View Full Version : An Odd Request

05-13-15, 09:39 AM
Okay -

May I please get a quote for a box, about the size of two large fists wide. It should be decorated a little, maybe, to look like this: BOX!!! (https://bluebuttonpress.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/img_2500.jpg)
It needs to be tough, made of a thin wood maybe or metal. Cheap is okay.

Basically, though, what the plan is, is it to have an enchantment so that whenever you open it there is a set of four cupcakes. They can be four chocolate, four red velvet, or four vanilla, or four of funfetti. The person just needs to say one of these titles before opening the box, so that the cupcakes then appear. If the box is closed before all cupcakes are eaten or taken out, then they disappear and the box can be reopened with new cupcakes.

I am thinking either medium or advanced enchantment?

05-13-15, 10:58 AM
250 GP for the box of "Unlimited Cupcake Works (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VovJZ42xXY)".


Yeah, 250 GP sounds fair, no?

Cards of Fate
05-13-15, 11:03 AM
Just chiming in that these cupcakes cant be used for impromptu bakesales to make mad monies.

05-13-15, 11:21 AM
Good point.

05-13-15, 11:24 AM

With this price, what is the box made out of?

Also, would it be possible to get a quote for another box, but smaller, providing one cupcake at a time?
Mad monies will not be made from this, I promise :P

05-13-15, 11:56 AM
Make the box out of anything tier 3. So damascus, plynt, etc.

Small box is 75GP.

05-13-15, 12:02 PM
cool, will take one of each :D
thanks ^_^

05-13-15, 12:03 PM
Done, gold to be deducted soon.

05-13-15, 12:05 PM
Note: the big one is going to Hysteria, but I will relay this to him.

05-16-15, 08:18 PM
GP Removed