View Full Version : 4th HQ; What Do?

Silence Sei
04-28-15, 05:36 PM
So, because The Trading Company has not provided proof of their activity in months, the HQ that was once theoirs is now about to be up for grabs.

That being said, I'm holding a week long poll to determine how this 4th HQ should be acquired, you have the following options.

Let the PGs war for it, winner gets the HQ; the most straightforward and standard way to do things.

Auction it off: I could sell the HQ for 11,000 GP starting bid at an auction, and allow for a bidding war to which PG would reap the benefits.

An Event: TTC got their HQ in a boss battle event, and I'm juggling the idea of doing some such again.

So 1 week to help me make a decision with what to do with an abandoned HQ. So the question is now, what would -you guys- like to see me do with it?

Fox Owen Xavier
04-28-15, 05:43 PM
The fighting sounds like it could be interesting, although what groups do we have that are big and active enough to fight it out for it?

For the bidding, is there anyone (or a group) that would be interested in bidding for the PG at 11k starting bid might I ask? Yourself not included...

So I guess if no one stands for the first two options, it kind of defaults to the third... Anyways, I'm holding my vote to see who all expresses interest in doing one of the methods.

04-28-15, 06:02 PM
Well so far the Crimson Hand and the Gilded Lily are apparently going to fight. Will see who else is interested. I can affirm that the Gilded Lily is interested.

04-28-15, 06:38 PM
War. Anyone who says otherwise, join the Guild Lilly. Warmongers with us. :)

04-28-15, 07:03 PM
I have been so excited for this for a while now. Let the gongs of war ring!

black shadow
04-28-15, 08:42 PM
Althanians!! What is your profession?!?!

"War! War! War!"

Tobias Stalt
04-28-15, 08:57 PM
I'm having trouble understanding what would cause the Lily and the Hand to fight, other than "LOL HQ."

I'm all for the auction idea. Let money talk. That's how things usually go.

04-28-15, 10:20 PM
Fight fight!

Max Dirks
04-28-15, 10:49 PM
I think there should only be 3 HQs with rewards capped at 5 members. That'd make for a lot more fighting for HQ.

Zook Murnig
04-28-15, 11:06 PM
Honestly, I think we should do away with HQs entirely and run PGs the way we did back when I joined. Groups of like-minded characters amassing power, influence, and money to do more than individual characters could. Missions to attain goals, and all that jazz.

Cards of Fate
04-28-15, 11:13 PM
Limiting rewards for HQ's feels like a bad idea IMO. Lets say the Tarot had a kickass month for activity, we should be able to reward for activity. Limiting per members discourages large scale Pg's. I feel like forcing conflict on a site where we get salty enough OOCLY is a terrible idea. OOC drama created IC drama, but IC drama creates OOC drama as well.

I would like to see PG's given the ability to foster community without being forced to breed conflict.

Zook Murnig
04-28-15, 11:27 PM
Part of the problem is large scale PGs, though. Half the site got involved in the IK, which resulted in no one challenging them on anything. The same is happening with the Tarot Hierarchy. Limiting rewards keeps the PGs either small, or active through people competing for those rewards. MVPs get the rewards, because they proved themselves to the leader. If it doesn't go that way, and the leader just gives it to his buds regardless of activity and usefulness, then people will jump ship.

Cards of Fate
04-28-15, 11:36 PM
Here's the problem, the Tarot Hierarchy is big because I go out of my way to make it big. The IK got big because Sei wanted it to be big and actually do something. The IK peaked activity wise right as it got it's HQ. Our size has nothing to do with our Hq. TH and IK will continue to be big, nothing will change that.

All the HQ system is doing is letting people who ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING rather than lurking and bitching about never getting anything done to thrive.

Edit: Every TH magical item has been awarded on merit.

Zook Murnig
04-28-15, 11:48 PM
The HQ system just works for the Tarot Hierarchy, right now. MizBiz has very low, if any, activity. TTC died. IK is dead in the water. Why? Everyone is focused on the Tarot. Spread the love, and you'll see a lot more activity amongst the PGs.

Cards of Fate
04-28-15, 11:53 PM
You see, I can't tell my members to go you Pg's. I can't recruit for other Pg's, and I'm not going to stop recruiting for my group becuase y'all aren't recruiting actively either.

My secret? I post in my recruitment threads. I stay active, I'm the attractive option for new members who don't want to wait three months to finish a thread. I'm not going to lower the bar for you, you need to get on a level to compete.

Rayse Valentino
04-29-15, 12:00 AM
You don't need to be so defensive, Zook makes some good points. If PGs don't have a member limit on rewards, and you can be in multiple PGs at once, what's the incentive to spend time and effort organizing a war effort to fight a very large, established PG? Why not just join them? Considering the activity level of the site, very few PGs can even support the member base to hold an HQ. Let's not forget that since you can add infinite alts to inflate your ranks, smaller PGs will be whittled down just by attrition if they attempted to war. It doesn't seem worth the effort.

Tobias Stalt
04-29-15, 12:11 AM
It's true, if you want people to be active, inspire them to be active. You want a group to be big, recruit. You want rewards? Earn them. Whining because people who did earn something are getting it is silly. Go fight the Tarot, or IK, or MizBiz for what they have, but don't try to take it from them and say "we should all be the same because it's fair." That's not fair. That's catering to those who don't want to put in the work.

Tobias Stalt
04-29-15, 12:11 AM
Also, Tarot doesn't allow alts. It's one of our rules.