View Full Version : Upgrades...

07-17-15, 09:14 AM
(Daggers are awarded here: ~A Storm~ (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?28722-SOLO-To-Hunt-a-Storm) thank you very much. I wish to upgrade my Titanium daggers and possibly get a enchant or two places on them. I wish to rp this all out.)

Elthas walked towards The Bazaar district of Radasanth with a purpose.

He'd recently won a pair of titanium daggers, and their existence was the only proof of his battle against Storm Veritas. Elthas wore a fine suit that day, typical of the Radasanth cut suits he favoured. His fedora hat was tipped slightly at an angle to cast a shadow across his handsome face. Elthas had piercing eyes that held their own hunger for knowledge. Elthas's trenchcoat was made of leather and finely crafted, he wore a three-piece suit. It was cut in the modern Radasanthian style of the social elites. Elthas didn't like ties. So he wore the top of the shirt he had on open. The shirt was pin striped and coloured white. Elthas walked with his chin held high, he'd accomplished a lot of late. He found himself standing in front of the largest forge he could fine, one he frequented oft over the years. It had a family of famous master smiths. Elthas looked at the building and went in carefully.

(First: Pricecheck on upgrading two Titanium Daggers to Masterwork status. Then we'll go from there)

Cards of Fate
07-17-15, 10:03 AM
(Titanium daggers are already masterwork status if I recall correctly.)

07-17-15, 11:25 AM
(THe daggers i got out of the spoil were approved as Average/Below Average quality Which is why I want to upgrade them. Thanks for your help man :D ) .

Cards of Fate
07-17-15, 12:24 PM
[Then you're looking at 113 a pop to upgrade]

07-17-15, 02:06 PM
(Thats fine my friend do you want to rp this out with me? I like to rp most of my bazaar transactions! Let me know what youre able to do! :) )

Cards of Fate
07-18-15, 12:05 PM
(I will edit in an RP reply posthaste, you should see it by Monday night at the latest)

Cards of Fate
07-21-15, 09:04 PM
(Reply is short, sorry. As we get into the transaction they'll grow meatier in length)

A large, giant of a man standing somewhere around seven feet tall eyed up the stranger. His dress spoke of wealth earned from the labors of others and not from the labors of his own hand, which brought a scowl to the mans face as he rose from his large iron chair. Not parting his gaze from Elthas he strode forward.

"How can I help you good sir?"

07-22-15, 11:57 AM
Elthas noticed that there were several large fellows working in the forge that particular time.

He could not remember the exact time frame of the last time he'd ventured into The Bazaar.

Time flowed differently for his people.

As the fellow asked his question, Elthas nodded with respect towards him. "Looking to upgrade two pieces I recently acquired. Daggers. Titanium. Think you can help me out? I need them masterwork status, and possibly will order a few enchantments or augments on them." Elthas said calmly. As he looked around the forge he was impressed with the masterwork quality of the pieces that were on display. Furthermore, the forge had that hot furnace smell that Elthas had gotten used to working for The Trading Company. While that lasted, but as was the case with all things...it eventually came to an end. Elthas considered the situation at hand, he didn't like talking about how he'd gotten those daggers. It was a rather personal story to him anyway.

One that cost him an arm.

As Elthas stood there he waited for the giant of a man's response to his inquiry.

Cards of Fate
08-20-15, 07:10 PM
The man chewed his lips as he took the daggers and set them aside in a nearby box labled "In."

"Titanium is a tricky metal, and even trickier if you're looking to make them a masterpiece...." he paused as he scratched his chin. "It'll take a week or two to get to that...lots of orders." he gestured to several similar boxes filled to the brim.

"As for enchantments, what were you looking to get? Im no good with Runes, my fingers are too fat, but my sister has a mighty fine talent for doin em up well."

08-22-15, 07:34 PM
After some careful thinking about the information he'd just learned, Elthas decided to put his luck to the test.

He looked the large man square in the eyes and carefully studied him. Elthas was an Elf who was not afraid to look a man in the eyes, they were a window to the soul. Elthas carefully looked at the man for a long moment, he was searching for something in that pair of eyes...perhaps a kindred spirit. Each time Elthas had made his way into The Bazaar, he'd been changed for the better. He was hoping this constant and almost alchemical process would continue. Elthas then looked down at his stumped arm and pondered a radical idea. He'd heard of people with grafted limbs, and prosthetics, and the thought occurred to him to do the same. He listened to the man speak about his sister, but decided a new approach was better suited to make up for the loss of an arm.

He would replace it with something new.

Many matters in life were oft an exchange of one thing into another, a transformation process. Elthas spoke after a long five minutes passed. "Actually, I've thought of something better." Elthas began. "You see, I recently had a battle that cost me this." He pointed to the area of space where his arm once was.

"I was wondering if you or someone you knew had the capacity to surgically graft me a replacement. Don't have to be pretty, you see? I just want it to work. I figure, of course, instead of the enchantments this trip, I'll just take my dagger upgrades and the new arm if you can work with me on this somehow. I would be in your debt good sir." Elthas explained his situation carefully and was hoping the man was as smart as he seemed.

Elthas waited for the man's response about the newer suggestion.

Cards of Fate
09-30-15, 11:10 AM
The man paused for a moment and rubbed his chin. He'd made many things in the past, but never a functioning arm. "Ive made peg legs an' hooks, but never a whole arm before...please do tell me what you want it to be made of and do, Ill see if its possible..."

09-30-15, 02:58 PM
Elthas rubbed his chin thoughtfully as the man spoke.

It should inspire respect and maybe a hint of fear as well... He thought for a long moment.

Then he looked at the man very, very carefully. "It don't have to be anything terribly fancy." Elthas began. "Just need it to work, and serve it's purpose. I got a good gold piece to spend on my dagger enhancements and the arm replacement. I'd like it to be a working steel piece. Preferably masterwork in quality." Elthas continued. "If gold would be an issue, I can work with something made of brass as well, I am flexible in this." He said. "I just need something to fill the void of loosing my arm. Do you know where I am coming from? It can be quite a handicap and a burden at times." Elthas said truthfully. He wanted the three items; the two dagger upgrades and the arm. After that his business would be concluded with the fellow before him.

10-26-15, 09:30 AM
Can somebody close and archive this thread for me? It's clear to me that it's never gonna get done and it's nobody's fault or anything. I'm moving Elthas in a different direction anyway sine he has become a ghost/wraith or whatever. Anyway guys your immediate help in this would be deeply appreciated. If someone could please take care of this for me I would appreciate it a lot. Thanks again in advanced. I will upgrade the daggers I initially wanted to upgrade through questing or something like that. Sorry if this inconveniences someone. I just need this to get done as soon as humanly possible. Thanks again like I said earlier any and all help with this matter would be deeply appreciated!!! Let me know as soon as you guys can look into this. (I am having trouble posting this so I am trying to make it as long as I possibly can without just rambling on and on.)

~Pavel Vargas