View Full Version : [NPC Submission] Siiaum Rose

07-20-15, 04:40 PM
Name: Siiaum Rose.
Gender: Male.
Age: Unknown (appears in his early twenties.)
Race: Elf.
Height: 6’0
Weight: 486
Eye Color: Blue.
Hair Color: Blond.
Occupation: Millionaire.


Siiaum is a selfish jerk, but he isn’t a brat. He will smoothly pay his cards, manipulating people to get what he wants. He is chillingly patient, never in a rush unless the situation calls for haste. He does get angry easily, lashing out when the last of his long patience drips dry. He is a master in the Bladesinger magics, using music as his greatest weapon. He is a bit of a player, always hitting on girls, but he is still modest. He is extremely patient, willing to wait half a century if his life goal, to make his own bloodline, could be achieved through it.

Siiaum is, at first appearance, and attractive elf. The blond is strong and fit, easily in his physical prime. The darker magics he chooses to use have… corrupted him… though. His eyes are smoked black, his orbs turning from blue to yellow when angered. He wears black armor and carries a single sword. A millionaire, he has afforded high grade materials. [http://images.thinkdrawart.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Elf-Knight23-520x521.jpg]

- Steel and Lividus Chalybs sword forged in Eiskalt.
- Boiled, arctic leather armor resistance to elemental magic.
- A masterwork steel crossbow.
- Five golden arrows, permanently poison dipped. When they strike a person, they cause various hallucinations and spells, even causing people to unleash unnatural energies in their magic. The arrows can instantly cause someone to have their full potential "open" as long as the poison is in effect, causing them to perform feats both physically and magically they wouldn't do... but causing extreme damage to their bodies for it.

Dark Magics:
- Manipulation: Siiaum can take complete control of an individual's body (not their brain, but he controls their body like it's his own.) It takes an hour for him to control someone, and once he takes control his own body appears to be asleep and is defenseless.
- Poisons: Siiaum can conjure various poisons with various effects from magics. Light poisons can be usable in less than a minute, while more serious poisons need above an hour to make.
- Body: His body is unnaturally strong. He can lift up to four hundred pounds, has the agility of an athlete, and can run up to thirty miles per hour.

Bladesinger Abilities:
- The Music of the Blade: Siiaum can make his sword sound out a musical tune every time he swings it if he likes. The swing itself makes the sword feel heavier if an opponent is hit with it or blocks it, up to one hundred pounds of weight behind the strike. This enchantment lasts for five minutes, and is usable three times per day.
- Arrow’s Poise: He can make his arrows “sing” whenever he shoots them from his crossbow. The arrows that sing will imbed themselves deeper into the flesh and can start infections.
- Shock Waves: Whenever he blocks an attack with a weapon, he can cause the impacted weapons to send out a hearable sound wave that can cause only his opponents to not only hear it, but to have seizures and cause them to have hearing damage. So loud is the sound wave, a person’s ears could bleed. This is usable twice per day.

As teenage boys, Siiaum and his twin brother Sayn signed up as bladesingers. During their training, both young men did exceptionally well; however, Sayn had something Siiaum never had. Sayn was “born” with unnatural powers, something cold, dark… his abilities in such a place was fascinating. Siiaum too wanted this unexplained power.

So he killed him. Siiaum drew his brother’s own blood and attempted to gain his abilities through it. While his secret experiments did give him a fraction of that power, he never was able to reach the potential of Sayn. Even if it was a failure then, Siiaum learned he was fascinated with bloodlines in that time. From there on out, he wanted a bloodline of his own.
Growing on in years, the young man, who had hidden his atrocious actions well, became a gifted bladesinger. While he completed missions and served Raiaera well, he patiently waited for the opportunity to make his own, unique kin. His travels and adventures took him from Corone to Fallien, and he drifted further from the order he was trained in until he eventually deserted them completely.

One adventure in Corone, where he saved a wealthy military officer’s wife and children from certain death, made him both rich and famous. He was given a mansion of his own, billions upon billions of currency, and married the military officer’s second oldest daughter. With the possibility of a family coming closer, Siiaum doubled his at home research for anything that could open the doors for making a famous bloodline.

He eventually found it. It was a small, barely known country. Unfortunately stuck inside a hunk of rock, blistering cold, but containing several famous families that ruled it all. Siiaum was soon enough packing up for a trip to Eiskalt.
Siiaum’s three year long stay at Eiskalt was fruitful, but also came at a terrible cost. While he easily found out lot’s of secrets from the Icebreaker and Tabor clans, the Icebreaker head found out of his goals and cursed him to be unable to ever produce a child.

Feeling as if everything was all lost and wasted, Siiaum gave up and returned home… only to find out that before he had left, his wife had already been pregnant. Siiaum met his two year old son, Lantrious, for the first time. It all seemed so beautiful, and with the knowledge of bloodlines he collected from Eiskalt, he seemed to have finally gained what he wanted. However… he and his son proved to be completely opposed to each other. The two never got along. Throughout Lantrious’ teens, he rebelled constantly. When the boy was in his late teens, Siiaum had finally had enough and banished him from his mansion, even ripping him off the family tree! Even if she had been a wood elf, his wife had died almost a decade ago due to a rare disease. Siiaum was completely alone.

Siiaum waited. He waited for some type of opportunity to create his bloodline – not through Lantrious, but through one of his own kin… Siiaum was able to find Layla Rose in her late teens. She was a bounty hunter, fearless and confident. Yes, she would do… but first…

He assigned her to go to Eiskalt. Not for bloodline steaming, but revenge. He told her it was just any mission, that he simply wanted revenge. He told her nothing of how they were related. However, she never returned…

How many years later was it that Siiaum was shocked with the news that Layla had a child who’s father was from the Icebreaker family. Ashla Icebreaker, a simple child, grew up in the safety of Eiskalt with her uncle. It burned Siiaum, especially since Layla died giving birth to the child. Siiaum decided to take a step back, and once again, wait… Somehow, even if the Icebreaker blood was mixed in with his own, Siiaum would find a way to finally make his own beautiful bloodline with what he had: his great granddaughter.

Max Dirks
07-21-15, 12:57 PM
Do you plan to use Siiaum as a combat familiar in combination with Ashla or any of your other characters, or will he purely be for story building purposes?

07-21-15, 01:16 PM
Siiaum is majorly meant for character development and a rival for Ashla. If I use him against other pcs at all (alone or with Ashla, they might have situations where they have to work together but Ashla would hate it,) it will be with them willing and we'd try negotiations on how it goes (obviously xD)

So no, I don't plan on him being anything like a familiar. He may be used in competitive situations with caution and carefullness.

Max Dirks
07-21-15, 01:28 PM
I meant, will you use him in a battle against another player? If you do, each of his individual abilities will have to be factored in with Ashla's base assessment. If not, as in you plan to use him purely for quests or as a non-combat participator in a battle (like a voice in the head, or something), then he'll be approved.

07-21-15, 02:05 PM

No, he won't be used in a Citadel thread or combat based event.

Max Dirks
07-21-15, 02:53 PM