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The Muri
07-16-15, 02:36 PM
Closed to Red.

I'm a thrill seeker. I rock. I love fighting. The Citadel encourages fighting. Do I need explain why I'm here in detail? Because I'd much rather skip to the arena.

Of course, when it comes to me, I'm energetic and quite the fighter. Am I so capable though? I have a lot of skill, where I got it who knows, but how do I know for sure I'm who I say I am. I have no memories of most of my life, I just... woke up on a beach a year or so ago. What am I?

To take my mind off my struggles, to release all my negative energy in a fight of blood and teeth, that is my favorite inspiring activity.

So, there I stood. In a simple arena, open for a simple game of 'beat the crap outta someone,' the way I like it. It was, ironically, a beach. Clear sands, fresh, blue waters. A few shells were scattered through the yellow sands. I breathed in the scents of salts, soaking in the breeze that overtook it all. Yup, I was getting nostalgic all right, all right.

I sighed and walked over to the water's edge. I took my boots off and imprinted my bare feet into the cool waters. As the sand was kicked up between my toes from the rising and falling waves, I wondered again what I could have possibly originated from.

Was I a mermaid?

I shook my head no, my blond hair flying around in the winds. As the hot pink section of my hair crossed my eyes, I sighed and turned around to see... my opponent.

I almost forgot I was here to fight. Wow, that's a first.

07-16-15, 04:15 PM
Sand cushioned John’s footsteps as he walked along the beach. The sun was warm and pleasant, and the sound of waves crashing softly against the shore emanated from a sea nearby. To John’s right, away from the sea, a treeline spread along the opposite edge of the arena that the monks had prepared. He absently wondered if the world that existed here was as full as the world outside. Could he go off into that forest and find wildlife, or would the illusion fade, or would the sand stretch inexplicably outward no matter how long he walked? His musings were interrupted as he noticed the girl that was standing across the beach from him. He sucked on the cigar in his mouth once more, flicking it toward the water.

She had long blonde hair, and purple eyes that seemed quite odd. Though, Althanas was populated by stranger creatures than this one. She was small, but most were when compared to John, and wore all manner of weapons on her hip, plus one very oddly shaped sword on her back. That thing appeared to have teeth. Some he did not even recognize. Though, she did have a crossbow, and that meant he had to close the distance. He strode forward, stopping when fifteen feet separated them.

He couldn’t afford to wait this time. He’d waited for Ashla Icebreaker to make the first move, and that had proven his undoing. John dug his front foot into the sand, kicking it up rapidly toward his opponent. A cloud of sand exploded toward her, and John had already begun to move forward. Hopefully he’d blind her, at least it should buy him a little time to strike. The metal of his gauntlets moved up to cover his forearms up to his elbows, and studs formed at his knuckles as he led forward with a fist at where the girl was. There was no time for hesitation, no time for anything but closing the distance.

The Muri
07-16-15, 05:21 PM
I was surprised when sand poofed up like perfume all around me. Yuck! Worse than girly perfume… Dirty, icky, eye watering, san-

- POW!

I landed back, soaked in the water. Wow, what a coincidence, my first awakening in Althanas had been in a similar spot. No time was available to reminisce in my mysterious origins though, I jumped right back onto my feet, splashing in the shallow waters of the beach edge. Man, this guy was huge… and he obviously was not a joker. I shook the water and sand out of my now soaked hair and whipped out my knuckle duster katana, pulling it in front of me in a straight grip.

With my stomach aching from the blow still, I slipped into an offensive stance, observing his combat stance as the sand cloud cleared. He was a boxer, a user of unarmed combat by the posture he carried. He had two interesting gauntlets on his hands to help.

I spit some of the water (thank goodness it wasn’t salt) out of my mouth, “You could say ‘hi’ first, you know… the name’s Kaida, by the way.”

With that, I snapped into action! I was nicknamed the “Jet,” a person of speed and acrobatics. This guy was fast, but I was faster. I raced up to him, combining my skills with the sword and fist. I threw a quick barrage of swift swings at him, hoping to drive him back. Any time he’d swing his fist at me, my own would be waiting. I knew a thing or two on fighting with one’s bare hands, even if I had no idea where I got such skill from. One thing was obvious under the glowing sun though, as the sands shifted under our feet, it was on!

07-16-15, 06:03 PM
She was quick to stand, and even quicker to retalliate. Drops of water flew from her body as she swung her arms around. She fought quickly and precisely, strikes aimed at vital points. His shoulders, solar plexus, and face were all under assault. She also gave no chance for John to grab her. She was apparently also smart enough to not let John grapple her. John wondered why she did not draw more of the weapons that were strapped to her hip. Perhaps they were situational. Either way, she was quite good with her fist and the strange blade she swung with. She punched with it as easily as he swung, and John had to concentrate on not getting himself sliced.

A flourish with her blade, and John blocked, just in time for a hand to sail toward his jaw. The haymaker snapped his head to the side. His jaw stung, but instinct saved him.

Follow the motion, you must be smooth like the ripples in the water, like the gentle wind that passes over the hills, an old man taught him. He remembered wistfully that he insisted on being called 'sensei'.

John twisted his torso with his head, spinning on his right foot as his left whizzed through the air. He lost sight of his opponent for a split second, and found her again as his vision came round. His heel connected solidly with her temple, which tossed her back into the water. She tumbled well and rolled on her feet, now in ankle-deep water.

Perhaps if I push my advantage, I can get her movements to slow in the water.

He spoke as he walked forward, forming eight-inch blades at the ends of his fists. “I am John, a pleasure,” he finished as he swung with a gauntleted hand.