View Full Version : Destroyed Missiery

Shadow killers protecter
10-22-06, 12:58 PM
(( anyone may join.))

A young girl, not looking very old at all stayed in a corner in a basment, she was shivering and cold, her eyes now a pale, almost blind green, she was extremly upset.

People would go by and look at her, pointing and speaking to her as if she were a pet in a pert shop. She didn't care, she didn't listen to them, as far as she knew they didn't even exsit. She blocked them out, escapeing into her own mind. Lost and wondering, she wondered about alot of things, her exsistince. People's cruelty, the love that people shared, what was there to look foreward to.

She only knew of a few things, and those were the things that went on below the surface world, in the lab of Sclecent. A mad man who was out to rule the agna race, she didn't understand his cruelty either, she only knew that she had a schedule to stay on. She wasn't of the violent nature at all, don't think that, she only fought in self deffince, and that was very little of the time, most of the time she allowed the warriors, or the wolves to battle against her and take her properties away.

Besides, she didn't need the belongings they wanted, she only needed her body to survive, something in her told her that there was soemthing more out there, she just didn't know what at all. She only knew what was in the lab, born and raised there from her mother's womb, she didn't see as to it that it matter, either way she was stuck down there.

Several times she looked out and wondered, but everytime the mad man would push her away from the windows and say there is nothing out there, this is the only world there is. She started to believe it.

But the man started to act so differently she noticed. She wanted to go out there, so she would try and search for a way out, even crying out to people that she wanted out.

" please.. someone help me..." She spoke in a tone that was hardly hearable from the lack of speaking. her skin and hair were pale as well because of the lack of sun light, she even looked extremly thin for her age.

Deadnight Warrior
11-02-06, 02:45 AM
Was it a human?

Artume looked strangely at the thing, his observant blue eyes taking in its movements and the way its eyes seemed to sink back when he looked into them. He'd happened to notice the little irises of the thing when he'd walked by, and only now did he notice that it was, indeed, some form of female. Strange looking thing, it was, and he sucked his teeth in curiousity.

His desire to know, to understand, led him to the door of the building, what appeared to be a simple home in Scara Brae city. He knocked on the door and waited patiently until a man opened, peering out from the small crack of an opening in the door.

"What?!" he demanded to know, eyes shrinking in pure anger as he looked to the tall man who had knocked on his door.

"Ah, yes, good sir. The lass you have in the basement, peering out the window so desperately? Be she your daughter?"

The man tried to close the door immediately, though Artume's tough boot blocked the way. Artume's expression was one of pure innocence, a slight smile creeping up on his face. "Don't ye think she could be using some food, some light mayhaps? Even a good bottle o' ale, aye, would do her some good."

"She doesn't need a damn thing!" The man replied, kicking Artume's foot out of the way. Quick as a flash, the warrior's hand shot out to hold the door open for yet another moment.

Switching from a casual speech to one of higher regard, Artume leaned forward threateningly to make close eye contact with the man. "You keep a woman in the basement. She does not look human, even. Do you think that's well advised in a city like this, where the law takes such crimes o-so-seriously?"

A hint of anger flashed in the doorman's eyes, or was it fear?

"Set her free, foolish one, unless you fancy the prick of a sword in your heart," Artume promised, his free hand dropping to Ruin.

"Gah!" the man cried, releasing the door and rushing into his home. Artume followed quickly, watching from the entranceway as he descended some stairs at the end of a hallway.

A moment later, he returned, somewhat shaken. "Fine, take 'er then! But you'll be regrettin' your theft!"

Artume didn't mind. He merely waited for the woman to arrive from downstairs.

06-13-09, 02:05 PM
This thread has been sitting for a full year. Since no response has been made to create activity I am going to be moving this. If you would like it to be reopened please feel free to PM myself or another admin and they will be able to move it for you back to Scara Brae.