View Full Version : Hiatus

05-29-15, 04:04 PM
I promised a lot and couldn't deliver.

As such, I really need to concentrate on work and enjoying other things for a while. I keep trying to write replies to the currently ongoing threads but it's excruciatingly difficult to string a sentence together.

I will, of course, continue to try but I will not be looking to start anything new in the immediate future, just whilst I finish off the academic year - perhaps as that eases off I'll get an urge again.

I am sorry to those who have waited and waited, but you know how it goes - writing is a fickle mistress, and sometimes she demands too much attention from the wife.

You may see me lurking, but alas, it will be just that for a week or two at least.

Love, light, peace.

05-30-15, 04:33 AM
I can happily say there's no rush on our thread, and I'm sure most if not all would say the same. Don't sweat it! We'll be here, mate : )

Feel free to drop into chat if you miss us, though (read: I miss you : ( )