View Full Version : Greetings from a blind writer.

05-25-15, 08:00 AM
As the title of this clearly indicates, I am blind and while that’s not the most important thing about me, just as no one indicator fully defines any individual, it does describe an important aspect of my interactions with this site. I am new to this kind of site, and thus, must not only learn how this kind of site works on the whole, but also how my screen-reader interacts with the software. A double learning process to be sure, but an interesting one; so, aspect errors to occur, as any action conducted for the first time is highly unlikely to be completed flawlessly. Just as a general head’s up about me and my interactions here.

05-25-15, 08:10 AM
Lovely to meet you Drumheller. I have a very good friend who is very similar to yourself. She is a great writer and has been blind from birth. I have found, though, that her writing implements and hardware are great for interracting with all sorts of sites and I hope that you will be able to have a great time here.

Where are you from? What sort of thing do you write?
If you have any questions, I am the Head Judge, Philomel, though in real life I am Ailsa.

05-25-15, 08:26 AM
Welcome to Awesomenas! It amazes me how you don't let your blindness get in the way of stuff like online and writing. You rock! I hope you have fun on this site, and I look forward to reading your works :)

~ Ashla.

05-25-15, 09:33 AM
Welcome! And please feel free to ask questions if you get stuck anywhere on the site or need help settling in. Mind if I ask how you found us? Have you tried play-by-post before?

black shadow
05-25-15, 09:45 AM
This will fun! �� welcome to the site! I hope you enjoy your stay here! Every person here you are sure to find to be friendly. If you have any questions just ask. I, Black Shadow, am one of the ROG staff, so if you have any questions about creating your character, I can help.

~Black Shadow~

05-25-15, 10:32 AM
Writing only requires imagination to free itself of the physical world.

If you want to write, there's no reason to not - so welcome to Althanas :)

05-25-15, 10:45 AM
Lovely to meet you Drumheller. I have a very good friend who is very similar to yourself. She is a great writer and has been blind from birth. I have found, though, that her writing implements and hardware are great for interracting with all sorts of sites and I hope that you will be able to have a great time here.

Where are you from? What sort of thing do you write?
If you have any questions, I am the Head Judge, Philomel, though in real life I am Ailsa.

Well in general, I write everything from academic and research level articles, to poetry of varying quality, to science-fiction and fantasy, to training manuals. More specific to this particular site, I prefer dynamic writing that includes multiple sensory modalities, with a particular emphasis on scents. I have a strong disliking of and regularly write against the attractiveness heuristic in fantasy, which is why in part I have chosen the character that I have. This more than merely the “noble savage,” archetype, the monster as described most often in fantasy literature is never explored to the point of something more than an antagonist to the hero in most instances, where as one that is shown to have his own wants and yearnings is an action that would improve any work. At least in my opinion.

05-25-15, 10:59 AM
Mind if I ask how you found us? Have you tried play-by-post before?

I found this site purely by accident, a fantastic accident to be sure, but purely so. It was a case of looking for one thing, specifically the differences between HTML and BB code for my manual, and coming across this site as a consequence. I became curious and spent some time ambling about, if you will, and decided to join. I have some experience with play by E-Mail, which is similar to what is done here, if not entirely identical, and is currently reading more to ensure I have the hang of things.

Oh, don’t ever concern yourself with asking questions, I shall at least respond with that’s personal if it is so, and if it isn’t then you’ll learn something perhaps useful in the process. This is a policy I employ and stand by.

Skie and Avery
05-25-15, 12:06 PM
Welcome! Always lovely to have a fellow orc enthusiast around.

Alydia Ettermire
05-25-15, 12:09 PM
Welcome to Althanas, Drumheller.

05-25-15, 09:41 PM
Welcome my friend hope you enjoy it her on Althanas.

05-25-15, 11:32 PM

I don't believe we have many pretty or beautiful characters that don't have a dark side to them. You should read some of Otto's stuff. He writes an orc hero who is far from the classic archetype.

05-26-15, 09:14 AM
Welcome to the site. If you need any help from me or the rest of staff, do not hesitate to ask. I find it fantastic that you've not only found us but decided to join us. We're a very close knit community, active, and friendly.

Again, welcome. I look forward to your written works.