View Full Version : [Tarot] The Forgotten Escape Pod. [Closed]

08-04-15, 05:37 PM
Creno held the device in his hand.

It was a scanner of sorts, and known only to his people. The technology of the Althanians was still developing, and most of them would not understand Prime technology. The device started going off a few days prior. It was a hand held unit, and it looked some what like a metallic remote control shaped device. Creno examined the screen on the device, it's coordinates were written in the symbols of his people. The device had begun to notify Creno when he'd reached the proximity of the target. His journey into Salvar had very little to do with Tarot business, but he knew it would profit them long term. He had a companion with him, a man named Joseph. Creno respected the man's strength and skill level.

The forest they were in was covered in snow.

Snow drifted in from the West. Creno studied the device for a long moment, the coordinates were exact. After all this time, my suspicions are correct. My people have been to this world before...the scanner going off is evidence to that fact. To his knowledge, it was only the Nightstar that knew the very specific coordinates of Althanas. More over, the Nightstar was one of the few vessels capable of accessing the jump-gate needed to reach Althanas in the first place. Creno was interested in unraveling the mystery of what his people were doing on a backwater planet prior to the arrival of the Nightstar. Creno looked at Joseph's general direction.

"We're not far." Creno promised. "The cold is not as bad in this part of Salvar, it's tolerable here." Creno still wore the furs that Salvarns used as well. He was not naturally capable of giving off enhanced boy heat just yet. Creno narrowed his eyes as he looked at the scanner one more time. The coordinates were certain. Creno knew that in those hills somewhere ahead in the forest, an escape pod was present. It was part of a previous incarnation of The Saenorarkym Prime empire. Creno was very interested in what secrets the jettisoned escape pod held. He would know it immediately when he spotted it. He was just hoping that the locals had not tampered with it in anyway what so ever. He was certain that the native Althanians would simply have just left it alone for the most part.

They were far enough away from any towns that he doubted anybody would have found it by now.

Creno replaced the handy scanner device back in his packs and began to make his way forward through the snow coated forest. He was thankful for the warm furs that he wore, they assisted a great deal in warding off the intense cold. Creno walked forward, he could feel his boots crushing the snow beneath him as he walked. His eyes were narrowed as he looked forward. Keen sense of training making sure there were no signs of danger from the local wild life. Creno had learned some tracking skills with his time in service of Raiaera's military. That's where he had met Ioder and joined The Tarot, that was why he was out there with Joseph. Creno removed his elegant battle spear from it's scabbard and held it tightly with both hands. He held the weapon at mid level. His stance, tight and seasoned. His eyes remained narrowed and he moved forward, knowing their treasure was someplace nearby.

If I can find it intact, it will be filled with salvageable secrets...i'm sure I can get something for Joseph as well as payment for this... Creno thought to himself...and so, they journeyed deep into the forest.

09-08-15, 03:52 PM
Joseph blew into his hands as they trudged through slowly-deepening snow, the boughs of the nearby evergreen trees bent downward with the weight of the snow. He’d tried to light his pipe, but it was too cold for it to remain lit. A wind stung at his exposed face, and he complained to Creno, again.

“Tolerable my frostbitten foot, Creno, what do you mean, ‘close’?”

Joseph was quite sure that if they kept up this pace for much longer, they’d need to rest. Creno simply kept walking, providing no answer.

You have got to be kidding me, Joseph thought as he began to catch up.

“Hey Creno, I asked if we-”

Creno abruptly held a fist up, and Joseph saw his stance change, ever so slightly. his feet moved a couple inches wider and his knees bent, and his eyes stopped wandering over the landscape between the trees, choosing instead to look intently at a spot ahead of them. Joseph looked where Creno was looking, seeing nothing….


Creno reached back for his spear, and Joseph grabbed his daggers, feeling them stick a little before he applied enough force to break the frost on them. Joseph’s adrenaline flooded his body with warmth as his daggers slid easily thereafter out of their sheaths. Joseph looked t other parts of the forest, trying to discern what had set Creno so on edge. He whispered.

“What do you see?’

10-05-15, 01:28 PM
Creno knew exactly what he was searching for.

The technology of his people was far advanced than even the most high-tech contraptions Alerar had to offer.

The seat of the Saenorakym Prime empire was discovery, science, and invention. Progress was only possible through the discovery of new and exceedingly progressive technology. Creno, a member of the Saenorakym Prime race, always upheld the ideology of his people. He considered how the natives of Althanas had embraced his people with open arms. However, the goals of the Prime were not always so beneficial to all. And like any great Empire throughout history, even the noble minded Prime sometimes faltered...in often devastating ways. The machine that Creno was searching for represented one such failure.

But despite all that, Creno Valour was a good man at heart.

He journeyed with his companion from The Tarot guild in search of an item that belonged to him. And Creno knew he was staring right at it. His eyes narrowed as he peered through the falling snow, it wasn't as heavy in the more woodlnads like area of Salvar proper. Creno turned to look at his companion.

"It's up ahead." Creno pointed towards the well hidden site of the crashed escape pod. "If you squint you should be able to see it from this position." Creno explained to his friend. "We're looking for a Machine of unspeakable power. I have some understanding of the science behind this machine and would very much like to investigate it for the benefits of The Tarot. I owe you all a great deal, which is why we are out here, you and I." Creno said. 'I intend to pay back the kidnness Ioder and the rest of the leadership of The Tarot has shown me." Creno pointed towards the general direction of the snow and ice coated hunk of metal. To the untrained eye the pod would almost appear as little more than a gigantic slab of rock and ore, a node perhaps. But Creno's eyes were trained and he knew how to spot the tech of his people.

There were always tell-tale signs. The marks of Prime technology were always very sleek and advanced. Marks on the surface of the metal appeared every so often which were hand-crafted grooves and indentations of the outer hull. Creno could see the sleek, egg-shaped pod lurking up ahead in the hills. According to the information he'd found, the strange, meteor like object fell from the star oceans a few days prior. They still think its a meteor...at least nobody has disturbed it yet. Creno thought to himself as he made his way closer towards the rocky portion of the forest. Creno kept his eyes narrowed into thin slits to examine the horizon. Only animal tracks were present to his knowledge, he did not see the area disturbed by locales so far. They probably assumed it was a meteorite that fell and left it alone...that works towards my advantage. Creno thought as he made his way carefully through the snow-covered forest.

The big man was used to Salvar. He'd journeyed there a few times prior and generally kept to himself, messing with traders and merchants only ever so often as the need for a solid gold coin arose. That's when Creno noticed it. Tracks..they aren't animal they are Humanoid and made very recently... Creno stopped his push forward and knelt down to examine the snow tracks very carefully. He signaled with his hand for Joseph to stop all progress forward whilst Creno examined the tracks.

"We are not alone out here. Tracks, very fresh maybe a couple of hours." Creno explained. The pod was merely a yard or two ahead, and it's contained secrets. Creno could make it out against the rocky formation up ahead. Once he was one examining the tracks Creno stood up. He turned to look Joseph in the eyes. "I would very much like to examine the device that is up ahead, but I am worried about who or what could have made these tracks. I don't want to place you in any needless danger, my friend." Creno said in a very sincere sort of way. "So I leave this next part of our adventure up to you. Should we continue to go forward, or do we go back and hire some extra hands in town?" Creno asked carefully. He knew he was likely being overly cautious, but in his experience it was sometimes better to be safe than sorry.

The deep, dark forests of Althanas had dangers all their own lurking behind every shadow.

12-23-15, 11:27 AM
They walked toward Creno's craft as Joseph sheathed his daggers, blowing into his hands once more. It would help little in the biting wind of Salvar, but it offered temporary relief anyways. He stopped though, and motioned for Joseph to examine the tracks with him.

He was right. The tracks were human, or at least bipedal. The long foot had depressions at the front and rear, meaning that whatever passed through at least walked upright. Joseph frowned as he realized something else. They were big. Big enough to place whatever made them out of the range of human. He reached down and touched the outline, looking at the other sets. There were tracks circling the pod. They had to know what it was, at least that it was valuable.

Three sets, one smaller than the others. Joseph sighed, considering Creno's words about returning with hired help.

"No, if we are going to get this, the sooner the better. The tracks circle the pod several times. They might have gone to get others." Joseph frowned. He disliked it, but it was the best option.

The assassin stood, looking up at a large evergreen tree that overshadowed a bit of the pod. He walked toward it, taking care to not dislodge the snow on its branches, and climbed upwards twenty feet. He could not see far, but he could see farther than anybody else in this snow, and he would be able to strike from above here. He drew his daggers, cracking the layer of frost that had formed since he'd sheathed them. He called down to Creno.

"Get to work, I'll be able to see anybody that gets close," he held out a dagger. "And hopefully get the drop on them."

01-19-16, 12:59 PM
Creno nodded towards his friend.

Then went right to work. This deep in the forest, there was a chill air around. But Creno was a warm person, and he was long used to dealing with Salvar's frigid air. As he moved upon the frozen craft, Creno carefully used the Prime process to turn it on. Prime technology was designed to survive for many ages in extreme environments. Creno used his knowledge of Prime technology to activate the craft's dormant power. A few seconds later there was a distinct vibration in the air itself. The vibration soon turned into a loud humming sound. Creno noticed the craft's various parts began to light up as the core engine turned on for the first time in a long time. There was only a momentary sputter of energy as the power began to surge. Then the entire vessel lit up. The ice and debris surrounding it soon melted away from incredible heat and friction. And the pod began to hover a few inches up and off the ground.

Creno knew he'd discovered what he was looking for.

The ship had a strange, angular and sleek design to it. It was a pod that was used to once house a small group of Prime folks, long since abandoned. Creno saw the sleek metal of the ship, his face shining the surface of the vessel. Creno was looking for only one specific item. Two, truth be told. The vessel itself would be sent back to it's origin source which would be a long journey back home. It had no place on Althanas. Maybe I don't have a place here either... Creno looked up at the vessel for a long moment as it hovered in place. Glowing with tremendous energy and power.

Creno moved his hand over towards one of the many control devices that lurked on the surface of the ship. It was a bit of an older unit, Creno knew, but the technology was still Prime technology. As Creno moved his hand across the control panel, the ship reacted and a portion of the side began to move on it's own. The entrance mechanics opened up and Creno had access to the inner working of the ship. He only needed the two items. One was a very specific object that held the knowledge of Creno's entire civilization in it. They took the form of knowledge crystals. Creno carefully searched the ship and found what he was looking for. He trusted his instincts when it came to Prime technology, he knew nobody else on Althanas would understand like he did.
Creno found the crystal in general. Once he removed it from it's container he nodded to himself once more. He went to the pilot's chamber and programmed everything so that the ship would go back to the capitol ship it came from. Back home. Back to the stars at last. Creno removed the crystal, and then he went to another section of the ship, the armaments section and removed another object from that point for Joseph.

Once done...


The trackers returned to the site where the mysterious object was located weeks prior. It was deep in the Salvarn wilderness and was impossibly old. What the trackers found there would defy all knowledge and reason. There was a small group of six Salvarns that returned to the object's position. Three were the owners of the tracks that Joseph had discovered. The leader of the group observed the glowing object with fear and tremendous anger. Someone had beat them to it. The leader turned to look at his companions.

"See, I told you!" The leader of the group said.

"H-hey, maybe we shouldn't be here. Are you certain we are alone out here?! And that thing is giving off a really strange light and sound." A second adventurer said.

"Hey I don't see anything but that thing is all lit up. We can claim what's rightfully ours." The leader said casually, trying to rally the Salvarns. The native sons of the Salvarn wild lands were a strong, hearty folks. Used to the cold wild land's dangers. "Hey what's that?!" The leader suddenly asked.


Creno stepped out of the pod.

His mission was complete and the vessel could return to it's journey back home. Creno jumped down from the entrance way of the ship and the doors closed behind him. He'd placed the two crystals in his packs, one for himself, and one for Joseph. Creno turned to look at the vessel and smiled. "Back home you go." Creno said calmly.

Then the ship was surrounded in a brilliant glow of light, there was a sonic boom, and the ship sped off into the stars of the galaxy.

"What are you doing here!?" A stranger suddenly called from nearby. "That thing was rightfully ours, we found it first!" The strange was saying.

Creno couldn't believe what he was hearing.

Common thieves? Do they even understand what just happened?

Creno turned to look where he thought Joseph had been previously. To his dismay, Joseph was nowhere to be found...

"You have no right to claim something that did not belong to you." Creno began. "I'm thinking maybe you will just let us all walk away and we can all go back home to our families like nothing happened." Creno was a good man, a decent man.

He didn't want things to resort to violence.

Creno kept looking around for Joseph. "So what's it going to be?" Creno asked.

He drew his combat spear and readied himself for battle.

The leader of the group stared at Creno. "Okay men, surround him! We lost the object but we have the person responsible. Let's take him in."

And they attacked.

Creno always wondered why some people would rather resort to violence than return home safe and alive to their loved ones. It was beyond his mind to comprehend. The brigands began to make their way towards his position, but Creno was already prepared. He looked about for Joseph, but still couldn't find him. Damn, he must be in hiding or something else...perhaps. Creno gave Joseph the benefit of the doubt, the two had been travelling together for sometime. Further, they'd become great friends. Many thoughts cascaded in Creno's mind as the brigands began to close in on him. Surprisingly, he was not angry at all. Most warriors approached combat with a battle rage, a blood lust. Creno didn't. Warfare is a thinking man's game. He thought to himself as his mind cleared up.

He held his combat spear with the tip pointing upwards.

The haft was held with both hands, tightly gripping the weapon.

Creno was timing his counter movement to the last possible moment, and then he acted.

The young dragoon countered with growing and awe-inspiring skill. The spear tip quickly pierced the right knee of the first brigand, and then Creno twisted the weapon inside the man's leg. Pulling with his mighty physique, Creno ripped the spear out of the man's leg. The lower section of his leg went flying off to the right, several paces away. It was a bloody mess. Creno knew how to fight without resorting taking a man's life. Though he could, he didn't like killing. Creno moved forward and pointing the very tip of his battle spear at the pained man's neck. Creno did not lunge. Just yet. His face was calm and almost detached as he stared at other brigands. There were at least six others, and more were likely coming. Creno smiled at the other brigands.

"Take a step closer and he dies."

03-17-16, 11:23 PM
Joseph watched the strange orb float up and speed away, lighting the forest for a moment with red and blue flashes. He frowned.

Magic everywhere, bunch of cheaters.

The wind gusted again in the trees, carrying the scent of pines biting on his nose. Joseph smirked a little. Even though they had only been travelling for a little while, the assassin already regarded his companion with a modicum of respect, if nothing else than his fighting style.

A voice called out, followed by an argument, and Joseph quieted himself, looking out beyond the branches down at six burly men, moving to surround Creno. A scuffle followed, and in three moves Creno had one of the Salvarians on the ground, crying and moaning.

The remaining thugs stepped forward, but hesitated slightly. Joseph smirked a little as he held a dagger up, ready to pounce on the rearmost adversary should his mind games prove ineffective. He called out in a mocking tone, his voice carrying across the forest.

"Oh suuuuuuuure, Joseph, it'll be great to come to Salvar with me! You won't regret coming out here and getting frostbitten at all!"

One of the Salvarians stepped back, suddenly aware that there was more than one man around. Forced reconsideration makes a man hesitate, especially when people don't know where you are or how many you are. Joseph called out again, throwing his voice to another tree, faking an accent.

"I tell ya what, if I gotta get out of this tree to break my boot off in some Salvarian's ass hole they'll be real sorry!"

Hopefully they'll reconsider the fight, and if not I've still got the drop on at least one of them.

03-18-16, 05:21 PM
Not all things in life went according to plan...

Sometimes Fate was an unkind mistress.

It happened quickly that while Joseph was hiding in the trees, one of the others spotted the fellow.

Without hesitating, the man notched an arrow to his bow, and fired it off in the general direction of Joseph's chest.

He was already preparing another arrow.

The archer was with the group of ruffians, but standing further back away from them to allow himself room to snipe stragglers off.

One of the man's companions noticed that he'd launched an arrow up towards the tree and spotted Joseph as well.

He drew a sword and prepared for imminent combat.

That was two big Salvarns that were already heading towards Joseph's position.


Creno looked at the fallen thug.

I didn't want it to have to come to this. The image of the departed ship still filled his mind, and he suddenly had thoughts of home.

A Prime's last thoughts...should be of home. Creno thought to himself as he remembered the stories that his parents used to tell him when he was growing up.

Creno held the shaft of the spear tightly with both hands and noticed two of the ruffians acting strangely.

One fired off an arrow into the trees, seemingly at random.

The other started stalking in the general direction of the trees.

Creno could hear Joseph's agitated voice nearby, but couldn't quite pin point where the man had gotten to. Maybe he's abandoned me, and our kinship? Creno couldn't help but think that. Then an idea dawned on him. If Joseph has escaped, I must buy him ample time to get out of here. He had no way of knowing what Joseph was planning, except for the spoken words that Joseph had yelled moments prior. He might just be messing with everybody... Creno suddenly moved his spear away from man at his feet, and relaxed his combat stance. He was completely surrounded by that point.

"You have cost us the artifact...what do you have to say for yourself, thief?" The leader of the thugs asked.

"You wouldn't know how to use it anyway. Never in several centuries." Creno began. "But...I can teach you guys something good if you let me into your ranks." He was speaking loudly enough for Joseph to hear. Joseph if you can hear me, now's your chance to get the fuck out of here... He was hoping to The Thaynehood that Joseph would take the opportunity to simply run.

"You know how our leaders feel about sorcery..." The leader of the ruffians suddenly said.

"I can assure what I have to teach is not sorcery or magics of any sort. It's something else entirely." Creno explained. Maybe I can reason with them and prevent a disaster from occurring...

The man who was bested by Creno looked up at his companions suddenly. "I believe him. He has an honest sort of look in his eyes..." The defeated thug was hoisted up by his companions.

"You can teach us something good you say?" The leader rubbed his chin, always the promise of power trumped all logic. "Show me a sample of this." The thug carefully asked.

Carefully hesitating, Creno removed the crystal from his packs.

The very same crystal he'd procured from the escape pod.

"What kind of relic is that...!?" One of the thugs asked.

They were all mesmerized by the glowing crystal.

Creno used his knowledge of Prime technology to activate the crystal.

There was a brilliant and bright flash of light.

A moment later, a new figure, made entirely of light manifested in front of the gathered.

"I am the Archivist." The figure of light. "Acknowledging Creno Valour as my owner." The Archivist said and turned to Creno and then the gathered.

It was sometimes the case that the thirst for knowledge trumped chaos.

"I am what you would call a datacron. A repository of knowledge." The Archivist said casually. "Master Valour, what lessons would you have me look up and teach today..."

Already, the desires of violence were gone from the eyes of the Salvarns.

Creno felt relief in his heart for the first moment since the encounter began...

06-02-16, 12:20 AM
Sometimes Joseph wished he was as good as the other guys in the Tarot. He really did want to be everything those guys were, strong and fast and all the qualities that made them what they were. He thought on this as he lay motionless in the tree, his shirt and coat pinned to the trunk. He smiled and moved slowly, not wishing to attract any more hostility, and reached for his daggers. He smiled broadly in the darkness.

But sometimes it's better to be lucky than good, eh? He felt the arrowhead, which missed his skin by fractions of an inch. Muffled voices turned from anger to wonderment as a light flashed in the trees, and Joseph chanced a look downwards at Creno. He was no good to the man dead, and aimed to strike when their enemies didn't notice and his ally needed him. A bright figure floated in the air between them, and Joseph pulled the arrow free from the tree he was affixed to, dropping a few branches silently. He timed his movements with the Salvarians', and the speaking of the figure, promising knowledge. By now, the Salvarians were quite transfixed, and Joseph crept behind them, waving a bit to Creno for his attention. If they were to attack, it needed to be decisive, and it needed to be together, before the Salvarians realized he was alive.

06-10-16, 02:14 PM
A movement out the corner of his eyes.

Creno noticed Joseph sneaking about and nodded to him. The brilliantly glowing figure that distracted the Salvarns so completely, could provide the window of escape they needed to have. At that moment, Creno acted. You're quite the thespian are you not? Creno thought to himself with a grim thought. He then hoisted up his lance, turned the haft on it's side. He swung the weapon quickly towards the side of a nearby Salvarn's head. Time to earn my weight and prove my worth to The Tarot...time to give back to my friend. Creno thought to himself and the attack cleanly knocked the guy out on his ass.

Creno looked at Joseph. "Now!" He yelled.

And the Lancer proceeded to attack nearby Salvarns. There was a gathered group, but the repository of information had provided a much needed distraction. They were fooled by a simple trick. It bought us time. I'll have to give Joseph a good ale later on for his efforts in this trek. Creno Valour was on the move. He kicked another Salvarn in the chest, his attacks were all non-lethal. Don't want needless blood on my hands... He thought to himself as he struck the various soldiers down. He saw that Joseph was busy as well. He fought his way towards Joseph's position and proceeded to provide his friend with needed back up. Creno swung his lance about with tremendous amount of skill. It was due to his training with The Tarot.

As he attacked, he struck true. Stabbing and knocking guys out where he could. Their numbers were narrowing down after a span of about ten minutes of pure fighting. Creno was fighting to provide Joseph and adequate opening for escape. "Their leader is right there!" Creno was careful not to reveal either his own name or Joseph's. Creno yelled and pointed with his lance towards a somewhat larger Salvarn than the rest of them. Creno caerfully fought his way towards the big guy. Then, he knelt down partially, and jumped, activating his flying capacity. He flew towards the leader with his lance at the ready. He would give Joseph the needed opening to defeat the Salvarns where they stood.

Only time would tell if they would be victorious...