View Full Version : Voodoo, dreams, and love

10-21-06, 11:43 PM
“Open your eyes, a chill passes you by
A premonition coming strong
Rich with desire, superstition in disguise
Draws me into where I belong

Have you ever wondered why in a dream you can touch a fallen sky?
Fly to the heavens that watch over you, telling me it's a voodoo
Voodoo too”

Silver dragons flowed from her mouth as she exhaled. The rich smoke filled the sky and faded into the red sunset. Her eyes were heavy; the day fell from her mind as she gazed at the blaze before her sight.

"Have you ever wondered why in a dream you can touch a fallen sky?
Fly to the heavens that watch over you, telling me it’s a voodoo”

The essence of song spilled from her tongue as she drifted deeper into it. The ember in the bowl of the pipe of her forefathers glowed like the setting sun as dusk fell around her. Another log she fed to the flames, it flared in thanks, small red stars floated to join their brethren in the sky above.

Faerie danced with the will-o-wisps through the dark oak columns around her, dead soul’s whispers drifted on the warm breeze. Life drifted in and out of her sight, being wrapped in a quilt of warm visions from beyond the wall of sleep.

Althanas vanished without a sound.

White sand extended for horizons before her as she thought of why. Everything was so radiant, her hair and dress fell in sharp contrast to her skin. Her dusk dress and hair flowed in an unfelt breeze as she watched the horizon. A silhouette of a man, black as coal shimmered in the distance before her, a gasp escaped her breast as form flowed before her, a tiger, white as paper and stripped with the darkest of nights slowly walked to a stones throw away.

It sat slowly, methodically and stared at her.

“Forever and a day we drift the ether from beyond the wall of sleep.” It spoke, unmoving and in the voice of her father.

Mia nodded silently before moving forward following the tiger as it stood and turned walking besides her as they moved across the dunes, opalescence sifting like the sands into shades of grey and mud, her companion faded till nothing. She felt a short pang of loss but continued walking.

Her clothes changed, zippered sweatshirt for a top and denim jeans. Black boots cradled her feet as the earth beneath her changed to stone. Sounds of machines and people crept into her senses; her ears lost their points and her skin turned tan.

She stopped, realizing these things around her for a brief moment, but it was lost in other thoughts.

She continued to walk, people around her passed her without notice, cars and trucks drove through the moist streets as steam poured out of vents as she walked over them. She felt a few drops of water before rain began to pour from the grey clouds above.

She reached behind her neck and pulled the hood over her head as she watched people scramble, papers held over their heads in attempts to shield their selves from nature.

Tuning a corner she walked slowly for a few more blocks before crossing the street and entering a small store.

Inside were aisles of knickknacks and trinkets mixed with stones, crystals, books and incense. The smell of dragon’s blood and sandalwood caressed her senses as she walked towards the back. A few people moved around inside as she passed.

“Mia! Bought time you got here love!” a voice she was waiting for said; she stopped and put her hood down before turning with a smile on her face.

She was greeted with a tight hug from her dearest friend, her dark red hair and black attire a welcome sight to her.

“It was raining out.” Mia replied as she turned and continued walking towards the back.

“So?!” Tera retorted with a short look of disapproval and her arms crossed before jolting to keep up with Mia.

“So… you know me, I like to walk in the rain, hell I’d sing in the rain if I had the bloody voice to.”

“and if the world was broadway…” Tera said with a short chuckle, “ and damn it, I keep telling you that your singing voice is beautiful. But no, you keep complaining that it sucks. Seriously, the band wants you to sing lead for those songs you wrote, Elric hates….”

Mia turned slowly on her heels, giving Tera her look that signaled not to take it any farther.

“Humph…” Tera said as she crossed her arms and turned her gaze away from the eyes that burned from behind orange glasses.

Mia smiled and shook her head before speaking, “sorry love, you know how I am about Elric.”

“You’re still sore at him for breaking up with you? I mean he didn’t leave you for another girl at least. He’s just doing what he thinks is best, he said that this might happen, with college and work and stuff, it was hard to make time for even the band.”

“Yeah” mia said with a short sigh, her eyes drifting to the floor. “Anyway, you want some tea?” she said with a thoughtful smile.

Tera smiled and nodded” yeah, we have any of that..um…what was it…”

“That stuff from South America?”


“I think we do, I’ll bring it down when it’s ready.”

“Thanks” Tera said as she turned and walked towards a customer that looked lost.

(Voodoo Too by Godsmack)