View Full Version : Core of Steel. [Solo]

07-20-15, 11:21 AM
His cloak swirled int he wind as he stood in place.

The breeze came in from the west, it was a rather pleasant feeling. He could feel his clothing dancing with the wind. He always did favour wearing baggier clothing as it provided much more flexibility with movement. Creno dressed in a tactical sort of fashion, his muscular body accentuated by the sleeveless tanktop he wore. He wore black that day as always, and his long flowing cloak was also black. He liked the fashions of Althanas, they differed a great deal from the fashions of his own people.

Creno adjusted his gloves and saw the captain up a head.

Creno was part of a small tactical squad that operated out of the Valeena Family Castle.

In truth, there were many such tactical squads that comprised Scara Brae's growing militia. There were almost three thousand infantry, and several squads of highly trained knights of Scara Brae. Creno was a cadet of the militia. He'd settled into that life style many years prior. Creno lived a soldier's life. It was one of constant training as he attempted to elevate his rank to Soldier First Class. Creno looked at his leather gloves for a moment, they were comfortable and supported his big hands very well. Well armed, Creno was no slouch. He'd developed skirmishing tactical skills with both polearm and buster sword. Creno favoured the heavier side of combat.

There was a small group of cadets surrounding Creno. He was a head or two larger than most of the natives, but some were nearly as tall as he was. Creno admired the diversity of the Althanians, they were capable of producing a fine stock of specimens. Creno considered that as a secondary course of studies. The way of his people: The Saenorakym Prime was the way of genetic manipulation and high technology. Creno did not have to hide his growing power from the general population, he merely played it all off as sorcery and relicry. Most of Corone was generally accepting towards newcomers and outsiders. It was the other nations of Althanas that tended to be more xenophobic in nature.

Creno considered that fact too, Salvar and Fallien were still quite close minded towards outsiders. Creno vowed to someday change all that. He wanted to see an Althanas united against the evils of the world, and the stars. He knew from experience that a divided world could not possibly stand against the dark. And so he worked, to establish his role as a leader before Humes. Creno wanted to succeed as a soldier, that way he could grow into the role of a heroic general. The story book knight of the old fairy tales. Creno would become the Hero that Althanas needed. The Hero that would unite them all.

Creno was a deep thinker, he was constantly considering the field around him. He was also constantly considering the world around him. Creno was alone on Althanas, his people had abandoned the world many years prior. Only a few remained in seclusion that Creno knew about. Despite that, Creno had opted to stay behind and help cultivate Althanas into the world it was meant to become. He wanted to forge a brighter tomorrow. A tomorrow where anything was possible.

Around Creno, there were many cadets and several uniformed knights. Creno considered the situation at hand, they'd been called to gather at the military base of Valeena castle roughly two hours prior. The guard captain looked at the gathered cadets who were nervously whispering to one another. Creno's eyes darted from soldier to soldier. Many of them were fresh recruits, some were seasoned. A few were just out of their basic training.

"Settle down, settle down." The guard captain said carefully in an attempt to ease the cadet's tension. "You've all been gathered because of an urgent situation that has just developed a few days ago." The guard captain said. "Activity has been sighted in the infamous goblin cave area of our nation. Not just any sort of activity, but our professional scouts have sighted a Mountain Ogre residing within the area around Mountain-Tear. The cave had been quiet until recent years, but something or someone is rallying the goblins into a violent state once more." The guard captain paused to allow his words to sink in. "I will require a small group of volunteers to silence this Mountain Ogre, and find out what's causing this sudden uprising. If you are successful, you will be handsomely rewarded."

More nervous whispers from the crowd.

Creno immediately volunteered for the tactical squad. "Captain. I hereby volunteer." Creno said loudly and confidently as he looked the captain in the eyes. "You have my spear." He added.

The whispers in the crowd became more nervous sounding, but people slowly volunteered until there was a squad of about six men and women, including Creno.

"Very well." The guard captain said. "This is the tactical squad that will infiltrate the Goblin Cave. Creno, since you were first volunteer you are on point of the squad."

Creno nodded casually towards the guard captain. 'By your command." Creno said confidently. The others were looking at Creno very strangely.

"Hey mate, you got a death wish or something, volunteering like that?" One of the female cadets asked.

Creno turned to look at the woman. "No. It is simply the right thing to do." Creno said carefully.

"All right fall in soldiers." The guard captain said casually. "Here is the tactical data on what you all will be facing. I will ask that you all follow Creno's lead and support him." The guard captain handed Creno some documents that was a compiled surveying information of the Goblin Cave.

Creno opened the dossier folder and saw the basic photographs of the Mountain Ogre. It was black and white, they did not have the capacity to reproduce colour yet. At least Corone did not...Creno was certain Alerar could. Creno studied the picture of the Mountain Ogre. He then looked up at the guard captain. "You want this thing killed?" Creno had to ask, he had to know.

"That is part of the mission, but I also need you all investigating the cave and figuring out the leadership caste of these upstart goblins. Bring me their leader alive, that would send a message." The guard captain said carefully.

"I will not fail." Creno said bluntly.