View Full Version : April Rewards

Silence Sei
05-01-15, 08:18 AM
Hi guys!

New month, so I need 3 threads to prove your activity on site, as well as completed threads so you can get some sweet Exp/GP swag.

Leona Stevvains
05-01-15, 08:20 AM
Aces and Eights (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?29077-Aces-and-Eights) - Leona, Vincent, Cellar, and Leona battle in an attempt to unite the latter three as allies. Completed.

Sei Note: Counts as Hierarchy Activity.

Cards of Fate
05-01-15, 08:31 AM

Name: Ac finals CoF aka "Royal Flush"

Vincent Cain embarks on a mission to kill Pode and save Leona, discovering on the way he has become the Emperor. Through his trials Vincent takes his first steps into leadership and discovers more than he bargained for.

Sei Note: Counts As Hierarchy Activity

Alyssa Snow
05-01-15, 08:56 AM
Adventurer's Crown - Round 2 (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?29108-Round-2-Team-4) (COMPLETE)

Alyssa & Vince are chased to the House of Cards by swarms of undead. Within, they find an even greater evil.

SN: Already submitted in March, can not be claimed again.

Adventurer's Crown - Finals (solo) (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?29274-AC-Finals-Alyssa-Snow) (COMPLETE)

Alyssa, wrought by the psychological damage of killing a friend and nearly dying at the hands of Tobias Stalt, heeds the call of the one responsible. With her heart heavy, she faces a woman that some call a god: The Forgotten One, Pode.

SN: Counts as Hierarchy activity

Exploring the Pit: The First Ai'Brone (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?29085-Exploring-the-Pit-The-First-Ai-Brone-(Closed-to-Alyssa)) (ONGOING)

Alyssa takes a break and meets Vincent Cain who teaches her the wonders of a strange cuisine called "pizza". After deciding she's found a new favorite food, Vincent mentions his findings in the uncharted rooms below and together, they decide to investigate. There, they stumble upon an ancient statue with unfathomable powers.

SN: Counts as Hierarchy Activity

Future Imperfect (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27530-Future-Imperfect-(Closed)) (ONGOING)

After seeking aide to understand the origin of her crystals, Alyssa returns to her quarters to study her findings. Just as she gets comfortable, a strange messenger bursts into her room with a dire message: "You will bring about the end of the Althanas..."

SN: Counts as Hierarchy activity.

05-01-15, 02:03 PM
AC Round 2 Guest Team [Finished] (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?29113-Round-2-Guest-Team)

SN: Does not count as Hierarchy Activity

Beachside Brawl - Battle with BlackAndBlueEyes [Finished] (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?29008-Beachside-Brawl)

SN: Does not count as Hierarchy Activity

Geology Featured Battle (MVP and Best death cuz...Logan) [Finished] (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?29178-Geology-Featured-Battle/page7)

SN: Counts as Hierarchy Activity

Tarot Recruitment (Waiting on Cards *cough cough*) [Ongoing] (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?29319-Njilian-Canusbarenn-Tarot-Recruitment-Closed)

SN: Counts as Hierarchy Activity

05-01-15, 04:59 PM
http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?29383-Time-is-money-(Closed) Finished

SN: Does Not Count as Tarot Activity

http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?29340-Go-Along-To-Get-Along-(Open) Finished

SN: Does not count as Tarot Activity

http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?28829-Desire-or-Deception-Solo Finished

SN: Counts as Tarot Activity

http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?29349-Does-practice-makes-perfect-or-dead-practitioners On Going

SN: Does not count as Tarot Activity

http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?29168-Dueling-Personalities-(Closed) On Going

SN: Counts as Tarot Activity

Tobias Stalt
05-02-15, 12:25 AM
Sacrosanct (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?28669-Sacrosanct) Complete.

SN: Counts as Tarot Activity

From Yesterday (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?28663-From-Yesterday) Ongoing.

SN: Does not (currently) count as Tarot Activity

After the Storm (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?29389-After-the-Storm) Ongoing.

SN: Counts as Tarot Activity

Max Dirks
05-02-15, 07:02 AM
Sorry Alyssa, AC round 2 was previously claimed by Cards in March and cannot be claimed again.

Logan, our thread had nothing to do with the Tarot Hierarchy, so unfortunately you cannot claim this.

Sei, I'll respectively defer to your ultimate audit of these threads, but many of them do not appear to have anything to do with the Hierarchy.

Silence Sei
05-02-15, 07:23 AM
Done, notes on whether or not they counted were left. If you have any questions about how they involve the Tarot, Dirks, feel free to discuss it with me,

Silence Sei
05-02-15, 07:28 AM
In the future, please post the link to your thread, as well as a brief summary for how it actually relates to your PG for activity. Thank you.

Alyssa Snow
05-02-15, 10:07 AM
Will do!

So, I'm confused. As far as PG activity goes, we can claim the same thread multiple times so long as it is actively posted in, right? Like, if I start a thread in January and post every week, it can count as PG activity until I finish it in March, right?

Also, only finished threads earn HQ bonuses, right? So if I finish a thread in March, I can only get rewards for it in March, right? Logically, since I finished it in March, I wouldn't be able to claim it in April because it would be impossible to post in it within 21 days to be considered an active thread, right?

Also, you only get HQ awards for one completed thread. If you complete more than one, you still only get credit for one.

In summary, only finished PG threads can be used to claim rewards and those finished threads must have been completed the same month. Meaning, if I finish it in January, I must claim it in January. I cannot try to redeem it in February, correct?

That being said, if a thread is ongoing through several months, so long as it has a post withing 21 days of that month, it can be considered PG activity for each month. Ongoing threads, however, do not earn HQ awards because they are incomplete and you can only get rewards for said thread on the month it is finished.

Can you please let me know if I understand this correctly?

Silence Sei
05-02-15, 10:25 AM
Will do!

So, I'm confused. As far as PG activity goes, we can claim the same thread multiple times so long as it is actively posted in, right? Like, if I start a thread in January and post every week, it can count as PG activity until I finish it in March, right?

Correct. A Thread started in January and continuously posted in until april can count as PG activity up until it was finished in April.

Also, only finished threads earn HQ bonuses, right? So if I finish a thread in March, I can only get rewards for it in March, right? Logically, since I finished it in March, I wouldn't be able to claim it in April because it would be impossible to post in it within 21 days to be considered an active thread, right?

From what I'm understanding in your question, that is also correct. If you finish a thread in march and submit it in March, it counts towards March. If for some reason (editing, you finished close to midnight before you submitted at midnight, etc etc) the thread was submitted in a different month than when it finished, it goes off the date the thread was submitted, as in my eyes, that is when no more editing can take place and it is labeled as finished for a judge to take it.

Also, you only get HQ awards for one completed thread. If you complete more than one, you still only get credit for one.

Correct. One completed thread gets you the exp, and the exp does not stack. However, I usually distribute GP dependent on how many completed threads one has done for their month.

In summary, only finished PG threads can be used to claim rewards and those finished threads must have been completed the same month. Meaning, if I finish it in January, I must claim it in January. I cannot try to redeem it in February, correct?

There are exceptions to this rule and they'll be reviewed on a case by case basis, but yes. That is the general rule.

That being said, if a thread is ongoing through several months, so long as it has a post withing 21 days of that month, it can be considered PG activity for each month. Ongoing threads, however, do not earn HQ awards because they are incomplete and you can only get rewards for said thread on the month it is finished.

You got it.

Cards of Fate
05-13-15, 06:29 PM
Yo Rayleigh, you're on deck for this months monthly item for all your hard work and activity on the site and off site! Please come back to us with a magical item idea and we'll work with you!

Cards of Fate
05-13-15, 06:45 PM
Also for the attention of any features peeps.

I need to rework my Cain Cane from February. It was deemed an ability by RoG and I was trying to go for just an enchantment. Could we change the enchantment on the Cane to be

"It absorbs the rebound energy of it's strikes into it's silver runes that store said energy to be released twice a day as a blast on contact with a swing that is equal to a strength six punch?." RoG peeps help me out in making this fit properly.

05-13-15, 07:22 PM
Alright, for my April reward, I'd like a tool belt that is enchanted to always return the tools to Ray. The tools will always disappear and reappear on her belt after they have been stationary for a certain amount of time - maybe a few posts? That way, if Ray ever drops or loses something, they will come back to her. They will not come back if they are moving (being used, being swung through the air, rolling down a hill, whatever). This belt has no bearing on the actual quality of the tools. If they are broken, they will return in pieces, and will not reassemble or anything.

Is this a rough idea that we can work with?

Cards of Fate
05-13-15, 08:09 PM
It works exactly as is! One enchanted Magim Beast tool belt that returns lost tools to it it is!

(Edit: Im able to approve this because Jack and I spoke about budgeting these items from an administrative standpoint and this item is dirt fucking cheap)

Cards of Fate
06-02-15, 09:25 PM
Is someone going to work up the exp for this?

Cards of Fate
06-03-15, 08:43 AM
Cards of Fate receives 800 exp, 200 gp

Ioder receives 800 exp, 100 gp

Logan receives 1000 exp, 100 gp

Leona receives 200 exp

Taste of treason receives 600 exp, 100 gp

Alyssa snow receives 60o exp, 200 gp

Tobias stalt receives 1,200 exp, 100 gp
200 to House of cards vault

06-07-15, 05:46 PM
exp & Gp Added