View Full Version : The Rangers

black shadow
05-18-15, 08:21 AM
Who Are We?
We are an elite organization composed of the best Archers known throughout Althanas, The Rangers. With no true goal or political ties, we have one thing in mind: Protect each other. The art of the bow is slowly dying, and this organization is the last to practice such art. Revive the art of archery, that is our goal.

The Rangers have one main goal: To rebuild the way of the archer and to show the world what an archer can do. A bow and arrow can be used for an assassin, for sport, for distance battle. Those who use such a weapon has the greater weapon of surprise. Those who use close combat must get in close, but those with a bow can keep their distance, giving an advantage against those close quarters enemies. This is what The Rangers wish to bring back to the world.

The Rangers are not consider a good, nor an evil faction, this is set to attract all those who wield a bow. The rules for the group are as follows:
1) You cannot kill another member. This may seem like a no brainier, but it has happened in others factions. Those that break this rule will be expelled and unable to return.
2) When on a mission, you must follow the guidelines set by the contractor. If the mission say to bring the target alive, that's what you do.
3) Respect and Protect each other. All members are to respect each other, even if you do not like one another. When one is in trouble and another is nearby, you are expected to help.

You do not come to the Rangers, instead the Rangers come to you. Now you have the choice to make, whether you wish to join or not when confronted. If you decide yes, then you will be put through a series of tests that ultimately lead you to the HQ of The Rangers. If you cannot make it through the challenges then you are not fit to be a part of The Rangers. (This is for IC initiation only, application in the registration form is what starts this process.)

OOC: As suggested by Lye, I will be opening up the ability to have us teach you to use a bow, in case you do not own one and wish to learn. Here is the Application:

Bow skills:
Reason for joining:

Only an Archer can join our ranks. A crossbow is stretching but is allowed. The art of archery is becoming a lost art, will you help us rebuild?

black shadow
05-19-15, 11:41 AM
Registration is now open! come to me all you archers!! :) Post the application shown above in the posts below!

05-19-15, 03:58 PM
Name: Aliander
Bow skills: moderate
Reasons for joining: self advancement.

05-19-15, 04:37 PM
Name: Lilith Kaethar
Skills: Highly Skilled - Snipe shots (short or far), arcane magic bow and arrow, etc.
Reason for joining: Looking for fellow archers to assist and work with. A place of safety for her.

black shadow
05-20-15, 07:14 AM
Alright you two, I will have the thread up sometime later today.

06-11-15, 01:17 AM
Name: Felicity Knopsnider
Bow skills: None.
Reason for joining: Felicity is out to learn as much as she can in any type of combat field, archery included. She already knows how to use swords and her fists. In short, she's a learner and student taking in as much as she can, archery included. She does not currently have a bow of her own.

06-11-15, 02:14 AM
Name: Yakob de Void
Skill: Crossbow implanted into left arm.
Reason for Joining: Greetings. Look at my face, I am adorable *pulls cute expression* so you must let me join. You want a pint-sized mini avenger with an actual dark heart? Well... you got one. Looking not to make friends but to expand my abilities and connections.

black shadow
07-08-15, 11:42 AM
alright, If you three are still interested let me know and I'll get your threads up. also, Aliander, your thread is up as well. This is the link for you. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?29519-Initiation-(The-Rangers))

07-08-15, 11:47 AM
Black Shadow,

I deleted Phi as she is in enough power groups already.
However, my new alt, Vaeron (this one) is actually skilled with a bow and one of his abilities comes from it. If you will have him he would be willing to be a part.

Name: Rameses Vaeron (Vaeron)
Skill: Bow
Reason for Joining: I am wanting to stretch my abilities and my associations and make connections with various peoples. Yes, I have my associations with such things as piracy, but that is merely part of my story.

black shadow
01-17-16, 10:45 PM
Okay, now that I actually have time, I would like to attempt to get us up and running again, soooooo drop your applications here. And those of you who already posted, let me know if you're still interested and we will get ya up and running!