View Full Version : Price Checks and Updates

05-29-15, 06:38 AM
Hello, I would like to see if I could get
- My flamberge and two linking arming swords upgraded from iron to steel.
- My mirror armor upgraded to steel.
- A steel sword breaker (a type of dagger, look them up!)

Thank you! :)
~ Ashla.

06-08-15, 10:03 AM
160 GP to upgrade the Flamberge
80 GP to upgrade one arming sword (160 GP for the pair)
Steel Sword Breaker is 75 GP

Please give me more information on your "Mirror Armor Set". What does the armor cover, is it full plate, just the chest, plate mail, etc. Also, that "mirror" bit. Is that an enchant or more of a polish?

06-10-15, 07:55 AM
You never heard of Asian mirror armor? http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3a/Mirror_armour_of_Torgud_Reis_by_Wendelin_Boeheim.j pg/220px-Mirror_armour_of_Torgud_Reis_by_Wendelin_Boeheim.j pg

Also, scratch the sword breaker. How much for a spring loaded triple dagge

I'll take both arming swords upgrades! Thanks! :)

06-10-15, 01:47 PM
The heck is a spring loaded triple dagger? Sounds... dangerous for anyone involved...

As for the mirror armor, an upgrade to steel would be 160 GP. (That is based on the image as a torso piece of armor)

150 GP for a Trident Main Gauche.

06-10-15, 08:13 PM
... I guess I'm just taking the steel arming swords of epicness then.

Deduct 160gp from my account, please? Thank you! :)

07-03-15, 07:48 PM
Gold deducted, please link to this thread as proof of purchase.