View Full Version : Escape from the Crypt

10-21-06, 02:15 PM
((ooc: Continued from profile. Just for a little background. To fully understand some of the thread you might want to take a look at the War and History section.))
As I stand here on this rocky sooth covered hill, I glare down with my red piercing eyes at the horrific scene below me. Past the fast flowing river of molten lava, is legions upon legions of undead, goblins, trolls and many more unspoken creatures of evil. Standing in front observing the drill and training is a man that looks like he is the son of Evil his self. Standing tall with muscular arms across his broad chest he is wearing a suit of armor made out of flowing black obsidian. With his eyes of pure black his gazes takes in the entire army. As I take in the scene below me I am completely entombed with in my own thoughts.

“This will all be mine in time when all the forces are gathered and the army is ready to fight my training will be complete. When this time comes commander Rakeish will step down and I will assume the position of Grand General. Then with me in command chaos and destruction will sweep the lands and tear it apart. After this evil will put it back together in its own vision and rule the world. That time is in the far future, but it will come and the I will erect revenge for my father.”

Landing on my shoulder with his claws digging into my leather guard is inferno, a species of miniature red dragons called Mizers. After centuries of selective breeding for small size and loyalty they have produced a species of miniature red dragons with the same fire breathing abilities, ferocity, and viciousness of a full grown red dragon, but with the size of an eagle and loyalty that is unmatched. If a mizer is connected to you with a bond of loyalty they will stay loyal to you till their death. Turning my head my eyes met with Inferno’s and we made a mental connection.
“Master come it is time for your training.”
Turning around with inferno still on my shoulder I start to walk away.

06-13-09, 02:05 PM
This thread has been sitting for a full year. Since no response has been made to create activity I am going to be moving this. If you would like it to be reopened please feel free to PM myself or another admin and they will be able to move it for you back to Scara Brae.