View Full Version : CH vs Lily Round 1: Lloyd vs Zel

Tobias Stalt
05-12-15, 09:51 PM
The Northern forest stretches on nearly forever toward the northernmost reaches of Berevar. Where it begins, this clearing stands surrounded by trees like a monstrous gate. The sounds of the forest echo on forever, if left to their own devices.

You know what they say about staring into the abyss...

You have 48 hours until the battle starts, and 2 weeks until it ends. No time-frame on daily posts.

05-24-15, 09:18 PM
The boy had held his sword high in the sun, already drenched in blood from killing of local animals and those who had been proclaimed his enemy. Zelrius was more then pleased with the recent war declaration and excited for a fight. His Fallien lifestyle and training of a soldier led the Blonde haired male believe ever so arrogantly that he could not lose a battle. It just wasn't possible in his eyes. Healthy and strong, the Light-skinned desert boy stood in the clearing of a place he never dreamed he'd be in; The northern Forests. These trees stretched in every direction for miles, and the cold air flew between the shrubbery and foliage as though they weren't even there.

Despite his dread for cold environments, that of which was born in his journey to Eiskalt, Zelrius followed his orders scott and key. And the matriarch had given the command for him to come here and secure the place from any of those of the Crimson Hand. Which brought to mind how the boy came to be in the Gilded Lily's service. Which originate with the Service to the Crimson Hand. However, his loyalties ended up being with the Gilded Lily, as he simply felt that the boy was more useful in the hands of the Lily rather than the hand. Nonetheless, he respected the side in which he was now faced against, which is precisely why He stood now, in the clearing between trees, waiting for the first signs of his opponent's arrival.

Tobias Stalt
05-31-15, 10:39 PM
Closed for judging.

Tobias Stalt
09-22-15, 09:05 PM
Zel. No rewards.