View Full Version : Price ChecK: Protective Shield

05-13-15, 11:58 AM
Ray needs some protection as she wanders into her first real battle.

I'm thinking a small bracelet with a button on it. When Ray presses the button, she is surrounded by a protective bubble.

The bubble can block three weak to moderate magic or melee attacks before falling away.
It can fend off a sustained weak to moderate magic attack for approximately 10 seconds before falling away.

Ray cannot attack while in her bubble. It is only meant as protection.

Once the bubble falls away, it takes time to recharge. Maybe she can use it once every other post?

It does not need to be able to protect against anything more powerful right now. I may write a quest to upgrade it later. Right now, it just needs to be able to buy her time.

I'm more than happy to make necessary edits. This is just a rough draft. Thanks!

05-13-15, 12:22 PM
Could you maybe let me know what you consider a weak and moderate blow? Ran into a translation issue on a previous shield.

From there we can talk about usages and cool downs.

05-13-15, 12:39 PM
Sure thing. To me, weak is an attack from just a regular, unspectacular NPC soldier wielding a sword. For PC, maybe a basic level 1 (without any special boosts to their attacks)? For moderate, I was thinking maybe something closer to Ray's level. A level 2 character (with no boosts), or a slightly more powerful level 1?

I foresee more powerful attacks than that going right through her shield. Does that help at all, or do you need something different?

05-13-15, 01:12 PM
Gives me a better idea, yeah. So a weak attack would be a sword swung by an average build guy. A moderate would be like a blow delivered by a well trained swordsman (no stat boosts).

With that verbiage, your shield should still be vulnerable to all of the crazy things like explosive spells, roided out PCs, bullets, and certain environmental hazards (lightning, lava, tornadoes, etc).

That being said, 3 weak attacks, 2 moderate, or 10 seconds of sustained. Permitting logical combination of the three before breaking. Cool down of 15 seconds (1-2 posts).

Let's talk shop:

500 GP for your renewable bubble shield.

Sound good? Questions? Anyone else have objections?


Going with a damascus bracer/bracelet with a button (rune/glyph) activated kinetic shield.

05-13-15, 01:25 PM
That sounds perfect, Jack. Thank you so much. I'm happy to pay the 500.

05-13-15, 01:32 PM
Excellent, 500 GP to be deducted from Ray when I get off my arse.

Cards of Fate
05-13-15, 02:30 PM
A very concerned Vincent Cain offers 500 to up the ante on the sheild

05-13-15, 02:31 PM
Hey now, we can't let that be it, now can we?

How about we bump up that shield's protection to block up to level 4 physical attacks entirely (anything below 10X human strength basically), offer some resistance to magical or non-physical level 3 and below attacks (say reduce by 50% strength)?

And then let's tack on a 50% reduced kickback to the attacker for non-ranged attacks that are blocked?

What's that going to run more or less? I'm thinking 1500 gp?

05-13-15, 02:45 PM
I don't like speaking in terms of levels, but I would say that much would buy a shield that could block anything short of bullets, beams, 6x strength+, high impact spells, and catastrophic events. Abilities/attacks that do make it through would be lessened.

We'd have to mess with a few things though.

So, the shield would be able to block 5 weak blows, 3 moderate, one strong, or 15 seconds of sustained moderate fire. Cooldown would have to up to 30 seconds (2-3 posts). Knockback would work like a percussion of air or strong gale once broken. For a man weighing 200lbs, this would throw him back a good 15 feet. While not damaging on its own, it could do some damage if the attacker were cast against an object.

1,500 total GP would afford you this.

05-13-15, 02:47 PM
Done and done.

500GP from Logan. 500GP from Rayleigh. 500GP from Cards.

Total 1500GP.

05-13-15, 02:58 PM
Gentlemen, I appreciate your help. But I'm happy with the 500 GP shield that Jack and I originally agreed upon.

05-13-15, 03:42 PM
That being said, 500 GP only for the initial shield.

05-13-15, 03:44 PM
Alright, they're awfully persuasive. I'll go ahead and go with the more powerful shield.

Thanks, guys.

05-13-15, 03:54 PM
You put your offer in, you take the offer out, you put your offer in, and you shake it all about.


500 from Ray, 500 from logan, 500 from Cards.

Now, that's what it's all about!

05-16-15, 08:16 PM
GP Removed