View Full Version : Althanas is going to get more foxy samurai action, I hope

10-21-06, 03:30 PM
yup, I'm planning on having Kit and Inari return to Althanas for some adventure. I was starting to miss them so I want to return with some fun quests.

And I'm also wondering if anyone wants to help my return. I don't have any ideas yet but maybe someone could help me out with throwing one out if they decide or maybe something will come up in my mind as well. I just don't want to fall under and leave Althans since this place can be so much fun.

10-21-06, 04:55 PM
I'd gladly help you, can't really throw out an idea since i'm being hurried though. I'll reply later.

10-22-06, 09:11 AM
ok awesome, glad to have you. And I'm up for anything too^^

10-22-06, 11:03 AM
An idea just popped into my head so i'm throwing it out kinda vague so bear with me:

I was thinking something like there's a resistance movement (any location) for some reason, and were part of it, or vice versa and we could be resisting the resistance movement or something like that, all I know is that Banda on the good side of whatever.

10-22-06, 11:14 AM
nice, nothing like a rebelion^^

I think if kept small scale would be best, like a Dutchie in Corone or somewhere else.

10-22-06, 11:25 AM
yeah that would be good, now to fill in the vague spots

10-22-06, 01:20 PM
Glad that those two haven't disappeared completely, Ran. Welcome back to the foray under your older guise. I'll talk to you next time we meet on AIM, see if we can't strike something up.

10-22-06, 01:27 PM
I'd join in a rebellion for goodness, if you want me.

10-22-06, 01:32 PM
My other character would gladly take part in something like that, seeing that she's Coronian and all. Whether for the rebellion or against it... well, that all depends.

10-27-06, 11:31 PM
Okay so I've been thinking real hard.

Enemy #1: The duke(or dutchie I prefer male so easier to kill for Banda you'll see)

A Duke in the Country Side has been declaring unfair laws, and have been arresting the inhabitants for quite some time, and they've had just about enough, though the people are willing to go to arms themselves, they still are not skilled enough, and even yet do not have equipment or enough supplies to support themselves with, so they've hired some extra help. That could be you. Each person willing to aid in the rebellion will be given a small number of troops to command depending on how many participate in the aid. (There are about 50 troops in total). The leader of the rebels is called Pit Crynot(dont ask the name)

The Duke of The Countryside already has been alerted about the rebellion, and has gathered his troops to protect him. (There are probably about 70 soldiers) The soldiers are better equipped and supplied and have a high advantage in defending the rebellion. Each person willing to stop the rebellion will be given a slightly larger amount of troops to command due to the armys size.

Rebels Mission:

The Duke is inside his castle, waiting for the rebels to come strike, your mission: Break through the defenses of the castle and slay the Duke, then claim his castle.

There are also the arrested prisoners in the castle jail cells, if you free them they will add to your number of troops and depending who is there when they are freed will be splitted even.

The barracks in the castle also can supply your small army with better equipment and first aid.

The Duke's Army Mission:

Eliminate every one of the rebels and capture the leader of the rebel group, and his generals(participants of the resistance).

If you can convert one of the rebels to your side you can use him/her as a spy, and be one step ahead of the enemy.

The castle is going to be attacked if well defended the rebels might not even get in the castle...

so whaddya think?

10-28-06, 02:18 AM
Meow. If you want Rainee to help out Kit, I"d be glad to pitch her in for assitance. I know that the two know each other already but Mylie and Rainee could help in some way shape or form. Plus ^_^ Mylie could keep Inari company. That is unless you changed your fox ronin and her daughter since the last time Kit and Rainee rped together.

10-28-06, 10:19 AM
streak: sounds like a neat idea for an epic battle^^ Although Kit has zero leadership skill, it still sounds like a fun idea.

Anna: yeah I'd love to do another quest with you. though I have a change planned for both Kit and Inari, they're going to merge bodies and souls into a single entity but she shoulkd get along very well with them both, even still be a friend for Mylie^^

10-28-06, 01:46 PM
Sounds like an intro is ready to be typed up! I'll do it!

10-29-06, 10:29 PM
Update on intro: I've been delayed from the PC for today so I should have that intro up in say, 15 hours (When i get out of school tomorrow)

11-01-06, 06:27 AM
thread is up: http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=39889 A war not so big. woo! I can get to school now!

11-02-06, 07:43 PM
Hmm, this seems like it hasn't really started yet so... Is it too late to join in?

11-02-06, 08:05 PM
to Ingenious: I'm cool with you coming along^^

though Streak made the thread so it's his choice.

Also if you want I don't mind doing a separate thread with you either^^

Other note: I'll have my post in the thread tonight or tomorrow.

11-03-06, 04:53 PM
anyone can join in on the fun!

11-05-06, 09:59 PM
there got my post up. Took me a while to figure out a good intro.

11-06-06, 10:08 PM
Ingenious you sure dont waste time! or waste post space either! I applaud you for that intro!

11-06-06, 10:25 PM
Thank you. I came here for rp fun as well as to improve myself. I figure if I give it my all I will improve.

11-08-06, 01:39 PM
okay anyone else who posted in this thread previously wanna join in?

11-22-06, 12:35 PM
sry about the delay guys... been doing alot of things lately