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10-25-06, 06:00 PM
Asylum Run

Welcome to My world of the twisted.

Aeryn was locked away in an asylum for two years. When it comes down to escaping it was all too easy. Finding his way to the city he meets an old friend, and get's involved in something that slowly reveals his real family, but also tests his sanity.

Writers/Artists Note: This is What I've been doing when I don't want to do my homework, and not online here. I thought I might share it for those who aren't on Deviant Art.


Other Manga Infos
Format: Full page
Style: Painted/Manga
Genre: Fantasy/RL/Action/Adventure/Mini Romance

Author: Me Myself I


Host: Comic Dish (http://www.comicdish.com/)

Comic: Asylum Run (http://asylumrun.comicdish.com/)
Vote for AR! : Vote AR @ Drowtales! (http://www.drowtales.com/toplists/in.php?id=750)
DA: Aesculus @ DA (http://aesculus.deviantart.com/)
Blog/Chara Site:DR-03 (http://www.geocities.com/darkness_realm_03)
Online Comics:Online Comics [approved!l] (http://www.onlinecomics.net/pages/member_details/summary.php?memberID=18671)

To You
Please don't flame. I've had a big problem with that in the past, and I've gotten my confidence back into drawing comics again.

Feel free to talk about the comic here.

10-25-06, 09:43 PM
wow that's really awesome. It seems really neat but very confusing to me, though I'm really easily confused. I hope it works out for you, comics seem to be pretty hard to do but this looks really interesting an idea.

10-29-06, 12:52 AM
wow that's really awesome. It seems really neat but very confusing to me, though I'm really easily confused. I hope it works out for you, comics seem to be pretty hard to do but this looks really interesting an idea.

Ha ha, really? I'll try to keep the story straight for you then. ;)

Oh this one has been on my mind for the past half year now. =] Thank you.