him I am concealed in shadow to. Perhaps Quin only meant to respect our privacy.

“The two of you are going to play a game. The rules are simple however I apologize as some have already been broken. Mr. Leere found Nolite Flere of his own accord and while that is not unusual it means he is aware of how this place functions. However like Ms. Stern, you, Mr. Leere, also are unable to leave until the game ends. The game ends when there is a winner. The game is chosen at random. If you would be so kind to press this button,” He pauses but a second as be slides a small box with a red hump on top on to the bar. “we can begin.”

Without hesitation Leere slams his hand down onto the hump and the cups on the mural behind Quin begin lighting up, flashing around the mural. Startled? Yes but I am more scared of Leere’s grin, it reminded me of Ioder and Vince fighting. I didn’t like those grins then and I certainly did not like them now. A high pitched ringing sounded from the mural. Turning my gaze to it I was the upper right cup had flipped over revealing the word Parade.


“I will explain the rules shortly.” Quins eyes look me over. “I promise you Ms. Stern I mean you no harm.”

“But… but I’m not sure I want to play your game… I…”

Leere wanders off, muttering under his breath while Quin stands still and thinks for a bit. “Very well then. I apologize. Here.” Tapping the countertop the polished wood fades as a deck of cards drift up. Tarot cards. My tarot cards.

“I see you recognize these. That is good.” Quin smiles. “They will reassure you to play the game.”

Wearily, I take the deck into my hand and spread them across the counter. I slowly close my eyes and let the cards guide me as I pushed and pulled the cards over and under, left and right. Can I leave? The cards are drawn back together again. Carefully, I split the deck and draw the first card. No…. No it must not be so…

“Ms. Stern…”

I can hear Leere scoffing at me in the background.

Turning the card around to Quin, the sound of crystal against wood ping while tears stream down my face. A sigh escapes my lips. I didn’t need Leona to tell me what this card meant, I could see it in cards design as it restricts and binds. Eight of Swords. If it’s a game I must play it is a game I will. Not only to return to the hierarchy but home.

“So how does one play Parade?”