View Full Version : Golden Arrows [Recruitment Thread]

07-20-15, 12:12 PM
This is what happens when you listen to nothing but Falling Up for two weeks... I came up with this listening to Fangs!

Hello! Who wants to take part in a tragic event that shakes the world?

I'm doing a thread that will introduce a major NPC (Siiaum (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?29700-NPC-Submission-Siiaum-Rose&p=251468#post251468)) and how he causes Ashla to do... things... like scewering an entire town with poison tipped ice arrows. I don't want this to be a solo, I want other people to join the fun! It's always fun the write this type of stuff together, right? The end of this thread will end in Siiaum doing enough crap to Ashla and overloading her abilities or something (have to find a way to slip this past her preservation ability) and she mistakenly sends ice arrows flying down on a town, kiliing a bunch of people and making her a wanted criminal. Beforehand, Felicity is searching for her teacher, in hopes of finding her. She witnesses the town's destruction. You guys could be standing by, joining Felicity, helping Siiaum cause you enjoy making people miserable, whatever you like. Just jump in!

Looking forward to the adventures,
~ Ashla

07-20-15, 07:14 PM
Count me in.

07-20-15, 08:22 PM
Ghosty I'm in if you're intent on sticking this out. I can join with Elthas since Elthas and Ashla have SOME sort of a history. Would be neat to develop this post the trauma in her life that's forth coming. Anyway I am interested in joining as well, count me registered!

07-20-15, 09:15 PM
Thank you, guys! Skie also has decided to join in chat. Felicity will be in this as well.

Look out for the thread tomorrow, Slow Waves is the title! :)

07-21-15, 06:31 AM
It's up!


I really don't care about posting order, so have at it!

07-21-15, 09:32 AM
aw dang room for one more?

07-21-15, 09:52 AM

John watching Ashla rain down hoth ice should get a reaction xD

07-21-15, 01:16 PM
I'm definitely interested in joining this! I should be able to post relatively soon.

07-21-15, 01:22 PM
Alrighty! :)

07-22-15, 12:45 PM
Due to a conflict of interest, I am withdrawing from this thread. Good luck guys and have fun.