View Full Version : Big Three To-Do list

Cards of Fate
06-12-15, 07:45 PM
Hey fellow Tarot members (And non Tarot Members who happened to look at this)

Seeing as we're seeing a huge boom in activity and everybody wants to get their recruitment's done as fast as possible myself, Ioder, and Alyssa are all going to be INCREDIBLY busy for a while and thus I felt the need to post a To-Do list to help us keep everything together. This will reflect all of our activity to give you an idea of our workload. Also if we want to make any announcements about our progress through these workloads or days we'll be vanishing we will do them here.


Post for Ray in Wheel of Fate

Post for Logan in Cane Caper

Get a recruitment thread up for Light

Get a Recruitment thread up for Artifex

Scheme with BlackandBlueEyes for future threads

Shady business with Red

Other recruitment?

(If I forgot a thread with you PM me and call me a stinky otter butt)

Help finish all of the freaking Tarot Artifact descriptions (Seriously coming up with 22 Enchanted and Relevant items for each major Arcana is hell)

Realm of Greetings work!

A full rubric judgement.


1. Finish Red Sentinels for Creno's recruitment.

2. Continue Operation: Expanding Horizons for eXgTurbostar and BloodandBlades, or due to the lack of activity start anew with B&B. Perhaps a a fight, or maybe a quest?

3. Finish up Sparks, then deliberating with the parties involved for the next in the installment.

4. Start a thread with Dmitri for his recruitment thread.

4a. Wrath of the Falleni Sun for Billy's recruitment. Love the name btw.

5. Boss Battle with Red in Putting An End To This.

6. Convene with the others about our influx of members and the next to become Major Arcana.

7. Spend time working on my social skillz?


No clue, he'll probably force edit something in here later with his evil admin powers.


Let's get all these recruitment's knocked out!

06-19-15, 01:48 PM
Hey guys and gals,

Sorry to have put everyone on hold for the last few days. Some unforeseen circumstances have made my life pretty crazy the last few days. It looks like ill be back in action in the next day or so after I get my ducks in order. I will be tending to this list exclusivly for a while to ensure that all members have at least one thread done before I accept any new projects. Thanks for your continued patience regarding these threads and i will get something up for all of you very very soon.

- Billy

Irate Pirate
06-19-15, 02:06 PM
No rush dude. I'm not the fastest poster either.

Cards of Fate
06-19-15, 04:48 PM
Yo all,

I've been MIA for way too long. Work suddenly decided to fucking flop a huge ass cabinet order that I needed to fill so I haven't had any time to really be on or about for the last few days due to exhaustion. That being said, expect this weekend to go crazy.

08-05-15, 05:30 PM
So, uh, what do you all need Alyssa to do? I feel like a slacker with no to do items. Plus, I want to abuse my admin powers and edit Fred's post. >:}

Cards of Fate
08-05-15, 08:42 PM
Well Alyssa, Vince, and Ioder need to discover/renovate/move into the big three quarters at the bottom of the base.

08-06-15, 12:39 PM
Cool, wanna try and get this thread done by the end of the month?

Cards of Fate
08-06-15, 12:50 PM
Twould be ideal

10-20-15, 12:14 PM
Hello everyone,

I would like to let everyone know that I will be returning to the site in the next few days. Back and ready to finish all threads that anyone was wanting to finish with this old guy. Please send me a pm letting me know your all still interested in Rping with me. I'll be fully focused on any threads that I've started south you guys in the Hierarchy first and foremost. Especially you Red, that needs to come first.

Anyway thanks guys,

10-20-15, 01:47 PM
Welcome back! I'm back in the house too, and I hope to get some Tarot stuff done shortly. I have a few threads with Lyssa to complete. One of which being with Fred.

When I get a little more comfortable, I'll start tackling them. Right now, I want to take it easy and focus on one thread at a time.

10-20-15, 02:47 PM
Does anybody within Tarot still need recruitment or anything? I'm in a bunch of threads, but am game for a few more to start next week as I'm nearing completion with a few of the active ones.

10-20-15, 03:49 PM
I do.

10-20-15, 03:51 PM
Awesome. Feel free to post an introduction for a thread somewhere (I can roll with any idea you come up with), and I'll post in it. We'll get your recruitment done in no time.