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Sephtol the Witchblade
05-17-15, 05:46 PM
Name: Sephtol Ariakes
Age: 25
Race: Human
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Amber
Height 5'11"
Weight: 150 lbs.
Occupation: Spell-sword

Personality: Sephtol is a callous, indifferent man who cares little for anything unrelated to his pursuit of higher knowledge. What little sense of humor he does possess waxes sardonic at the best of times and bitterly cutting the rest. Otherwise his social interactions tend to be brusque and direct, his primary concern being to end them as quickly as possible. His lack of patience with those he considers to be of an inferior intellect (nearly everyone) and his obvious disinterest in the welfare of those around him tends to earn him the almost instant dislike of those unfortunate enough to make his acquaintance.

Appearance: Amber eyes holding a gleam equal parts intelligence and malice are set in pale, angular features framed by ragged sheaves of raven hair. A worn, earth-toned traveling cloak emblazoned with the sigil of his Order is usually draped carelessly over his slender frame, and Sephtol is never without his leather satchel looped over his shoulder. It's stuffed to the brim with the books and scrolls he has collected during his years as a scholar: magical tomes and accountings of history jumbled haphazardly with works of philosophy and mathematical theory. These are his most treasured possessions, even moreso than the rapier sheathed at his hip.


"To pursue knowledge and understanding is to transcend the base instincts that govern and enslave our fellow men; it is through science and analysis that the true nature of the world and our place in it can be divined, and our bonds severed. When you realize this, Sephtol...then you shall be free."

Sephtol speaks little of his life before joining the Order, but the fevered formulas and equations he recites in his sleep and the mass of vicious scars covering his shoulders, back, and arms have discouraged his fellow Knights from becoming too inquisitive.

He came to them shivering and emaciated, rambling of the aether in a whisper that sounded of a death rattle. He was brought back from the brink by treatments both magical and mundane, and when his sanity was restored the youth pledged his life to the Order in return for their efforts. The dark hunger in his eyes did not go unnoticed, nor the glint of avarice that flashed through them when his gaze landed upon some new artifact or tome he'd not noticed before, and yet his skill with a blade and his unique understanding of magical theory could not be denied. It was by a narrow margin that Sephtol was accepted into the Order, but in the end mutual gain struck the leaders as a more profitable path.


Expert fencer: To study any art is to seek perfection; to Sephtol, it makes no difference whether that art is spellcasting or swordsmanship. Disdainful of the hack-and-slash methods used by some of his fellow knights, he prefers a more precise method that focuses on footing, economy of movement, and precision.

Scholar: History, mathematics, physics, magical theory, economics, philosophy, politics; no matter the subject, Sephtol ravenously absorbs any fragment of knowledge he can get his hands on and has a remarkable retention rate, able to recall specific information on the spot almost without effort. While his primary focus is unraveling the vast mystery of how magical energy interacts with the physical laws of the mundane dimension, he lets no scrap of information escape his notice.

Mage: A gifted spellcaster, Sephtol is capable of drawing upon the aether and bending magical energies to his will in various ways. Not only can he control magic, but he has a keen talent for sensing it and discerning its nature as well.


Barrier: Sephtol plucks strands of energy from the very air and weaves them together to form a glimmering panel of pure magic, capable of withstanding three strikes from an iron or steel strength weapon, or a single strike from a more powerful weapon. An incredibly taxing spell, Sephtol can only cast it once per day.

Aether Blast: Just as it can be used to defend, so can Sephtol harness pure magical energy to destroy. Bolts of shimmering plasma strike with enough force to knock a grown man off his feet and cause second degree burns, but can only be cast three times per thread before he must rest and regain his focus.


Satchel: A leather satchel filled with scrolls and tomes on various topics both arcane and scientific.

Rapier: A shining steel rapier in flawless condition. The basket hilt protrudes from within his cloak, just over his left hip.

05-26-15, 07:32 AM

I'll take the money for the updage of the rapier (50 gold)