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06-06-15, 05:10 PM
“There it was again.” Ioder said as stopped beating the eggs he was preparing for the early morning crew in the mess hall. Across the room Vincent and Stella were busy at work helping to make a meal to feed their small army. It had become some kind of routine for all three of them to take time out of their day to attend to the basic needs of the Hierarchy. These included but were not limited to cooking, cleaning, laundry, and various other tasks that no other member wanted to be bothered with. Nevertheless all three of them did everything they could to keep up the moral of the group.

“What was that buddy?” Vinnie asked as he opened the oven placing an unbaked lump of dough inside. Ioder hesitated for a moment before he opened his mouth to answer his friend.

“Nothing… “He said motioning for Stella to come over and relieve him of the eggs. “I just have to step outside for a moment, I’m starting to feel a little weak that’s all. I must have not gotten enough sleep lately.” All these were truths but there was more bugging Ioder than what he wanted to let on. Since earlier that morning Ioder has been plagued by numerous tingling sensations similar to that Leona had warned him about. Even still he wasn’t sure what these sensations meant other than what the seer had explicitly told him.

Stella happily took over Ioder’s task with a smile and a nod allowing the white winged warrior to step outside of the kitchen. As he left the mess hall and made his way to his room he couldn’t shake these sensations. Leona let on that she too felt these sensations but hers were linked to her gift. She was clear that Ioder was not going to just grow into the ability to see the timelines like she could, but she did inform him that these feelings only arrive when there was someone worth of becoming one of the Tarot’s Major Arcana.

The halls of the House of Cards were a bustle with new faces, some old and others young, but all new to Ioder. He felt disconnected to the newest wave of members to flood their ranks but he was sure that among them was the newest Major walking the halls.
Or was he wrong?

At the end of the hall stood one of the only familiar faces Ioder could see. The contract mercenary Tobias Stalt was not always around, but when he was it was clear that nothing would,… could happen on his watch.

Tobias Stalt
06-06-15, 05:28 PM
Tobias stood quietly in the midst of a bustling crowd. The ranks of their order grew by the day, and Tobias grew increasingly convinced he did not belong. At first, when Leona paid his price and brought him into her secret society as a defender, Tobias asked no questions. Each new face distanced him from a true need to protect, and every man and woman grew more self-sucfficient as the hours ticked by.

His arms folded neatly in front of him, a stoic soldier without a battlefield. Tobias felt the itch to move on spreading across his entire body. Leona Stevvains was gone. Not a word, not a sign of her to be found, Tobias remained only out of respect for the contract.

But his time there, even paid, was finite.

Bodies brushed against him, indiscriminate of features or gender. They were a mass of flesh and empty souls, and Tobias the shepherd that kept them. It was not in his nature to defend the flock. "Excuse me," one voice muttered, and another, "a thousand pardons."

It was staggering, the sheer variety Vincent had managed to amass. Elves and men, swordsmen and magicians, scholars and rogues. Tobias would have congratulated the youth, had he any real investment in their order. As it stood, Tobias felt ready to move on. He debated in silence whether the exit merited a word, or if he ought go in silence under the veil of night

That tension broke when he saw Ioder, one of the two enigmatic youths who Tobias rescued once upon a time. "Ioder," he nodded quietly, an air of recognition in his words, "I see you are well. That is good."

06-06-15, 05:57 PM
Ioder rather liked that Tobias had decided to stick around through the months he had been contracted by Leona. He knew that the money only he was originally given was never supposed to pay for this much of his time, so the fact that he stayed must have meant he either enjoyed the company of the Hierarchy or he really hated everything else. It didn’t really matter to the Seraphim why he stayed, it only mattered that he was still here and still strutting a somewhat happy expression.

“It’s good to see you as well old friend.” Ioder responded as he walked past Tobias. Though he was indeed distracted Ioder was good about making time for a friend. As Ioder made it in ‘fist bump’ range he extended his hand out to the Mercenary as a sign of good faith. “I’m sure you’ll make it down to the mess hall to get some grub, but you better hurry, I’m not sure how long this meal will last.” Ioder said as he too was bumped into by one of the newest members of the group.

The young lad looked up to Ioder and Tobias, whom both looked like battle hardened veterans to the likes of these novices to the battlefield. After a very polite “my apologies” the young scholarly type slipped off towards the smell of freshly baked bread. Ioder refocused on Tobias still with hand extended outward. Now Ioder didn’t know much about Tobias other than what he had been told by Vincent, but he was sure that even he could recognize a friendly gesture.

“So what do you say, I need a friendly face to converse with. Could you maybe accompany me to the lower levels? I need to get away from all these people.” He said wearing a slight sense of grimace controlling on his face.

Tobias Stalt
06-06-15, 06:08 PM
Tobias bumped fists with Ioder in a gesture of greeting, though his free hand remained steadfast at waist level. The obvious discipline he gained through military training still showed in his stature. His face remained an emotionless mask as the fledgling member of the Hierarchy bumped into them, and even as the youth hurriedly apologized. Tobias merely nodded, slow but certain.

While the boy trodded quickly along, Ioder continued to address Tobias, and the mercenary turned his hardened gaze on the seraphim. "Food," Tobias replied, "might do me well, though not just now I think." The crowd never seemed to bother him, though Tobias Stalt never seemed to integrate with it. He was something else, aloof, and ephermal. He never tarried long, though he remained a constant in their memory.

"They would miss you if you left," Ioder commented in passing. Tobias glanced sidelong at the man and considered his invitation. The sellsword could only smile.

"I think I would like that," Tobias told the enigmatic entity as he turned and clasped his hands, headed for the stairs. "Let's take a break from the crowds for a bit. It might be good to talk to someone other than Alyssa or Vincent. A fresh perspective is always beneficial."

The dark threads seemed to billow off him like cresting waves as he turned and strode into the darkness ahead. He moved through the sea of faces effortlessly and disappeared with Ioder close behind, destined for the chambers below.

06-06-15, 06:29 PM
The lower levels of the House of Cards were far less crowded, though even still there was activity all round. Tobias and Ioder hadn’t ever really talked and that actually left the Seraphim cautious in his approach to discuss the issue at hand. He knew that Tobias’s allegiance was nothing more than a kindness at this point, but being quick to agree to speak with him proved that he at least cared about the group to some degree.

“So I know that you have been thinking of leaving,” Ioder said breaking the silence they both strode down the steps in. “But I also know that you want to still be a part of something.” He continued as he took the lead of Tobias. The two continued down the hallway until Ioder turned and stopped at the entry of the moss covered training room. With a quick flick of his wrist he opened the door to the room and stepped inside, making sure to hold open the door for Mr. Stalt.

“Yeah well, it doesn't really look like you or Vincent really need me around anymore.” Tobias said under his breath as he entered the after him.

“That’s entirely not true,” Ioder said closing the entrance behind him. The hall was love and oval in shape covered in a dim green glow of the bioluminescent moss growing along the walls and ceiling. There were already a few pairs of newcomers training in clusters all around the room taking full advantage of the facilities the Tarot had to offer. That sight itself was enough to warm even the coldest heart, seeing the next generation push themselves to be better. “Besides you can’t just leave, I really can’t allow it.” There was a slight taste of poison in the words Ioder spoke. “You should have known Leona picked you for a reason, and that she wouldn’t just not tell her successor.”

Tobias Stalt
06-06-15, 06:53 PM
"I'll allow,"Tobias spoke slowly, "that it does entice a man, to feel that he's wanted for something more than just his service. It's more fulfilling to know that the people around you genuinely appreciate the things you do for them." His arms slowly fell from his waist and both hands disappeared like wisps of shadow into his sleeves.

Something in Ioder's tone felt menacing, and though his contract intended for him to protect the strange man, Tobias kept an unwritten clause about self-preservation. His fingers danced beneath his cloak for a moment, and his stern smile steadied on the angel. "With respect, of course- your predecessor, was it? Leona saw fit to leave me in the dark about a great deal of her inner-workings. It might be that she saw some potential in me or my skillset, and that prompted her to hire me on. That's not mentioned in the contract."

He held up his right hand, palm open. "You must understand, from my perspective, that's a very unfortunate lapse in negotiations. If she doesn't tell me something, it doesn't fall into the bounds of the agreement. So that contract in turn will terminate the moment my services are no longer necessary. That's just what mercenaries do. It's business." His smile wavered as fond memories of the Hierarchy prompted him to reconsider. The cold, hardened killer in him inspired a more realistic outcome.

The silvery steel dagger appeared in his left hand as he withdrew the other. "So, you must consider; what I need and what you cannot do diverge in a way that may end horribly for one of us." The passing threat fell from his lips as he bowed his head. "And I would not be at all happy if I had to take your life, Ioder."

"So let us speak frankly," Tobias said after a moment of silence, "you intend to make me stay, but your reason is simply "Leona told me you had a greater purpose," but you won't tell me what it is?" His amber gaze rose to hold their angelic equal. "Fine. Show me your resolve. Show me the tenacity of your hierarchy, and persuade me to stay," his grip on the long knife became severe, "or I will rip the secrets from your flesh. Either way, I will have my closure."

06-07-15, 04:46 PM
Ioder stood dumbfounded, as if he didn’t really understand where Mr. Stalt’s anger was stemming from. It had been a long time since the Seraphim had to relate to the emotions of a stranger much less someone as violent as Tobias. He wasn’t a stranger to dealing with hardened mercenaries like this man, but compared to the general happy attitude of the new recruits it was a pleasant reminder that Ioder isn’t just everyone’s friend.

He watched as Tobias spat his concerns about staying in the Hierarchy with a shadow cast over him. Which in reality was a valid concern, yet the manner in which he did was tasteless. Brandishing his steel like some sort of psychopath Tobias was beginning to look like a danger, not only to the Judgment but also to those around them.

With his mouth slightly agape the white winged warrior had been challenged, in his own home, by a trusted alley. By this point the small clusters of minor arcana sparing in the room had all stopped their matches and turned their attention to the two men at a standoff. Not only was he and his predecessor’s wisdom come into question, Tobias insulted Ioder as a leader. And that cannot stand, not at this critical time, not with so much still on the line.

“Is this really about to happen?” one of the initiates whispered to another.

“I don’t know, but I’ve heard-“their words when on as Ioder waited to find the right words for Tobias. He knew this Tobias was serious and that he needed to choose the right words, but in the back of his mind a shrieking cry still echoed.

“All of you,” Ioder finally spoke out, not only to Tobias, but to those standing around watching them. “Tobias and I need the room.” He said as he waved for everyone to vacate. After a few more shared whispers this crowd exited leaving the two warriors an open arena. “You’ve insulted me in front these men, in my own home, and you then dare to raise a blade to me. I don’t care who you think you are, or what drives you to do what you do, but this will not go unaddressed. It doesn’t matter what Leona thinks you are, you don’t have the right to disrespect me ‘yet’.”

The in a show of his metal Ioder reached to his chest gripping his meteor hammer sash. In one fluid motion he unwrapped his weapon from around his chest before readying himself for whatever Tobias may respond with.

Tobias Stalt
06-07-15, 05:11 PM
Tobias watched implacably as Ioder called for the others to make way. Whatever Ioder thought he was, Tobias saw only an enemy: a foe that pronounced itself further with each motion it made. The angelic man unraveled a strange weapon from his waistline and faced Tobias with surety in his stare. "You," Tobias hissed, "are just another corpse."

Hatred erupted through Tobias in response to his verbal cue, and he exploded into motion. Twin fangs bared from either of his hands as the blur of darkness surged to meet Ioder face to face

A collective gasp rippled through the few onlookers who remained, the stifling presence of an unleashed Stalt stirring their innermost discomfort. Tears danced at the edge of their eyes as the choked on memories, but their gaze paid due tribute to the battle below.

The plain floor stretched wide around them, open and free from obstacles. The facility exemplified utility and efficiency. An austere, polished surface reflected the low glow of naturally occuring light from strange flora. Unlike the peace and neutrality it seemed to suggest, the arena now hosted a battle where no common ground existed.

"I will not be a pawn," he murmured, spittle smacking from his lips. A shiver rippled down his back, then his voice bellowed as he lashed out with one wicked, white blade toward Ioder's throat; it glistened a frigid, menacing blue.

"Not ever again!"

06-07-15, 05:33 PM
Ioder smirked at the prospect of Tobias’s straight forward attack. Does he honestly think this is going to work? Ioder questioned himself, being used to Vincent’s incredible speed made tracking Tobias easy. As his foe took his first step Ioder was already in action. Take an even amount of steps in the opposite direction of the psychopath he began to flick his wrists.

The heavy metal weights in each end of his enchanted meteor hammer stared to cut through the stillness of the air around him. And with each and every passing rotation they built up greater momentum. Though this took some degree of finesse Ioder had become a custom to this fashion of weapon and at the very moment his enemies’ fang barreled for his throat he wiped his hammer. In one fluid motion Ioder dropped to his knees pulling his sash downward in an angular sweeping motions hopping to catch the soldier by his waist. He calculated that at ten rotations his weights should have enough force to shatter his hip as wells as leaving himself enough room to maneuver away.

But of couarce this wasn't Vincent he was sparing with, Tobias had death in his eyes, and he was more talented than any foe Ioder had come up against thus far. The man’s white blade was quick, actually catching Ioder at his shoulder leaving a quarter inch gash and sending specks of his essence flying. He winced in pain but did not falter in his counter attack.

“You were never a pawn,” he said mid swing, “sure payment was needed to get you here in the first, but you play a much bigger role here.” Truly he didn’t care what Tobias could do to him, he just needed to show that even if you cared not for the Hierarchy, respect was always to be paid. “You have to accept this change; I can’t be the one to tell you.”

Tobias Stalt
06-07-15, 06:13 PM
Strangely colored blood leaked from Ioder as a small gash opened on his arm. Viscera painted the murderous mercenary's face as he took another step toward the man, undaunted. "Never a pawn?" he asked, face twisted in contempt, "what was I, if not your bought and paid for blade?"

Both blades slid away into his sleeves as he lowered his gaze. "I accept that you mean to show me it was more than that," he responded in an eerily soft voice, "but I will not let your words twist my mind. I have tasted the poison within sweet words, and it rotted away all the good in me."

The smooth fabric glided around Tobias skillfully, but the swordsman responded with haste. His hands clamped on the meteor hammer. Their eyes met for a moment, a golden gaze wreathed in shadow, and Tobias twisted his body as he wrenched at the weapon to disorient his opponent.

"Speak to me with your actions, Ioder," Tobias implored, "show me what it is that you say I am. Show me I am more than this."

06-07-15, 06:56 PM
Ioder let go of his end of his sash letting fly the second of his weights at the twisting form of his foe. Then with his left hand he reached up clasping at his shoulder agape. Wincing in pain once more the Seraphim contemplated his options. He had only a few moments to act, and it was obvious Leona must have been wrong about Tobias. He was not the person she saw him to be, this was clear to Ioder. It was his job to locate and find the Major Arcana as they awaken, and for days he felt the sensation. But now could swear with almost the upmost certainty Leona’s words were farce, there was no way Tobias could be who she said he was. There was no way he was going to one day be everyone's hero.

He knew he hadn’t the time to be thinking of such useless things at this very moment though. Tobias truly aimed to end him right then and there, and for the good of the Hierarchy Ioder could not allow that. In a flash of radiating light Ioder revealed his pair of white wings he had previously hidden from sight. In a quick display of their might he flapped them once and was air born and out of reach of the bastered below. From his gash his essence still leaked like a cloud of colorful dust, similar to his natural aura but different in a way.

Once Ioder was air born he began a circular flight pattern overhead making sure to stay out of the swordsmen’s reach. He remained in the air for a moment retaking his composure that Tobias had ripped from him. “It seems the time for words and games is over. You want to know why we contacted you all those months ago. Why you have been welcomed like a guest here for as long as you have with little ever asked of you. It’s deep inside of you, your body, your mind, your soul. All if it is connected to magic though you cannot see it, or accept it. You’ve been tortured, beaten and bruised all by those you though cared for you.” He went on, knowing that he could freely speak up in the air.

“You don’t know anything about me!”

“You’re wrong.” Ioder yelled down. “You have to accept what you despise the worst. Make the change, and strive to control what you fear. Not be consumed in your quest to destroy it!” It mattered not what Ioder could say, he was already starting to feel faint from Tobias’s blade. Stalling wasn’t going to get him anywhere either so he quickly began a spiral and descended back to the ground below, winded. “Do what you like from here, leave or stay. You can be forever lost and in pain, or you may stay and become someone great, or even the one who saves us all. Regardless I will hold back no longer, your quick assumption making me twisted and vile was wrong. In front of those I am to be leading you attack me and make me seem weak as a leader.” Ioder had said all he could. Even still he needed to show his conviction to this renegade, not only for himself but for the good of the Hierarchy.

Ioder extended his hands out releasing a colorful aura out around him, it danced like a cloud around him like a blessing of the gods above.

Tobias Stalt
06-07-15, 07:16 PM
Tobias watched in silence as Ioder went winging away, and he let out a soft sigh. "He would let me leave," Tobias muttered, the realization only compounding his previous questions with all new ones. "But then, why? Why would he go to the trouble of combating me, knowing it placed his life at great risk?" His gaze hardened and set on the floor, many cries of concern yelped from initatiates. Several hurried away to go find help.

Tobias let both blades slide into his palms, and he gently replaced one in a sheath at his back. With a gentle caress, he cleaned the blood from the other weapon and closed his eyes. "Well, damn."

The memories of his time among these men kindled in Tobias another, more disturbing revealtion. While it all came at the heavy price of coin, he begrudgingly befriended one miscreant after the other. These people were more family than he cared to admit, and the few friends he had in all of Althanas. And he was about to walk out on them without a word.

"Gods," he muttered. "He was right. I can't just leave."

When he looked up, Tobias felt his breath catch in his throat. "What... am I doing here, then? If it was never about money, why didn't they say so? If I wasn't intended to be just a hired hand..."

As his voice trailed away, Tobias shuddered. Part of him wanted to flail in rage at the game Leona had played, but he knew better. The truth remained visible from the beginning, but Tobias always refused to look. One at a time, he taught and came to understand others. He forged bonds, and he bled for them. If it cost her a bit of coin, the Seeress was more than willing to part with it.

"The Tarot Hierarchy," he uttered the words tonelessly. "So this is their resolve..."

06-07-15, 07:59 PM
Ioder in a flash extinguished his aura around him and lowered his arms out of disappointment. He was disgusted with himself; he had gotten caught trying to become the next Leona and forgotten what the Hierarchy was really about. It didn’t matter if Tobias didn’t want to hang around anymore. It’s not nor was it ever his place to try and steer this lost soul in any direction. It was better off it Tobias just figured things out for himself, there was nothing more for Ioder here.

“Im done,” he said across to Tobias. “Do what you want from here, stay, go. I don’t care what happens anymore. Leona is gone and I the one to supersede her as the next Judgment.” Ioder said gripping his open wound, and making his way for his meteor hammer cast shamefully on the ground. “This may have been one giant misunderstanding but I see how mush trust I should put into you. I’m sure you Vincent and Alyssa will work things out.” He continued as he tied his sash tight around his leaking shoulder.

All of this was on blind faith that Tobias would yield and not strike him down as he retrieved weapon and tended to his wound. It also seemed that while his tingling sensation died to nothingness he was now plagued by something stronger. Was it from Tobias’ dagger or something worse?

“You have too much hate, fear, and distrust for me to see anything. You may prove me wrong one day but for now I see nothing.” His voice was laced with some form of understanding as he knew of Tobias’ past to a degree based on Leona’s visions. By this time some of the younger members had rushed to Ioder’s side tending to him as he started to feel weaker and weaker.

“He needs medical attention.” One initiate said to the rest as Ioder started to loose contentiousness.

Tobias Stalt
06-07-15, 08:23 PM
He turned his gaze toward Ioder as the man spoke regarding his destiny. He listened, and he closed his eyes. "There's nothing to see," Tobias replied softly. There was no smile or regard on his face, simply the striking realization that he had done a great wrong.

"A spell lies over the blade," he called to Ioder as they began wheeling him away, "the bite of winter. It chills the blood and slows the body as it creeps toward the heart. Stay warm, and get attention quickly. It speads like poison."

"You would draw such a weapon on your friend?" one initiate questioned with a disgusted expression. "What sort of man are you?"

Tobias broke free of the judging gaze and turned to face the door. "More monster than man," he answered in a low voice. "But man enough to supply the information that will save his life. Worry less about me and more about him."

The youth quickly complied and it sobered the mercenary just how quickly he was forgotten. When finally he stood alone in the room, he spared one last glance toward Ioder before he disappeared. "Trust," he mused. "No, I don't suppose I would trust me, either."

It pained him, knowing that his quick temper caused such great damage to someone who meant him no harm. Tobias drew his hood and slipped toward the exit, but stopped with a hand on the doorframe. "I don't know," he stated honestly, to no one in particular. "I don't know whether this place is safer with me, or without me. I've become dangerous."

He paused for half a breath. "Was I right? Was it the right thing, leaving?"

Cards of Fate
06-07-15, 10:12 PM
“Leaving is the coward’s way out, Tobias...” A smooth voice cooed as Vincent Cain stepped from the shadows. “And I know for a fact you are not a coward.”

Tobias jerked and turned to face the blonde haired scholar clad in nothing but a pair of dark leather trousers and smile. In his hand he held two mugs of warm apple cider, one of which he offered to his confused companion. Tobias raised an eyebrow and took the mug taking a quick sip.

“So, saw that did’ja?” Tobias inquired glancing at his drink. “Just Cider?”

“Saw all of it.” Vincent replied taking a quick sip. “And yes, I’ve taken to brewing it as a hobby to fill my time. Shall we chat?” he continued gesturing to a table with two chairs that was not there previously.

“How the fuck did you do that?” Tobias growled frowning slightly.

“I had two initiates set that up while you were more focused on the cider” Vincent quipped. “Misdirection at its finest.”

“I almost would have preferred Leona’s answer.” Tobias snorted as he took a seat. “Being told not to ask questions is better than knowing I was tricked.” He fidgeted for a moment and got comfortable as Vincent took a seat across from him.

“I prefer not to lie, if you have a question I’ll do my best to answer it. Leona left everything in shadows, and left everything obscured in the dark after she left. Ioder had no idea what she saw in you, I will make sure that doesn’t happen again.” He paused and took a sip letting the warm cinnamon taste flow over his tongue. “Besides, there are no secrets between friends.” Tobias paused and set his drink down.

“So you think of me as a friend? Even after what you just witnessed?” he asked staring Vincent down.

“I think of you as the older brother never got to have to be honest.” Vincent replied shrugging his gaze off. “And I count that as a familial dispute between someone who hasn’t just figured out what his job is and someone who hates arrogant leadership.” Both men sat in silence for a moment before Tobias spoke once again.

“You’re not mad about that fight? He could have died!” Tobias questioned, dropping his gaze to the table.

“And he didn’t,” Vincent replied chuckling. “And instead he learned a valuable lesson.”

“And what would that be?” Tobias inquired drumming his fingers on the table.

“To let me and Alyssa do all the talking until he figures people out. The guy is a thousand years out of practice and needs to brush up on his PR skills.” Both men paused they started to laugh.

“I’ve changed my mind.” Tobias managed to choke out between guffaws. “I prefer when you answer me.” Both men spent several moments trying to regain their composure before continuing.

“So do you really want to know why you shouldn’t leave?” Vincent inquired as he drained the last of his cider.

“Why?” Tobias asked as he downed the rest of his drink as well.

“Well let’s start at the beginning.” Vincent replied. “Why did you come to the House of Cards?”

“For gold.” Tobias replied bluntly. “Leona offered me a series of jobs and they paid too much to refuse.”

“What did you find when you came here thought?” Vincent asked.

“Gold?” the mercenary asked raising his eyebrows in confusion.

“And what else?” Vincent replied leaning forward, resting his elbows on the table and propping his chin up on his entwined hands.

“Uh…” Tobias paused for a moment to gather his thoughts. “I guess I found you…and Alyssa…” he trailed off. “And a really comfortable bed that beats any haystack.”

“You did.” Vincent grinned for a moment. “And what would some people call that?”

“Some people might call that a home.” Tobias replied as he suddenly realized where the scholar was going with this conversation.

“And that’s something you never really got to have before was it?” Vincent asked, a smile playing across his lips.

“No, I suppose in my line of work I never got to have a home. Thieves and sellswords don’t often stay in place for very long.” Tobias’ gaze rose form the rough wooden table to the young man before him. Where had the time gone? It seemed like just yesterday the scholar was pissing himself scared and running away from a fat bandit. Now he sat before him a completely different man, and Tobias help but feel he had played a part in that transformation. A scowl crossed his lips.

“But I’m dangerous.” Tobias grunted. “And that will never change.”

Vincent sat up and scowled. “Will you can it? I know all about your anathema magic mister missing shard of the tap.”

Tobias’ eyes widened as his darkest secret was flung so carelessly from the one person it would affect the most. “How-Wh-Where did you learn that!” he stammered as he watched Vincent grinned.

“That’s the one thing Leona did tell me.” Vincent replied shrugging. “Are you really going to run away because of something sealed inside you?”

Tobias paused for a moment, hesitating as he formed an answer. “N-nooo?” he drawled as he cocked his head to the side. “Aren’t you nervous about me Mr. Font of the very magic I destroy?” he asked. Vincent shrugged and gazed at his empty cup.

“Well if I was afraid, offering you some home brewed cider is a terrible coping mechanism if I do say so myself.”

Rayleigh Ashton

06-08-15, 01:13 AM
I’ve fallen short of my duty,

Maybe I’m not meant to lead,

Maybe I’m not meant for anything anymore,

My time must have already passed,

I don’t understand the world anymore.

It was a long time since Ioder felt the sting of someone’s blade on his flesh. And never did he expect said sting to leave such a terrifying side effect. Earlier in the day Ioder and the blood thirsty mercenary Tobias had a disagreement of sorts resulting in the Seraphim with a deep wound. He lay in the infirmary of the House of Cards in a deliberating condition from their encounter. One either of his side was one of the few medically inclined members of the newest wave of recruits to the group. On his left, checking his pulse and maintaining his heart rate, was the resident nurse Lucia. And on his right was Kyle, the field medic for The Risen. They both worked in tandem to raise Ioder’s body temperature to try and save his life from Tobias’ cursed blade.

“Why would they fight like that?” Kyle said softly of Ioder’s unconscious form. He leaned over and with a sharp scalpel cut off Ioder’s shirt exposing his gaping wound. From the ill effects of the cursed blade the skin around the area to start to turn black from frost bite. Kyle knew from his medical knowledge to remove the portion of flesh turning.

“Your guess is as good as mine.” Lucia answered pulling off the remnants of the angel’s shirt from him. Thanks to the mercenary for informing the two medics how to stop Ioder from falling from this injury he was in good hands. By keeping his body temperature up he would eventually break out of its chilling effect over time. But until then he was comatose and un-responsive. “But it must have touched a nerve for him to really try and kill Ioder.”

“He’s a psychopath, a danger to everyone.”

“No, Ioder was out of line.”

“So you kill him,” he said having to put his tools down out of frustration. “This is not for me to say but the guys who watched it go down said that he drew his blade first. I don’t know what they were talking about but what I heard it was something about a new Major Arcana or something.”

“You don’t think they were fighting about that were you? That doesn’t make sense, there must have been something else. Remember those two have been around here for a long time. This probably goes a lot deeper than anything like that.” Lucia said as offered the field medic some bandages to cover his exposed neck. Though Ioder wasn’t naturally a human while in this form his body worked the same as would a traditional man, meaning preventing infection was important.

Naturally Kyle finished his skin removal and quickly cauterized the wound before bandaging it up to try and keep in clean. The treatment seemed to be effective and color started to return to the angel’s face but he was far from consciousness and even farther from being well. It would be a few hours before Ioder would wake but he was stable and safe.

Tobias Stalt
06-08-15, 06:34 PM
Tobias stepped past Vincent and placed a hand on the man's shoulder. "You've grown up, Vince," Tobias admitted in a low voice, "and that's good for everyone who's relying on you. Might make a good leader, even, one day." He winked sidelong at his protégé, fingers playing at the fringes of his cloak. His form was beaten beneath, battered and scarred from ancient wounds. As he peeled the material away and light caught his pallid flesh, Tobias winced. Air rarely touched the deep, wicked burns that marked his back, so it often stung.

"Woah," Vincent murmured when he saw the fabled wounds that Salvar had left across his mentor. Mentions in passing from Alyssa offered a chilling, sickening tale; the reality would remain with him for a lifetime. "Shouldn't you see a healer?" the youth asked with concern in his voice.

"I was just about to," Tobias remarked, "but not for me. Ioder left this room in far worse shape than I."

"Debatable," Vincent muttered, but Tobias merely glanced up and raised an eyebrow. "Do you feel remorse for what you did?"

"I feel bad that I misinterpreted his meaning," Tobias answered in earnest.

"And... you'd attack him again?" Vincent looked astonished.

"No," Tobias replied, "not without very good reason. I attack my enemies, and even then, only when provoked. It is not my duty to start wars; it falls to me to finish them."

Vincent stared hard at Tobias when he said those words. Something in the young man's gaze scrutinized the mercenary.

"What?" Tobias snapped.

"You were going to see Ioder," Vincent said slowly.

"Aye," Tobias conceded, "that." In a blur of motion, Tobias slipped both long knives from his waistline and delivered them into Vincent's arms. Vincent had to move quickly once he realized what Tobias intended, so he stumbled a step and almost took a fall. He sighed in relief as he safely caught both of the mithril weapons, and Tobias finished by delicately placing the prevalida revolved that hung from his hip atop the blades. "I was. And they might even let me through without arms."

"Where is your sword?" Vincent asked, confused.

"Leona once requested that I only carry concealed weapons in these halls," he responded, "so, I do not carry Blackheart openly. It hangs in the armory, with all the other swords. Until I need it, of course. She said it might cause discomfort and worry in the initiates, or some other hogwash."

"She was probably not wrong," the recently promoted Emperor Arcana stated.

Tobias merely shrugged as they strode quietly through the halls, eyes hardened on the killer. He knew the weight of judging gazes and harsh whispers well enough to ignore them. As he reached the infirmary door, Tobias held up a hand. "Can you wait for me here?" he asked Vincent in a muffled whisper. "I should probably do this alone."

Vincent nodded, and Tobias pushed the door open. Two healers labored over the body of Ioder as he entered, almost oblivious to his arrival. "Is he awake?" Both glances shot toward him and blanked as recognition took them.

"You shouldn't be here!" Kyle sounded exasperated, but Lucia touched his arm.

"Quiet, Kyle. This isn't our fight. And Ioder needs you to stay focused." Kyle nodded slowly, but his eyes lingered on Tobias for a long moment.

06-09-15, 12:18 AM
“It’s okay Kyle, let him in.” coughed the Judgment as he began to stir from his unconscious state. The two medics turned quickly to look over as his eye started to open slowly like he woke from a sweet slumber. “He is no danger to any of us.”

“You’re weak sir, you don’t need to talk right now.” Kyle hushed Ioder as he finished wrapping the bandages around the angel’s shoulder. “He can come back later when you’ve had your rest.” Ioder still seemed to be adjusting to light the lanterns hanging overhead, maybe not fully listening to his tentative bed side nurse.

“Thank you for patching me up son, but you and Lucia need to give us the room.” Ioder said as he slowly lifted himself up. He struggled having to only use his left arm to lean on. Both of his attendants were quick to usher him back down and Tobias out of the room, but Ioder grit his teeth and shrugged them off. “Get your hands off I said I need the room.”

“Aye, you need to leave us to talk young ones.” Tobias said firmly as he strolled over to one of the stools resting in the corner of the room. “I’ll play nice.”

Both men seemed bent on this conversation and Lucia and Kyle knew to not stand in their ways. Lucia bent over to her Judgment “Don’t destroy my infirmary, and don’t be an ass…” before grabbing Kyle by the wrist pulling him out of the room.

“Did Vincent talk to you?” Ioder broke the stillness between them. “I’m sure he did, he can’t just leave me to my business.”

“Seems Leona knew more about me than I thought.” Tobias answered back testing the waters of this weird situation. “So now I’m not a danger?”

“It looks that way to me, but who am I to say anything?” Ioder said as he sat up to better address Tobias with respect. “I haven’t yet come into my visions, but I still have the knowledge that Leona left me. And all signs point to no, you’re not.” Ioder still seemed to come across as cryptic and he knew it. He was still trying to adjust to the burden of a divine sight, and the question even he struggles with. “Not after what you did today, how you reached to my specific words and ques. It really confirmed it when revealed how to cure the wound from your blade, and now showing up here you fallowed the script to the letter.”

“What are going on about?” Tobias said arms crossed under his cloak as he tried to fallow Ioder’s words. Truthfully Ioder didn’t know why the man was here, or if he was even listening to him. But he went on anyway.

“She was a shady one, but damn she was accurate. I know this is a stretch and that you would be simply going on blind faith trusting me. Still hear me out. Leona before resigning confided within me some key forecasts that would influence us in any major way. And believe it or not, one was yours.” He paused, cleared his throat, and then continued. “ One day, when the time is right, you are going to become the strongest man to ever where the mantel Major Arcana since the days of the first Tarot. She was never clear about the details of what card you will become, but she was clear that one day you will be the one that we all may have to depend on. So far you have shown strong signs that you will become that Tobias she saw.”

Tobias Stalt
06-09-15, 01:30 AM
He sat and listened as Ioder explained as best he could, from why the test needed to happen to how Leona had left her successor with just as many unanswered questions as the rest of them. It seemed out of place for the woman who corralled them all together and gave them direction to suddenly disappear and leave them to pick up the pieces. It was not unlike Leona to leave behind a puzzle, however. "You're saying I'm some kind of destined warrior, or something," Tobias ruminated coarsely.

"They said you were a wise man," Ioder speculated, "but you seem to be very to the point, and not interested in lengthy conversation." Tobias noted the man went out of his way not to call him simple, but Ioder's implied meaning did not go over the swordsman's head.

"Words are weapons," he explained, "too many weigh a man down. Too few, and a man can't protect himself. A wise man says little, but his words mean much."

"So you don't like people who talk a lot," Ioder stated.

"I don't like people who talk a lot but have nothing to say," Tobias corrected, "but in this case, I'm afraid you're a bit out of the realm of my understanding. I'm not a wizard or scholar, and I don't spend time piecing together prophecy. Leona was a woman who enjoyed subtlety and manipulation, and in her way, she did the best she could for those who put their faith in her."

Ioder waited for the counter point, and Tobias delivered. "But, some people don't act on good faith, or even place much stock in it at all. It's good to have a plan, and even better to know the possible outcomes by-and-large, but the most effective way to be careful is to do so in the moment. No amount of future sight will save your ass in a swordfight."

"Spoken like a true cynic," the angel responded dully; Tobias and Ioder were different in the way they approached mysticism. As an ageless entity, such phenomena came naturally to him. Tobias was a fleeting body, and the Seraphim pitied him for it. "Of course, you are entitled to that belief, antiquated as it is." The mercenary snorted, but chose not to respond.

"What I am saying, Stalt," Ioder continued, "is that I have been shown your greatness, and though you have not realized it yet, you inevitably will."

"Oh good," Tobias laughed dryly, "my father would have been proud. Look, here's what you probably wanted to hear, so I'll come right out and say it. I've decided to stay, and without charge to the Hierarchy. Mercenary work is never boring, but it isn't a fulfilling profession. I left home in search of adventure and purpose, and I haven't found it more abundantly than in the company of your Major Arcana. I came far to Raiaera, to this place, and I don't believe that's a coincidence."

"Oh," Ioder smirked, "it's not."

Tobias shrugged. "If we're finished, you need more healing and I could use a good pull from my pipe," he produced the small cobb pipe and began stuffing it full of tobacco. With a strike of his tinder, Tobias lit the plant and clutched the pipe between his teeth.

"And begging your pardon, but I'm getting a head start."

06-09-15, 12:24 PM
“Do what you like I have full faith in you as both my alley and my friend. Though you may not be dangerous, it is important for you to burden that stigma. It is important to your future to be considered a force not to be trifled with.” Ioder said as he lay back down on the table he rested on. “Just so you know I choose to take your blade, it was important for you to show me you care.” He smiled knowing that may annoy the swordsman. He was just poking fun at his stern disposition. “If there ever is a next time, despite you magic cancelling skills I’ll not hold back.”

“Good, you were boring today anyway.” Tobias said as he vacated the room to give his Judgment some rest. Kyle and Lucia quickly came back in and began to attend to Ioder once more.

“Thank you two,” Ioder said as he closed his eyes in an attempt to rest. “You need not harbor resentment towards that man. He may be the strongest among us.” When he finished he drifted off once more into a blissful slumber to better aid his recovery. The two medics continued to look after their Judgment making sure to cover him in thick blankets to keep his body temperature up.

“What did Ioder mean?” Kyle asked looking across to his female counterpart.

“Don’t worry about it now Kyle, you can ask him when he is well. But for now just keep his vitals monitored.” Lucia said with a smile. It seemed that she was wise beyond her years and maybe had some kind of concept of what was transpiring. Either way their dedication was to making the angel well.

06-11-15, 04:43 PM
Name of Judgement: Prerogative (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?29556-Prerogative&p=250193#post250193)
Judgement Type: Workshop Submission
Names of Participants: Ioder, Tobias Stalt, Cards of Fate


Ioder (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?17424-Ioder):
1215 EXP
130 GP

Tobias Stalt (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?17202-Tobias-Stalt):
1326 EXP
117 GP

Cards of Fate (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?17720-Cards-of-Fate):
130 EXP
13 GP

06-23-15, 06:29 AM
Gold and GP added!