View Full Version : OUtcast of a Noble Tomboy - Re-register

04-02-06, 08:19 PM
NOTE: I last remembered having 1400 or so EXP and 195 gold. ;)

Name: Asuka Yamihara
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Height: 5’ 10”
Weight: 120
Hair Color: Copper red
Eye Color: Light Brown

Appearance: A rather fragile frame for a wandering fighter, but not so for an ex-noble. She has casted away much of her nobility to blend in with the population but one can always tell she was of noble birth. Her long, copper-red hair curls slightly as it droops over her shoulders and ends in the middle of her back. Her skin, slightly sun-burned from being out in the sun for a long time, is beginning to tan lightly, if not quite visible. He has sparkling light-brown eyes, though she wished she had those azure-color eyes her younger sister has. Somewhat underweight, she is trying to cope with the rigors of the “outside world” and may lose a few more pounds, making her a bit frail in combat. But that also gives her the much-needed agility to evade most attacks and her clothing allows her to do just that. Wearing a short, sleeveless tattered brown leather jacket that frays around her waist, her worn-down leather chest armour could be seen underneath. She has on a pair of knee-high hiking boots over her linen pants with her first-aid kit hanging in a bag from her belt. Leather armbands that stretched from her wrist almost to her elbows with strips of bronze running under the leather binding serves as primitive protection. She is often seen with her hair tied back with a strip of black ribbon, letting her copper ponytail hang loose behind her while a few stray strands of hair flop over her shoulders.

Personality: Sprightly and too bold for her own good, she will enthusiastically join other adventurers just for the thrill of adventuring. Sometimes she can have wild mood swings, especially if that time of month comes along or gets emotional. But generally, she is a happy, compassionate, fun-loving girl who is trying to learn from everyone she meets and be courteous at it, too. But when she has to fight, boy, can she fight. So don’t get on her bad side often. She somewhat looks down on mercy killing and tries her best to keep killing to a minimal. She can also be somewhat jumpy, especially around spiders. Just a note: she is dead scared of spiders.

Weapons: Though she had some experience with swords, she preferred the Katar, similar to the clawed gauntlets, but easier for her to wield and a lot simpler in design. Each set of katar has a grip, flanked by simple oak bars to protect and reinforced the blade. An iron clasp that keeps the katar from falling off when letting go of the grip protects the back of the hand, which also allows the wielder to use it as a simple shield, though not effective enough to deflect most heavy blows. The katar blade on this one is rather simple. About three inches wide and a quarter inch thick, the blade tapers towards the center and ends in a sharp point about ten inches outward. Both sides of the flat iron blade are sharpened so as to allow best penetration through the armour crevices. The katar is usually, if not always, used in pairs—one set for each hand.

Armor: Simple tanned leather chest armour, worn like a tank top. The leather armour covers her body from the armpits down to her waist and a strap from hardened leather keeps the armour in place. It looks uncomfortable, but it is just enough protection for her upper portion and flexible enough to allow her to move her waist freely.

Smoke bomb. Simple smoke bombs are basically made from hardened clay balls the size of a grape tightly compacted with a sort of talc powder and some sort of repellent. When thrown to the ground, the clay cracks open and the powder erupt out, creating a smoke screen that allows her to escape unharmed. Some side effects may occur, usually from allergic reactions to dust. Currently 6 in stock.
First-aid kit. A small bag with bandages, rubbing alcohol, cotton balls and a set of pins for treating minor wounds.

Dodge: a skill she quickly learned and felt needed the most. By moving her body slightly out of the attack path at the last second, she can successfully evade most physical attacks done at close range. However, she is still too slow to dodge every attack successfully, especially attacks done in succession. The attack would usually grazes her or gets hit close enough to knock her silly. Doesn’t always work, especially against magical spells.
Triple Jab: A skill she learned while experimenting with her new weapon. Three blows with the tip of the blade to the torso of the opponent. Because it requires quite a bit of concentration and only used at close quarters, it is a bit hard to aim accurately at her current ability that it usually doesn’t do much damage.
Dash : Rushes quickly to close the distance between herself and the opponent. Usually followed by the Triple Jab to take advantage of the surprise factor. She can also use it to evade attacks from medium or long range. This move, however, requires quite a bit of room to maneuver so that’s one of its downside.
First-Aid: a skill she learned from the housemaids at the Yamihara estate. She can treat minor wounds with her first-aid kit and treat minor illness, such as the flu or fever. She hasn’t learned how to mend broken bones or treat poison, though, since she have yet to encounter any case.

The Yamihara are nobles of the high court in the Akashima Capital. Since birth, Asuka was raised as any noble would raise their children: pamper them with riches. Asuka, however, soon felt different from the other nobles. Her father, a councilman of the state, would be going outside the estate ever so often that, when Asuka was 8 years old, she snuck out of her room to follow her father outside. She didn’t get pass the estate gates, though, but was close enough to see the many people who walk the street. Poor, somber, dirty, ill. The things she never saw while living inside. Since then she began to think about the others outside. Being a noble and all, she would usually play with her usual playmates: other girls her age of noble birth. But the other girls were ignorant and possessive, much like their parents, and often tease the girls of the housemaids who sometimes gets dragged into their little “tea party” which Asuka began to find unsettling. She soon stopped playing with them, fearing she would someday turn into something like them, and snuck away to see the housemaids. She became acquainted with many, if not all, of the housemaids and gardeners taking care of the house by age twelve. She also began playing with the housemaids’ children. Since most of them are boys, their favorite games involve a little roughhousing of some sort. Somehow, she always bested them.
Her changing behavior soon caused suspicion from her parents. They were highly regarded as the upstanding ideal of a perfect family, but Asuka’s increasing tomboy behavior is tarnishing the family’s reputation. Asuka’s sister, Mariko, didn't feel bothered and even thinks of her big sister as her only protection from the nobles who try to woo her. Because, well, if any one of them try to, Asuka will be right there to chase them off whenever Mariko feels uneasy. Who would want to admit they were knocked silly by a petite girl?

One day, Asuka’s father, Duke Hiroi Yamihara, went up to her room and demanded that she turn herself around and become a regular noble.
“Asuka, it’s time you go back to normal.”
“But I AM normal,” she protested. She was buttoning up a man’s formal shirt and was going out to the party downstairs.
“No, you’re not,” her father affirmed, sounding a little tense, “You’re acting like a child.”
“Father, I’m 19. I am not a child,” she said while tying her hair back in a ponytail.
“But why are you in that silly outfit? Take it off before others see you in that,” her father pointed to her pants. They were tight-fitting men’s pants, glossy black and smart to the detail.
“I like wearing these. They fit,” she gave a wry smile.
Her father’s face turned red with anger.
“I demand you take that silly outfit off and get into your dress! You are not going out there looking like a man!”
“But father, I like this outfit!”
“We have your future laid out!” Her father roared in anger “You must look like you are the future lady-in-waiting of Her Royal Highness the Princess of Akashima!”
“But I don’t want to! Can’t I choose my own future?”
After a heated argument that broke out through the entire Yamihara estate, Asuka’s father laid down an ultimatum: become a regular noble girl, or be outcasted and die in obscurity. Guess which one she chose?
She was casted out without a word from her parents. But when she reached the estate gates, Mariko, some of the housemaids and their children all came to say good-bye. Ester, the head of the housemaids, handed her a first-aid kit.
“Just in case,” Ester spoke softly, trying to hold back tears.
Asuka looked at her younger sister, 17 years old now, and growing up to be a fine-looking noble girl. Mariko, like Asuka, had grown compassionate to the people around her unlike the others who regard them as “things to step on.” Mariko’s shiny raven hair danced in the light breeze in the late evening hours, playing the last rays of the sun.
“Be strong, Mariko” Asuka touched her sister on her cheek, wiping away a tear that had escaped form Mariko’s eye, “I will come back someday.”
“Promise?” She tried fighting the urge to lunge and hug the only person she ever trusted. Asuka saw tears welling up in her eyes and hugged her only sister for her.
“I promise.”

The day Asuka walked out of the estate was the day the Yamihara estate had its 150th anniversary. It was supposed to be a day full of amusement, but no one was in the mood.

04-02-06, 09:12 PM
How many smoke bombs does she have?

04-02-06, 09:19 PM
^_^; Oh, right. Thanks for reminding me about that.

I had 9 in stock and used up 3 in the unjudged "Protect the Vineyard" quest. So... yeah. 6 left.

And my katar blades are chipped but still useable.

04-02-06, 09:23 PM
Could you edit that into the original post. Once you do that you're approved.

04-02-06, 09:30 PM
OK, edited. ^_^; Sorry, I'm having trouble with staying logged on *is out of town at the moment*

04-02-06, 09:37 PM
You are approved!