View Full Version : A Normal Shopping Trip [Open!]

06-23-15, 04:38 PM
A regular shopping trip. Yup. Totally normal. C'mon, people, show me how crazy you can make a run for apple cider! Jump in! xD

Felicity fell onto the dirty, cool ground with a thud. The smell of pine cones did not aid her in her physical pain or sweaty back. She looked up to see her mentor in the same position she has knocked her down in. Her dark blue clothes barely rippled in her movements, her hair was down in a smooth, but slightly curled fashion. She blinked her blue and dark brown eyes, looking down on her student with a stern frown.

"You'll never get this right if you don't give it your all." She loosened her posture, slipping into a more casual stance. Felicity picked herself up, brushing the dirt off her shirt and shorts as the women continued, "You're stronger than me, but you don't use it to your advantage."

Felicity growled, her braid now all messed up from the spar, "Wew, you go so fast when you stwike me, I can't do anything to defend mysewf!"

Her mentor just glared, "How else can you learn unless I push you to your limits?"

"Past my wimits, you mean!" Felicity stomped her foot, "You move so fast I can't think at this wate!"

The brunette crossed her arms, "Do you want to become a great warrior or not? I didn't have much training at anything minus basics in swordsmanship before I was tossed out on my own." She loosened one fist and extended it in conversation, "Be thankful I'm teaching you this. Your enemies wouldn't be prone to taking it easy on you after all..."

Felicity moaned, having lost the fight, "Yes, Ayweth..."

Felicity was even more annoyed in her mentor's name change. Ayleth was not her actual name, although she preferred it these days. Her actual name was Ashla.

Ashla took another look at her rag tag student, "That's enough practice tonight. We'd better get back to the hotel."

For one of the few times ever, Felicity was glad a training session was over. Her face naturally lit up as Ashla turned away. As usual, Felicity was right behind her, except with less energy. Felicity threw her arming swords onto her belt and pulled her armor into her arms.

Out of breath, Felicity followed her mentor through the pine forest, "Coming, Ayweth!"


The walk through the forest took about ten minutes. While Ashla was never concerned, Felicity seemed to love the wildlife. The smell of sweet berries and the cold dirt made the pine forest a lively place. A group of birds sung from the trees as the two young women walked up towards the busy, clanging town.

The stone roads were accompanied with wooden cottages. The street was full of people on their feet, on horses, in carriages... As the wonderful aroma of freshly baked bread reached their noses, Felicity let out a pleasant "Mmmmm..."

Ashla looked back at Felicity and shook her head, "Felicity, I know this is sudden, but I want you to do something for me."

Felicity straightened up, completely ready to complete this surprise task. "Yes?"

Ashla rolled her eyes, "I know this is stupid, but I have this sudden desire for apple cider..."

Felicity felt a warm smile creep upon her face; at least one thing about her mentor hadn't changed. Felicity saluted her, dropping her bundled up armor "I'w get it immediatewy, Ayweth! No wowies, I-" She then noticed she dropped her armor. She nervously chuckled before bending over to scoop it up again. She pulled herself back up to see Ashla shaking her head, "Good luck. You'll need it..."

Before Felicity could retort the bitter comment, Ashla was gone. The redhead was alone in the crowd, smile faded into a lonely frown.

Irate Pirate
06-27-15, 08:02 PM
Takes place before my TH recruitment thread.

Being broke sucked. Being hungry was worse.

Dmitri had been stranded in Raiera for too long. After the last crew he'd run with had a run in law while gathering supplies in some port town along the eastern coast, just north of the infamous Red Forest Dmitri had fled inland to escape the authorities. Being as unfamiliar as he was with the region Dmitri had simply trusted his gut to guide his feet and get him out of danger. Nearly five days later and he was starting to think that trust had been misplaced.

Sure he'd been able to evade the authorities but word traveled fast in the region and with pirate paranoia running high in the neighboring towns Dmitri's appearance, dialect and demeanor made it hard for him to find work, even of the honest sort, anywhere. So with no other alternative the pained pirate was left to panel handle his way to a ticket home.

He sat leaning up against an old tree that provided some shade for the market goers on that busy day. His stomach rumbled audibly and the foul smelling, dirty looking old pirate frowned. He had eaten very little those passed few days and the constants smells of exotic foods that permeated the market weren't helping.

“ 'ey lass! Spare some coin for a sailor who's down on his luck!” shouted Dmitri over the loud shoppers and overzealous salesmen at a passing young red headed girl who clearly wasn't from Raiera . “I'm just tryin' ta get home!”

06-30-15, 08:03 PM
Felicity happily set out to get the apple cider. She also mafe made a mental note to pick up other supplies as well. As she happily strolled along, still holding her armor against her light blue shirt, she heard an... off... voice.

The apprentice jumped when a sailor came her way... a pretty scrappy looking sailor too. She stared at him curiously, "Um..."

She forced on a smile, "Uh... yeah, but I'm spending it on gwocewies... want me to buy you something?"

She felt the dirty looks of bypassers on them. Felicity shrugged it off. This guy was indeed causing her discomfort after all. It wasn't like people hated her before as well...

Under the moonlight, the girl threw her armor on quickly and checked her bag. "Aw weady to go. You coming?" And she turned to head to the market... half hoping this drunk looking sailor wouldn't follow.

Irate Pirate
07-02-15, 08:14 PM
Dmitri smirked at the girl's uneasy offer. He would have preferred money for a trip home but his hunger pangs and rumbling stomach meant he couldn't let himself turn down her rather generous offer. He'd never make it back to Salvar if he starved to death in Raiera.

“That's very kind of ya lass,” said Dmitri cheerfully following her through the moon lit streets of the market. “I owe ya a debt o' gratitude. Any longer and I woulda had ta sell my sword for some food.”

As he followed his new companion the pirate couldn't help but notice that people seemed to be keeping their distance from this. Whether this was due to him being a foreigner with visible pirate tattoos or simply a side effect of the fact that he hadn't bathed in weeks was beyond him. Not that it really mattered to him. He was just happy to the night the night was pleasant and soon his belly would be full. He looked her over once more as his worn out boots carried him across the cobble stone roads where the merchants looked to take advantage of anybody who may have let the drinks they purchased from one of the taverns loosen their grip on their coin purse.''

“Name's Dmitri by the way. You ain't from around here are ya?” said the suddenly good spirited pirate, apparently oblivious to his new companion's discomfort.