View Full Version : Initiation (The Rangers)

black shadow
05-29-15, 12:13 PM
I will be playing this as Aryya, the co-leader of the Rangers.
closed to Light and Aliander

A classic initiation. Dark, wet, and challenging. Would the new recruits be up for the challenge or would they perish from the trials, never to be seen again? Only time would tell.

Black Shadow stood next to his fellow Ranger, Aryya. They stood under the dark forest canopy, two others knelt before them. They had bags on their heads and their hands were tied. Behind them was a rack with the bows and quivers of the two.

"are you ready?" Aryya asked Black Shadow. He nodded and stepped forward, taking the bags of the two soon to be Rangers. "You have been selected. Grab your weapons behind you and follow us." She said turning her back. Black Shadow walked next to her and waited for the initiates to be ready.

06-04-15, 10:08 AM
The air smelt wet and my skin tickled with the moisture that ran off of it. My senses were somewhat dulled by the bag that lay over my head and I was unsure if it was dark or light anymore. The ground felt soft under my knees so I knew I was on soft soil. Movement along the earth perked my ears and my hands were bound behind my back.

Where the heck was I? And who was next to me?

Before I could determine more, I felt someone grasp the bag over my head and pull it off. My eyes squinted to adjust to the moonlight rays that beat down onto my surroundings. Once adjusted, I felt the familiar air and smells of Raiaera, my blood drained from skin. How long has it been since I have been in my homeland? Why am I here?

My head whipped up to the strangers before me, there was a man and a woman, both equipped with ornate bows and stern looks upon their faces. There was someone beside me who seemed to be somewhat confused by our situation as well. The female spoke, “You have been selected. Grab your weapons behind you and follow us.” She took out a small dagger and released my bindings.

I turned behind me and saw my bow laying on the ground, I lunged for it and grasped for the familiar iron and string in my hands. The person next to me did the same. I jumped to my feet and checked for my dagger in my boot.

Good still there.

I breathed a little easier with my bow and dagger in tow, but being in this place made my skin crawl. Should anyone from my hometown see me, I am as good as dead. Not to mention I have been kidnapped by strange people and been selected…?

Selected for what?

These thoughts jumped around my head and I began to feel dizzy with the confusion. I needed some clarity before I just walk head first into this place with strangers.

“Who are you and why did you bring me here?” my arrows close to my reach should I not like their answers.

black shadow
11-16-15, 06:44 AM
Aryya sighed, knowing that the question would be asked. "Follow us and your questions will be answered better than I can explain them. You wield a bow, you have been selected." Aryya said, turning her head to the elf. "you will not be harmed and if you do not wish to join us upon reaching our destination, you may leave."

Before the elf could ask another question Aryya turned and began to run, Black shadow following after her. They did not look back to see if the two were following them, hoping that the two were. After about one hundred yard they took a sharp turn right, jumping off the edge of a tall rock and rolling upon touching the ground.

The trees around them were filled with life, the sounds of birds singing their songs. The smell of the sweet flowers blooming all around them was the nicest smell Aryya knew. She loved it int the forest, where she was free to do what she wanted.

They continued along their planned route, stopping in a large clearing. "Do you think they are ready?" Aryya asked, turning to Black shadow. He nodded and looked forward. On the other side of the clearing you could easily see two targets with hundreds of marks on it, obviously from the arrows of archers. Black Shadow and Aryya each knocked an arrow, aimed at one of the targets, and fired. The beautiful hum of Black Shadow's BladeSinger Bow rang through the forest, the birds stopped for a second and sang back.

A perfect hit, bullseye for each of them.