View Full Version : Price Check on Necromantic Reagents and Sinister Spell Components

07-16-15, 02:49 PM
Like any half-decent undead sorcerer, Faust is looking for some henchman. More specifically, he would like to keep one permanently animated zombie who doesn't count against his abilities. Sort of like a mindless flesh golem. The zombie would be the size of a bulky human, but it would be twice as slow and could only follow one-word commands like "follow" or "kill". Assuming I made a thread where I assembled the zombie (and had ensuing hijinks), how much would the materials cost?

Also, how much would an enchanted ebony staff that would double the number of undead Faust could control (rounded down, based on his Magic of Bone ability) cost? I could also quest for the materials or something else to alleviate the cost.

The prices might be a little difficult (or impossible) to calculate, but either way, thanks for the assistance!

Cards of Fate
07-17-15, 07:24 AM
I think in this case you might be out of luck in both of you queries. A staff that directly manipulates your ability to control zombies will still fall under the purview of RoG. If you still want to buy it I can list you a price.

As for the zombie you hit a block there as well. The bazaar doesnt sell familliars to my knowledge, and they too fall under RoG. I can however direct you to look for the level 1 profile for "March of Machines" to see how he handled a simmilar issue with golems.

I hope this was insightful.

07-17-15, 10:35 AM
Ah, understandable. It was a bit of a strange request. Thanks anyway!

Cards of Fate
07-17-15, 12:20 PM
We can maybe try combining the two? A staff that can summon a temporary undead?

07-17-15, 12:53 PM
Ooooh, now that I could work with. Maybe a staff that summoned either a 3-4 post zombie, demon or wraith?

Cards of Fate
07-18-15, 12:04 PM
Keep in mind the complexity of the enchantment on the staff will be raising the price. TO give you an idea, an oak staff with this enchantment is looking to run you about...1,125 gold. Ant that's with one zombie tied to it.

07-18-15, 10:56 PM
Not a problem! It's something to work towards. I'll earn some more gold and think about it along the way.

Cards of Fate
07-19-15, 11:47 PM
Another freindly tip, you can earn a discount at the moderators discretion if you rp out the transaction as well.

07-20-15, 10:58 PM
Ooooh, that bears investigating. I've got a couple of solo threads I'm almost done with, and hopefully I'll get the gold for something necromantic. Thanks for the assistance. I really appreciate you showing me some of the inner workings of the bazaar.