View Full Version : Wu - Yi

06-09-15, 03:19 PM
The Dreamers

Only one character at a time may be used. When one is active, the other takes the form of the jade totem, a 2 inch tall pendent worn by the other. Cannot change forms in competitive threads.

Yu, the Rainbringer

Age: 33
Totem: Hawk
Appearance: Dressed in grey robes, black hair falling in straight strands to her shoulderblades, Yu is a pleasant looking girl with dark, serious eyes. She is 5’7”, and her figure is of average build with not much muscle tone.

Weapons: Oak staff
Armor: Wool robes, lined with soft leather.

Thunderstruck: 3 times per thread, Yu can create an arc of lightning that she can project up to 20 yards away. The strength of the electricity is non-lethal in most situations, causing 2nd degree burns and minor stunning in characters the same level or below, at the decision of the PC.
Floodwaters: Once per thread, Yu can generate “Floodwaters”, which can be used one of two ways. Either she creates a burst of water (roughly 10 gallons) that moves directly out from her and can act as a push-back effect, or she can direct it straight up to shield against most light blows.
Retribution: Once per thread, Yu can call upon the arctic winds to encrust her staff in rough crystaline ice. The ice lasts one post before dissipating.

Jia, the Merciful

Age: 28
Totem: Pangolin
Appearance: Dressed in a pale golden shift dress under black leather armor with black flats, Jia has dark brown hair that falls in waves to her shoulder and large, expressive brown eyes. She is short, 5’2”, and her figure is slightly too thin, with a frail countenance.

Weapons: 2 iron daggers, named Love and Kindness
Armor: Leather Armor (http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/139/9/a/female_dark_leather_armor_by_Shattan.jpg).

First Aide: Jia has a knowledge of basic first aid techniques, including the creation of herbal salves to ward off infection.

Oneiromancy: Once per thread, Jia can access the mind of a person and see their greatest fears, then create an illusion lasting two posts based on what she has seen. The illusion cannot do physical harm.
Forgiveness Requires Repentence:Three times per thread, Jia generates a burst of Holy light that does light fire damage (1st degree burns) in a 10 foot radius, and in weaker willed individuals can induce empathetic/kind and calming feelings (as decided by the PC).
Kindness: Jia calls upon holy light to heal light wounds. Can be used twice per thread.

Cards of Fate
06-10-15, 07:02 AM
Gonna have to say no on vlince, T1 materials only. Yu has mo problems abilitywise but the Oneiromancy seems much too strong in a "Im going to discore your weakness and then exploit the hell out of it" way

Also floodwaters counts as two abilities seing as it can pushback and sheild

06-10-15, 07:06 AM

I have a few quick comments.

How quickly can the pair change?

In regards to Vlince, I can deduct the cost for the robes, or you can take it down to a first tier level. The reason for this is because the ability system and item system are treated as seperate. At the next level, you'll be able to have as many level 2 abilities as anyone else, which makes tracking a trade for higher level material nearly impossible.

06-10-15, 09:45 AM
On Vlince -

On the Althanas Community Radio episode where there was an Ask Me Anything for Dirks (I believe it's episode 4 or around there?), there was mention of a character that started out with a mythril blade because a.) it was tiny and therefore nearly impossible to powergame, and b.) The character had less abilities. Dirks then goes on and provides the example that a character could start with a revolver, for instance, if there were admissions in other areas of the character profile to counter it.

I believe vlince as a material for cloth armor isn't overpowered as via the description of vlince, it appears much like leather - protects against blades and sharp edges, but the character is still susceptible to blunt damage. I would also imagine that high tier blades would still be able to cut it. However, if it pleases the ROG, I can edit it to say that their clothes are made of a special kind of ~magic~ cotton that is on par with leather but still susceptible to blunt force damage, but is totally not vlince. I thought about going for sifan but from a roleplaying perspective, silk is too hot for robes. I'm not asking for Njal spidersilk here either, although you can bet your bonnets that's where I'm going with these girls.

Fred, Floodwaters can't do both, it should count as one ability under the schools system. I specifically stated that it can be used once per thread, and that it can either be a pushback or a shield. It cannot do both.

Oneiromancy is a relatively benign illusion in that it cannot do damage and I feel is impossible to powergame as I have to work directly with an opponent to utilize it. If I just blindly guess at their character's greatest fear, they can easily discredit it in their reply.

Harley, I imagined that it would take roughly a minute for the change. I tend to treat posts in battle as counting for 30 seconds of time, so two posts during combat but in quests it could be accomplished in one post.

Cards of Fate
06-10-15, 10:51 AM
In regards to consessions on higher tiered starting matetials the rule is simple. Base we allow is iron save special examples. We may allow up to t3 at our discretion but only with major concessions such as weaknesses and lack of abilities.

In regards to floodwaters, abilities with multiple effects have never fallen under the schools system. I have no idea who told you what, but even now Im not so sure the schools system does what you think it does. Your ability as decribed has two apparent effects, a push and a weak block. It does not matter that it is one use because you can up your uses at a later level. This is not a huge deal seeing as it would only put you at three abilities for that persona.

In regards to switching could we note that this cannot be done in compettitive threads?

06-10-15, 11:55 AM
Fred, how about this - I'll take their armor down to t1 materials and get rid of one of the uses of Floodwaters and in exchange give the girls an ability that would allow them to willingly switch personas once per thread, including in competitive situations.

Cards of Fate
06-10-15, 12:01 PM
The problem is if you can change personas in compettitive threads I have to treat them as "one" person Rogwise and leave you with three abilities total across the two, one of which being the switch itself. Its the same idea behind hoe crispen works. He cant switch during battles and thus each persona is treated individually.

It wouldn't be fair to another level 1 if you had two personas who could chane in battle and have aprox 4 to 6 abilities versus their three

06-10-15, 12:14 PM
Okay. So what do you think I need to do to get vlince?

Cards of Fate
06-10-15, 12:49 PM
At this point pony up money from other accounts and buy it

Cards of Fate
06-10-15, 09:50 PM
The schools part of floodwaters is now irrelevant. Being able to move enough water at a speed high enough to block an attack or light projectile is too strong for level one. Pushing back is ok, but the block is too strong.

06-11-15, 10:19 AM
What? How is it different than Smushing Pumpkins' Air Shield - a single elemental block that can be cleaved by a stronger attack?

Edited armor materials and added abilities.

Cards of Fate
06-11-15, 11:21 AM
In this case Ive been informed that the ability to move enough water fast enough to stop an attack was not level 1 material. Ask Max Dirks or Hysteria about it.

06-11-15, 11:43 AM
I know that you've passed this to Hysteria but I just want to say in general, and not aimed at anyone in particular, that forcing the application of real world physics to spell power is ridiculous. The physics shouldn't matter as much as the final power of it. None of the characters with skin as stong as *insert metal/hide here* are forced to give up range of motion to accommodate the biological facts that skin that tough would be thick enough to prohibit flexibility in a mammal. What about the ability to create fire out of thin air without material consumption to create the chemical reaction? Ohhh nooo characters that create ice are able to lower the temperature of water/air fast enough to create immediate crystalization while being powerful enough to dissipate the energy taken without explaining it? That sounds super powerful.

06-13-15, 08:27 AM
Ok, I'm going to approve this.

A quick note for your future updates. If you're able to change characters mid-thread, then we'll have to start treating all the abilities as one character. We've done the same for a few others. I don't want to disuade you, the story potential of suddenly changing duing a fight would be pretty cool. You might like to build towards that.

Don't go crazy with the effect of Retribution and Oneiromancy you'll need to work with whomever you use it on (I know that probably goes without saying).

With that, approved!