View Full Version : Active Camo Engaged!

07-20-15, 12:10 PM
Artemis walked among the many stalls that littered the courtyard in front of the Citadel. Every time they held a major tournament, in this case the Serenti, there were plentiful merchants looking to take advantage; not just of the many customers, but of the ignorant and wealthy nobles who couldn't identify the worth of anything and would just rather over-pay.

Artemis was not such a victim.

Still, there was plenty to see, and one such stall stood out more than the rest. A man with sandy brown hair and a mouthful of golden-capped teeth stood over a stall covered in various jewelry. He wore a white robe decorated with cubic patterns of crimson and shouted about his wares so all could hear. Artemis approached the stall, glancing at the many pieces of jewelry.

"Do you happen to have something with the magic to make me blend? Like a chameleon of sorts?" Artemis asked the man. "Preferably an enchantment set into an earring I can wear for convenience."

The chameleon effect is not perfect, but it lasts regardless of what actions you take. You become more difficult to see at a distance and in light, like a partial invisibility. Take note that Chameleon does not make you silent. The enchantment will make Artemis appear mostly translucent, offering only a shimmering effect that distorts light if one looks directly at the wearer. He is, for all intents and purposes, completely invisible when he keeps to the shadows. However, when exposed with no cover and in light, his movements are likely to draw suspicion from a perceptive individual. He can act as he normally would while under this effect without losing its potency.

Max Dirks
07-21-15, 01:23 PM
"Aye," the brown haired man replied. "I got bracelet that'll make you disappear." The vendor reached down and pulled a small case from his stand. He opened it, grabbed a bracelet and held it into the air. "But before you buy it, put it on, don't completely disappear and call me a cheat, let me explain how it works." He continued, "This here charm ain't perfect. It'll reflect light out to about 3 feet fairly decently, but it still shows a dark outline around larger things, like me for example." The vendor put on the bracelet to demonstrate. "You have to activate it by pressing here." As he pressed it, the vendor and a portion of the stand disappeared. However, in the light, his outline was relatively easy to see. The vendor took off the bracelet & held it out to Artemis. "You probably saw me pretty easily in the light, but in the dark or a crowd, you'd blend right in. This one is gold, it'll last you about 30 seconds before it fails and takes about 2-3 hours to recharge. It'll run you 1500 GP if you're interested."

Due to new ROG regulations, enchantments can't grant characters extra abilities (i.e. invisibility in this case); however the bracelet could affect a small area to grant you the desired effect. In this instance, I gave it a range of 3 feet. I also took the liberty to add some additional restrictions (30 seconds every 2-3 hours) to get it down to your price range. Let me know if you're interested.

07-21-15, 01:47 PM
"Hmm," Artemis pondered aloud. "So what you're saying is that it's a sphere of influence so to speak. That's not too bad. Can you transfer the enchantment into an earring though? Something less burdensome. And I also can't have it making things around me disappear. If i'm hiding behind a box and part of the box becomes somewhat invisible, that'll give me away!" Artemis thought for a second, placing his hand on his lips. "And even with all that, I still don't think it'd be worth what you're asking. How about seven-fifty after the changes?"

Firstly, can restrictions be different for pvp and pve? I'm not looking to be invisible. I'm thinking more along the lines of Hunters from destiny, or the crysis suits, or even the halo invisibility. It's a partial effect, mostly effective only when in cover anyway or hidden. It's not meant to let me walk up to someone's face invisible and poke them. Second, I need it in earring form, as I already have Judicis as one bracer and an armguard on another. I wanted a black earring that I could activate with a press or a switch on it, or by wearing it a certain way.

Max Dirks
07-21-15, 03:04 PM
Due to the nature of the enchantment, limiting PVP v. PVE would not reduce the cited cost of the item, I'm afraid. I understand what you're looking for, but due to ROG 3.0 rule changes, enchantments that essentially grant your character an ability are actual abilities that need to be approved though the ROG (a ring giving your character even partial invisibility is an ability granted to the character). By giving the trinket the ability rather than the character, we skirt the issue (basically we're trying to avoid boosts). Adding an AOE to this particular enchant was the easiest way for me to get it into a price range close to what you have in your inventory. If you want it perfectly honed to Artemis' body, the base cost will go up to 2000 GP w/ the same use limits.