View Full Version : My In and Out's continue.

10-24-06, 11:33 PM
Well I am back for a bit, I've pretty much exhausted myself to death. Expect more of me soon. Although I would love to drop dead right now. I'm so tired from staying up 'til three in the morning. I'll be in and out during the weekdays now. The work load is somewhat lightening up.

10-25-06, 06:27 AM
Whoahoa. Looks like life hasn't given up its hold on you just yet. Take your time and save your strength, Aesculus. ^_^

10-25-06, 08:22 AM
hey no worries, Glad you're still interested^^

Even sporatic activity helps keep this place alive as long as you have fun. I hope things lighten up a bit though since it sounds rough.

10-25-06, 06:11 PM
Thank you, I keep telling myself it's only three courses per semester but the work load is murder. This week finally it's gotten lighter.