View Full Version : CH vs Lily Round 1: Cards & Ioder vs Fox & Leoric

Tobias Stalt
05-12-15, 09:56 PM
Though far less cold than the northern wastes, the fields in the southern reaches of Berevar were still wickedly cold. Lush grasses grew wild there, which gave it the illusion of a more temperate place. The wind blew gently most days, but on others and during snowstorms, it was no less a hell than the north.

You have 48 hours until the battle starts, and 2 weeks until it ends. No time-frame on daily posts.

05-14-15, 11:36 PM
“Sir,” the voice of a young woman clad in iron pierced the silence that had descended on the southern plains of Berevar. Ioder, the white winged general, turned back to and casted his gaze over his soldiers lined up within the trenches. Standing shoulder to shoulder, the crew of The Risen filled the series of trenches twisting through the sparse tree line. “The men are getting weary and the rations are running thin.” her timid sounding voice wavered as Ioder looked down upon her.

There was a bone chilling wind blowing in from the north. Praising his good thinking to packing heavily Ioder dawned his thickest and warmest jacket. Its animal skin insulated him well enough to withstand the chill. As he stood out in front of the series of trenches he wondered just how much longer they would wait until the enemy would show up.

“Listen to me all of you,” Ioder said aloud addressing the two dozen men who had accompanied him to this field of battle. “We have been in these frozen lands for days, planning and orchestrating for this. And now as our enemy draws near, we must hold strong. It won’t be long now, so relish this calm and be ready on my cue.” and as the last words left the angel’s mouth he spread his wings and took flight. In his wake danced three white feathers gently to the ground. Each eye from the trenches watched the skyling as he headed to the front lines.


“What are you talking about?” Ioder exclaimed resting his flagon of the wooden bench he and Vincent Cain shared. With the smell of mead on his breath Ioder hiccupped before continuing. “Who is it now?” Vincent leant his head back and let his arms fall slack to his sides. Ioder sensing his brother in arms dismay copied his body language.

“You see,” he started before pausing and letting out a sigh. “I don’t really understand either, but it seems that a member of the Tarot has gone rogue and is participating in the war up north. I’d never met him but Leona informed me that you and Alyssa worked with him once, back when you had to extract her from that FUCKING flying fortress.” Was the general statement that Vincent was trying to convey. But in the case of these two drunken fools, it sounded more like a series of ape like grunts slurred together.

Ioder returned with his own nonsensical grunts, “And you’re telling me this because he knows too much and needs to be dealt with?” The two men sat up and turned to look at each other. Both had a crimson flush to their cheeks and fog in their eyes. And after a moment they both broke out in uncontrolled laughter. Not loud mind you but neither could seem to stop.

“Yeah and that's where we come in, you, me, and your caravan will make way to find him and bring him home.” Vincent grunted and stood offering Ioder his hand. The two didn't get to hang out as often as they did before, so like the pals they were it was hard to stay sober around each other.


As Ioder held a hand over his face he embraced the chill of the Berevarian winds. As he carried himself with his mighty wings he scanned the ground below like bird of prey. After about a quarter mile he finally spotted Vincent Cain leaning against a tree. And with a mighty dive the angel began his descent to the ground. He knew that the enemy forces would soon dawn the fields of battle, and it wasn't long before they would find who they were looking for.

“Good to see you friend,” Vincent said as his eyes sprang open to Ioder’s soft landing. He bore a cocky smile on his face, one that Ioder had come to know well. “I guess its just a waiting game from here.”

“Vinnie we will be ready for them, and if they bring any whores my men will take care of them.” Ioder said as he took the tree next to his friend. As he nestled his back to the tree he began to contort his shape. His appearance became more ladylike and his wings vanished, his male features began to fade and more sensual lumps began to take their places. Vincent watched with his jaw nearly on the floor as his friend shifted his form into one that would resemble the Earth superstar Angelina Jolie, big lips and all.

“You frighten me sometimes…” Vincent said as he looked away from Ioder.

“Get over it,” he, she said raising a hand to the wind. “we can’t risk him recognizing me and making a break for it.”

“But was this necessary?”

“Yes, very.”

Cards of Fate
05-30-15, 05:34 PM
I wants to stay active in this but was waiting for my opponent

Tobias Stalt
05-31-15, 10:41 PM
Closed for judging.

Tobias Stalt
09-22-15, 09:06 PM
Cards/Yoda. No rewards.