View Full Version : Rein Jenkins Level 1

05-03-15, 10:52 PM
Name: Rein Jenkins

Nickname/Alias: Rein

Age: 23

Race: Human

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 130 lbs

Occupation: Mercenary, Assassin

Personality: To Rein all life is precious and equal, no one meaning any more than the others. She respects the lives of her prey and only kills for work or for her own well-being, taking value and understanding the sacrifice her prey has made. Her main goal is to protect and help others and teach them her ideals on the sanctity of life. She can be rather talkative, always looking for someone to help and befriend. She can be a tad nosy, always wanting to know more about others issues and wanting to become closer to them. She can, however, be too trusting when it comes to helping others, and hates facing her own faults. Patient and empathetic, Rein is a compassionate person with a fiery personality. A valuable friend, and a terrifying enemy.

History: Adopted by travelling magical bard; Rein spent most of her days on the road with him learning wilderness survival skills and learning morals from her father. Their small family spent their time traveling and entertaining for income. Rein grew an interest in her class profession at a young age when coming to the realization that ranged hunting was more effective and more rewarding. What started as a means of survival turned into a passion, as she continued to challenge herself to kill efficiently and pushing herself to land her mark from as far a distance as possible. When she reached the age of 17 her father found she was able to take care of herself and went on his own journey of self-fulfillment. Rein, no longer with any purpose, decided to take her skills to help others in need. Mercenary work, however only for a good cause.

Appearance: Rein has chin length, thick, white hair with bangs that reach down below her eyes but she keeps swept aside so that she can see. She has soft, rounded, facial features and light freckles that go across the bridge of her nose to both sides of her cheeks. Rein has dark colored skin, comparable to that of milk chocolate, and a well-toned body. She assuredly gives off feel of someone who is very well in shape and attractive.

-Skilled in using a crossbow
-Excellent accuracy with her shots
-Advanced knowledge of Wilderness Survival (i.e.: hunting, trapping, survival basics, etc)
-Very basic knowledge of first-aid
-Basic knowledge of found herbs
-Knowledge of harvesting resources from killed prey

-Higher speed than the average human (Can run 2x faster than the average human; when encumbered, i.e. carrying a heavy crossbow, can run at the same pace as average humans)
-Increased vision than the average human (Able to distinguish what an object is 2x further than the average human; Average human can distinguish an object up to 2 miles away)
-Higher stamina than the average human (Can travel and keep up a state of increased adrenaline, i.e. fighting, for twice as long as the average human; when encumbered, i.e. carrying a heavy crossbow, will be drained of her stamina at a similar rate to an average unencumbered human)

-Scoped Mahogany Crossbow (Scope only allows increased vision of 1.5x what you would normally see and is mostly used for aiming)
-Small Iron Dagger (used for harvesting from prey, and simple self-defense)

Cards of Fate
05-03-15, 10:55 PM