View Full Version : ~The Warder Arts.~ [Chapter 2/Solo]

06-21-15, 12:07 PM
~Day 1.

[i]"Do not underestimate the son of Clan Nonyton." The instructor's words were a stern warning to what Humphrey Nonyton, the Warder, was capable of.

Humphrey kept a stern watch on his opponent, the dojo's students had stopped everything they were doing to watch Humphrey fighting his opponent. Humphrey kept his steel katana at the ready, the tip of the blade pointing downwards.

"Master, I have been training far long than he has." The older Kanojin said plainly.

Humphrey was not moved. He merely stared forward at the red belt student with that same emotionless stare. The stare that was almost as a mask, unafraid...always ready to act. Humphrey slowly readied his weapon when the instructor called for them to do so. His eyes remained locked on his opponent. Humphrey held his weapon direction in front him, at an angle. The curved blade pointed upward at that moment. Humphrey said nothing.

The older Kanojin student moved quickly towards Humphrey Nonyton expecting the duel to end quickly.

The heartless warder reacted before the older student could even see what was going on.

Humphrey swung his weapon in a dynamic swing and intercepted his opponent's blade. Humphrey held his own weapon with one hand at the grip and could feel his claws growing sharply. His eyes narrowed, the seriousness always on his face and in his eyes. There was something else there...it was almost sinister. Humphrey was thinking. His eyes told all, they were thinking about how to win a battle. Humphrey pushed his body weight to the side, and effectively disarmed his opponent's blade went skidding off towards the right. Harmlessly on the ground. Humphrey held his weapon extended at his side, his arm fully out. Humphrey actually looked away from his perceived enemy for a brief moment, and returned his attention back towards him. Again, Humphrey did not speak.

"How in the Hell did you just do that..." But the match was still on.

Humphrey started to slowly walk towards his opponent.

His eyes started to fill, like a chalice, with a emotion very similar to hatred.

Humphrey watched his opponent get up and attempt to assume an unarmed combat stance.

Humphrey's lips curled upwards into a sinister smile. The kitsune switched his blade so that the edge was no longer facing his opponent. But the flat side of the weapon now was. He still held his weapon completely extended outwards. Humphrey looked at his opponent the entire time.

"Fool! Get your weapon back!" The master's words filled the dojo.

But the battle was already decided...

Humphrey, quite skilled in the acrobatic arts, dodged his opponent's attacks by moving to his right in a quick slide. Then, he maneuvered his weapon so that his opponent's head roughly connected with the side of Humphrey's sword. His foe soon fell to the ground, and looked up at Humphrey.

The older student slammed his fist against the dojo's floor even as Humphrey continued his approach.

Humphrey was soon upon his opponent, and right as the older student was about to get up, Humphrey acted. He'd placed his weapon against the back of the student's neck and held it there.

"Yield." Humphrey spoke for the first time in the battle. "Or I will kill you."

The older student was about to speak.

"Enough." Came the words of the master. "Disengage, son of clan Nonyton."

But Humphrey hesitated. He looked down at the older student for a long moment and actually considered killing him. His eyes held a visible coldness in them.

"I order you to disengage!" The master was getting furious. "You've already proven your point!"

Humphrey finally relaxed and withdrew his weapon from it's currently deadly position. Humphrey sheathed it soon in his scabbard. He kept his eyes locked on his opponent in case something else happened. For Humphrey, battle and war were always real. It was always a conflict in his head. Humphrey only hesitated because the master had ordered it. Once his weapon was sheathed in it's scabbard Humphrey began to walk away.

"The demonstration is not over, where do you think you are going?!" The master suddenly asked.

It was then that the tragedy was revealed. "You ordered me to disengage, Sensei. The battle is over." To Humphrey...the battle was everything. It defined his entire being. Humphrey started to make his way out of the dojo building. That was when he felt the master's large hand on his shoulder.

Humphrey acted.

Soon, he had one of his daggers pointed at the master's neck. "You ordered a disengaging and then provoke me. Are you not aware of what I can do you?" Humphrey was not messing around.

For a long moment, the two Warders stared at each other. Hard. It was the master who soon gave in. "Very well. You are free to go just be back here for tomorrow's training session."

Humphrey nodded and quickly sheathed his weapon. He was soon on his way out of the dojo.

He'd come to realize something that disheartened him a lot.

The masters had nothing to teach him.