View Full Version : Rise of the Hyena

06-27-15, 06:55 PM
Name: Malwarzi Jah'kal
Nickname/Alias:*Shackles, Cacklemaw
Age: 8 (adult)
Race: Gnoll
Height: 7' 4"
Weight: 290 lbs
Occupation:*Merchant (read: Slaver), Bounty Hunter, minor Priest
Personality: Greedy, cowardly, lazy, savage, loyal, domineering, curious, cunning, fascinated by technology


Most Althanians believe that gnolls are born of demons and worship a demon lord. The latter is mostly true. Where the first gnolls came from is a mystery not even the hyena-men know. Regardless, there are other packs of gnolls who embrace the wild freedom of nature and instinct, rather than demonic worship and maddened bloodlust.

And then there are gnolls like Malwarzi.

His pack, one of several that roamed the wastelands and deserts of Fallien, made its den in ancient ruins and mountain caves with equal enthusiasm, and spent it's days raiding against human tribes and weaker predators (including other gnoll packs) indiscriminately. The priority was always slaves - slaves to cook, slaves to make, slaves to tend to all manner of tasks classified as "work". In the gnoll culture, work is for the weak, the strong are supposed to control what work the weak do. Scavenging is preferred to hunting, even though gnolls are capable hunters. The prospect of new slaves or defending their territory are the only reasons a pack will ever rouse itself for battle.

Malwarzi, at eight years old, is a newly full adult and younger of the two "Jah'kul Brothers". The other brother is, in fact, his elder sister. The confusion arises because there is nearly no visible difference between genders among gnolls. In fact, females are often larger and regularly lead packs. Unless one sees a gnoll pregnant or actively nursing, it's very difficult for outsiders to differentiate. Especially when the gnoll in question is charging you with a spear.

Malwarzi though, he's a different breed all together. While possessing the typical laziness of gnolls, as well as the violent and savage instincts, he always found enjoyment in haggling and debating with the other races he came into contact with. Indeed, he would often engage captives in lively conversation until he was chased off by other pack members who wanted it for menial tasks. In an attempt to channel his social nature, he was made one of the Pack Shaman's apprentices and taught a few minor clerical rites, but the occupation never took hold in his wandering heart.

Eventually, his gregarious nature found him exiled from the pack, along with his litter-mate. She was a renowned scout and fighter among the pack, but her loyalty to her brother was deemed too dangerous for the others to let her stay when poor Malwarzi was forced to flee or die.

He considers himself quite cultured and civilized, though to humans he seems hardly less savage than a wild orc. Exile suits the gnoll - he takes great pleasure in bartering wares in Irrakim's Outlander Quarter and the far distant Outlander's Post. He also has found a market for slaves among the Fallien tribes and gnoll packs alike - selling here a male, there a pair of children, all at discounted prices.

In the last year he has also discovered the trade of "Slave Hunting", but for some reason the humans call them "Bounties" instead. He and his sister often pursue these "bounties" for sport and profit, seeing it as some great game and thoroughly approving of it. It was through this trade that Malwarzi became known as "Shackles" for his enthusiasm in capturing bounties, while his sister was referred to as "Hackles" for her threatening demeanor and abject willingness to bring bounties back dead.

During one such hunt, the target defended himself with a musket that created thunder and fire. The elder Jah'kul hates and fears this device that gave a mere thief the power of a pack shaman. Malwarzi though, he is fascinated, awed, covetous. He spent almost the entire return to Irrakim questioning their prisoner about the gun and its origin, it's makers. It was unfortunate to forfeit the bonus reward, but Cacklemaw- as the merchants refer to him - had to ensure the slave didn't tell anyone else about the marvelous secrets of the Black Elves of Alerar-across-the-water with their droves of slaves and their thunder guns.

Now, Shackles and Hackles and their pet hyenas have a new game - they must find a way to this magical kingdom. Malwarzi keeps the musket to this day, as much his spiritual compass as it is a trophy.


Gnolls are a race of bipedal, humanoid hyenas. Shackles stands close to seven and a half feet tall - within average Gnoll height. Typical of gnolls, he habitually hunches his neck, making him seem about a foot shorter but making his body seem larger. While strong, most gnolls possess a lean frame and long limbs, and he is no exception. However, his torso possesses extra bulk from fat.

The Gnoll's fur is sandy brown and spotted with dark patches, and he possesses a fur crest that reaches from the base of his spine to the top of his head, giving the effect of a drooping mohawk. Cacklemaw has canine black-brown eyes that gleam yellow when they catch the light and his tongue often lolls from his sharp-toothed jaws. His voice is throaty and gruff, but rises in pitch when agitated or excited to approach a hyena's laugh.

Unlike most Gnolls, Malwarzi opts not to clad himself in scavenged armors of chain mail or leather. Instead, he styles himself as a Fallien merchant - he wears white linen trousers (torn below the knee to allow for his canine lower legs) and a sleeveless robe of patterned orange with golden hems, hanging open to reveal his shirtless, furred torso. To appease his sister, he also wears a shoulder guard of lacquered wood over leather, from which he has attached a single sleeve of loose white linen to suit his sense of fashion.

The younger Jah'kul brother is fond of trinkets that shine. He adorns his fingers with any rings that will fit his oversized fingers, and pierces golden hoop rings through each ear. He often drapes himself with amulets or necklaces (until he's forced to barter them away).


Tracking: Mostly by virtue of his keen sense of smell and life in the Fallien wastes, Malwarzi is adept at finding trails.
Stealth: Gnolls prefer group ambushes to even fights and thus are experts at avoiding detection while they wait for the perfect moment to strike.
Fiendish Blood: Gnolls have the innate ability to speak and understand Abyssal, the language of demons and devils.
Slave Trade: Malwarzi has a burgeoning career as a taker, maker, and seller of slaves and all the insights that go with it.
Scavenger: Malwarzi exemplifies the Gnollish trait of finding use in the rubbish of others and finding ways to relieve others of their useful (or pretty) items.
Wild Soul: Gnolls of all walks are equally at home in the wilderness as any settled regions and rarely worry about survival, especially with their capacity for eating carrion as a source of nourishment.
Savvy: Malwarzi is a shrewd and cunning individual, especially in social situations.


Gnoll Traits: Racial abilities ((these will be expanded upon as levels are gained. I am trying to make it gnollsih, not overpowered and am intentionally listing only effects that are not combat oriented. Personally, I don't think this is even as strong as the example abilities "Grace" or "Speed" but if a judge disagrees, I can work with them.))
- Butcher's Lure: Creates the sound of anything from as quiet as a whisper to a dragon's roar, originating anywhere within 20 meters of the speaker. He can perfectly imitate another's voice if he has heard it.
- Scent Tracker: Malwarzi can smell through disguises and illusions if scent has any bearing on them.
- Carrion Feeder: Gnolls eat rotting meat as a dietary staple; they are highly resistant to disease and ingested poisons.

Slave's Stupor: A sinister spell, it enchants the mind of an enemy to fall into a subservient, listless stupor in which they meekly obey basic commands. This can be can be cast twice, but only once per target, on any intelligent creature within 10 meters. If the target is not hostile or is particularly weak-willed, the effect lasts lasts about 1 minute per level. If cast on a hostile target (such as during combat) the effect lasts only a few seconds before the mind is shaken free Any harm received by the victim of this spell immediately breaks the enchantment.

Bite the Hand that Bleeds: Malwarzi is a pack hunter, preferring to gang up on an enemy to bring it down. He can command his Hyena Familiar to simultaneously attack the same target when he makes a melee attack against it. If so, the Hyena inflicts a slight wound in addition to the damage of Malwarzi's attack. He can do this 3 times in a fight before Gnasher's stubborn nature prevents him from obeying further orders.


Sensitive Nose: Malwarzi is highly susceptible to any substances that are breathed in, even resulting in unintended effects from items like smoke bombs.

Compulsive Scavenger: Malwarzi always has his eye on the next bargain. At the end of each thread, he must exchange his current Scavenged Weapon for another found during the story, even if it is inferior or less useful.

Bargain Hunter: If bribed with something he wants, he will at LEAST seriously consider taking the deal even to the detriment of completing his objective.

Submissive: If Malwarzi has no allies to bolster his courage and seems in danger of death or serious harm, he will try to flee, bargain, or submit.


Familiar: Gnasher, a spotted hyena he keeps leashed with a chain.

Weapons -
"Training Stick": A specialized nunchuck-like weapon formed of two solid metal rods connected by a length of chain. The handles can be held together for use as a bludgeoning weapon, or one end released to use as a variant flail. It also makes a convenient strangling tool. (Image in gallery)

Scavenged Weapon: Scimitar: (Iron quality) A curved steel sword with a crack running through the blade, it has the mark of one of the nomadic tribes of Fallien embossed on the pommel.

Battered Buckler: A small round iron shield strapped to Shackles' left wrist.

Equipment -
Broken Musket: No Bullets. A marksman's flintlock rifle which fascinates Malwarzi and feeds his desire to relocate to Alerar.
Iron Manacles: 'Shackles' carries 3 sets of his namesake for restraining particularly dangerous captives.
Religious Icon: It's a bleached bone.

**Styrax alt

06-29-15, 07:14 AM
Slave's Stupor: A sinister spell, it enchants the mind of an enemy to fall into a subservient, listless stupor. This can be can be cast twice, but only once per target, on any intelligent creature within 10 meters and lasts about 5 minutes. Any harm received by the victim of this spell immediately breaks the enchantment.

This is too strong at the moment. Stunning for a few seconds is a level 1 ability, but completely entrancing someone for 5 min is too much. Can you bring it down a bit? (and I take the point of the pain breaking the enchantment, but if that pain is a sword through the neck it defeats the purpose :p )

Pack Tactics: When Marwazi attacks a creature in melee which his ally is also engaged with, he inflicts an additional slight wound even if his primary attack was blocked. He can command his Hyena Familiar to attack (dealing no damage) to earn this bonus 3 times.

Ahh, this one is a bit much. My issue here is that the attack is unblockable. The hyena (large, fairly dangerous) itself counts an ability. If you remove this one you can have the hyena as a familiar, otherwise we’ll need to work out something in between.


You've got quite a bit of weapons and equipment, this one pushes you over.

Compulsive: Malwarzi always has his eye on the next bargain. At the end of each thread, he must exchange his current Scavenged Weapon for another found during the story, even if it is inferior or less useful. If bribed with something he wants, he will at LEAST seriously consider taking the deal even to the detriment of completing his objective.

I'm not sure I understand the consequence of this.

06-29-15, 05:20 PM
Let me know if these changes work for Slave's Stupor & Pack Attack. I hadn't considered the use of the hyena (outside the specifically mentioned use for the ability) chalk that up to my inexperience in this style of RP.

Musket: I wasn't clear if I could start with a gun or if it could only be bought later, so the idea was for it to be useless until I DO spend the gold for bullets and the cost of the gun (i.e. repairing it). I've changed it to "Broken Musket" to clarify that.

Now, Compulsive I could talk alot about but I'll try to keep it brief.

The reason I consider it a weakness is it adds a randomness factor to my character, outside of my control. It may not make Malwarzi "worse" at anything, but OOC it allows for disadvantages. In the scavenge component, it means that my secondary weapon will be changing all the time. To start this likely won't be a weakness, since I start with a low quality weapon. In cases where ANY character would go "ooh, that dead elf had an adamantium knife, Im taking it", there's no difference. But then in the next thread, what character is going to go "ooo, that wooden pitchfork the farmer had is cool, I'm taking it and tossing this adamantium knife? Malwarzi is.

The bribery aspect is basically a self-enforced way to let others have control over my character, be it a story moderator or fellow player character. Example: Shackles is hired to capture or kill a Bandit Leader and return the stolen necklace. He finds the bandit camp, but the Leader has a model of a gyrocopter-airship or a bandoleer of bullets or a really impressive ring. Noting the gnoll's interest, he offers a deal: the item, if Malwarzi agrees to leave and give the bandits time to relocate their hideout. In traditional RPG terms, I allow character to be swayed into failing a quest not because I necessarily want to but because I am imposing a rule on myself. It opens up many possibilities - and is independent of my OOC desires for a story's direction. Betrayals, switching sides in a Battle, making my character useless to his teammates for a length of time - the applications are numerous.

I left the wording somewhat open ended because I'm not a fool, I'm not going to have Player A say

"Hey, my character offered yours 50 gold and you didn't accept, you're not playing your character right!" because not all bribes offered will catch the character's interest. Likewise, say, fellow teammates are haranguing him into doing what he's supposed to, he may forgo a bribe he otherwise would accept. But even considering one will result in my character being less useful to the group effort until the decision is resolved.

The main reason for this move is to hard-code a method of randomness and forcing me to think outside how I normally might, to get into the character's mindset instead of a "player's mindset". It's alos to inspire creativity in my fellow players. I write it for anyone to read - give me stuff I want and I'll do what you want. I'm going to make you work for it, going to make you think and be creative, but you now have the thought at the back of your mind to try to take advantage of this weakness in a believable IC way. If it works, you get to rightfully feel clever. It is an open invitation to creating small memorable events that might lead to much larger memorable consequences. I'm all about crafting the most enjoyable story ^_^.

Even if it's deemed not worth being factored as a "weakness", at this point I would leave it in as a "quirk" for pure entertainment's sake because I do want the transparency there for others, rather than just keeping it as a tidbit in my head that's less likely to see the light of RP.

...........So much for brief.

07-01-15, 03:18 AM
Sorry, I thought I responded to this. I think I must have deleted my response >.>

Pack Tactics: When Marwazi attacks a creature in melee which his ally is also engaged with, he inflicts an additional slight wound. He can command his Hyena Familiar to attack (dealing no damage) to earn this bonus 3 times. Otherwise, it requires an allied player character to trigger.

I'm not sure how this would play out in character. Fights are more fluid than in a normal turn-based combat. What i'd suggest is just making the hyena the straight ability and describing how he and the creature can fight together.

The broken musket is good, I thought you might have been going that way.

07-01-15, 11:23 AM
Yeah I'm finding it difficult to codify any sort of group based move of that sort for that reason. It's a bummer but can't be helped, have changed the ability.

07-02-15, 05:16 AM
Alright, good to go!
